New Board Rule - Regarding use of word tether

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
And what of the "N-WORD" in all its various forms while you're at it?
Definitely tired of seeing that used all over the board.

BGOL Investor
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.
Man word

BGOL Investor
A new word to the Lexicon.

Tether definition :

A foreign born Black person, or who has roots in foreign countries, while they are also so called Black people, they pass as descendants of US chattel slavery, but they do not fully identify with our current and past struggles (and often side with cacs), but tether onto our lineage for the good parts, but are quick to dismiss our grievances here in America.

  • "You neegas are lazy, you don't work hard"
  • "What white supremacy? You neegas just are complainers"
  • "I need reparations too because we came from the Islands in the 80s"

I just tagged you @HNIC in my ICONIC coon catalog thread because you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and are categorically wrong about the word tether.

I highly urge you to grow a pair of nuts and not let these crying ass tethers dupe you brah.

How does this get you reparations?

Tom Slick

The Black HHH
BGOL Investor
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.
But we can still use the n-word, right?


BGOL Investor
Just another divide and conquer tactic. Meanwhile these MFers having Daniel Penny over for tea and cofefe at the Army/Navy game

One of the EASIEST ways they have to keep us divided is by AGE. Youngsters against elders, elders against the youngsters. They have MANY different ways to keep us going after each other and IGNORING them but AGE-ism is one of the most effective. Back when I was in my teens and 20s they called it the GENERATION GAP.

I was reading alot of those hateful posts a couple of years ago on TWITTER when that f----t Musk took over and turned it into the cease pool it is now. I never thought that BS would spill over to BGOL though. We've always had frank discussions about race and politics but I never thought we would fall for the hype.

I thought we KNEW that many of the profiles we were reading were FAKE people pretending to be something that they weren't. Even when they were really who they said, half of them were certifiably MENTAL. But it seems that even the insane have a bully pulpit on Twitter/X. They've ALWAYS been on BGOL but usually ended up being exposed as frauds. I hope that trend continues in 2025. These fools are feeling more empowered than ever. Don't let them run THIS board too.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.
We been infiltrated!
Elon and ramyswammy done took over.
This ain't really HNIC.
It's a bot,clone and CAC all in one!


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Yall support censorship when it's something you don't like but don't want to be censored.

"Rules for thee, not for me"

Caribbeans can still call Black Americans nigga and other racial slurs racist whites invented.

I asked a mod alt login that claims to be in another country to stop using that term on the board 3 years ago during Biden presidency and was banned for 2 weeks.

Now this. :lol:

Life comes at you fast after Presidential elections you get your ass destroyed in. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't get it, but Okay, Tether has been used for quite some time to describe any child that was born in America, that TIES the Immigrant family to the any claims to stay in America. Not a term that I use, And on the other hand, losing the use of another word, because one group doesn't like or agree with it.
The system is not going to take anything away from US (1st Amendment RIGHTS, freedom of speech, religion, press, petition government. We are going to give Them away.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
i was gonna leave this alone but @HNIC dont trip but i need somebody to use the shit in a derogatory sentence

b on the safe side message me


Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
BTW I hope yall dont think Banning the word

is a victory.. Its far far far from it...

Yall just solidified that fact,


meaning Tariq KNEW it would do

exactly what it was meant to do....

Yall may have banned the word tether on bgol,

but yall just made it go main stream..

Now that its KNOWN it TRIGGERS



Be Brotherly and Speak Kindly of your American Brethren.... because If I hear Akata...


Akata callers are gonna beg hnic to bring tether back!!!
Great thread…@HNIC has exposed them ALL. I’m thinking Cheetahpees or the unsockumented. :roflmao2:
Let’s Gooooo…….
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.
The word monkey is use for white people because black people don't have small lips like them and tether is what they use on those NASA satellites!!!