New Board Rule - Regarding use of word tether

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I've only seen that word in a tweet posted by one of those fba/ados assholes. I've never seen anyone on the board use it and I haven't seen it on the board sense. That was my first time ever seeing that word.
I was being goofy because I've really only seen the other word used on other sites and generally the word "akata" pops up into those discussions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this is good I’m a new member and already saw posts saying caribbean people are lazy and don’t show up to work on time and i also see homophobic posts




Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
Not a surprise. This board has been co-opted by immigrants at least a decade ago.

So @HNIC what are you going to ban next...CAC, illegals, or immigrant?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didn't they just have to purge a thread because you got exposed for having a whole Mexican family while making all these anti-immigrant posts?
The fact that everyone doesn't have Queen Teriyaki on ignore truly puzzles me.

She/he/they/them/it/both is one of them most worthless, useless, nonsensical, irrelevant never worthy of having any post of theirs read posters on this board.

And that's saying a lot.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not over.....these fools will regroup and find another trigger word to get shit poppin again....

This is like oxygen to them....even talking about this gets them excited that they got this much attention......



Who exactly are these fools tho???

but don't you think if somebody calls them Akata

then all gloves come off!!

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
The fact that everyone doesn't have Queen Teriyaki on ignore truly puzzles me.

She/he/they/them/it/both is one of them most worthless, useless, nonsensical, irrelevant never worthy of having any post of theirs read posters on this board.

And that's saying a lot.
I'm just a chaos demon, fam. Half my fun on here is exposing these liars and frauds.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm just a chaos demon, fam. Half my fun on here is exposing these liars and frauds.
I definitely understand where you're coming from, but if every interaction has you saying "WTF is this nigga talking about"?

That's when you know that talking to that person's pointless.

Talking to him is like watering a piece of shit, it just makes it stinks longer and worse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BTW I hope yall dont think Banning the word

is a victory.. Its far far far from it...

Yall just solidified that fact,


meaning Tariq KNEW it would do

exactly what it was meant to do....

Yall may have banned the word tether on bgol,

but yall just made it go main stream..

Now that its KNOWN it TRIGGERS



Be Brotherly and Speak Kindly of your American Brethren.... because If I hear Akata...


Akata callers are gonna beg hnic to bring tether back!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The people who are subjected to the meaning behind the word, know that the meaning of the term is relevant to their particular actions against the former enslaved on American soil. Although I will agree that some use it wrongly, possibly as a blanketed slur, yet its obvious since the definition of the term, and how it is rightly applied has been clarified over and over again by the originator of it, those who don't fit the definition, shouldn't feel offended. And if those people who do feel offense due to an allegiance with their country men or women, are too practicing what the term implies against the former enslaved of this country.

I personally never used the word. Even though at this very moment, and for many a years, been stalked by foreign people who's hue is similar to mine who are in collusion with the three letter organizations of this nation who have made it a point to dampen the idea of 'Black' (the former enslaved) Excellance. Yes some of us who are native born have done the same, and they have their epitaph. Those who are not native born should have theirs also.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so that's where Tariq got it.

Tether in reference to immigramts was used differently before this. That shit has no relation to white racists AT ALL.

Have you not seen the specific group of people your talking to acknowledging facts thus far?

They know they're lying. Don't let them trick you into thinking otherwise


Transnational Member

Don't be lacking on your Immigration and be coming up to a FBA, I got ICE on speed dial. You could almost say I'm an ICE agent the way I put together investigations on suspicious people and turn them in without them knowing it was me. I'll be coming up to them, acting all friendly and helpful telling them I have an immigration attorney that can help them, when I am collecting federal evidence against you to forcibly remove you from the country.


I despise your masquerade, you are going back to the Caribbean or Africa all expenses paid.