And I'm good with it.
True kendrick fans know and accept its the same for him. They love him REGARDLESS.
These new band wagon drake hating fans ain't loyal I think that's why Kendrick doesn't acknowledge them. But notice which sucker type on his "team" do?
Same with Cole. Nicki. Beyonce. Rihanna. Tupac.
THOSE fans loyal no matter WHAT.
Good or Bad.
Again it's fine. It's SUPPOSED to be that.
Drake much like Em is in a very weird unique place.
Even Em admits what Drake did pop music wise is damn near unrivaled
White black in between loved Drake
The only real comparison is the Rock in his blockbuster prime
which is what illicit the hate we see now (funny the Rock did some self inflicted Kendrick level career destruction)
Em understands his lane and STICKS to it.
Drake tries to be everything to everyone
He really need to have a stronger T Dot identity of course 20 20 hindsight