New Netflix Trailer: Zack Snyder (Star Wars & Kurosawa-inspired sci-fi) - Rebel Moon UPDATE Pt 1 & 2 Director's Cut


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Zack Snyder is finally making his Star Wars- and Kurosawa-inspired sci-fi film for Netflix

Rebel Moon is about a peaceful space colony that enlists warriors from neighboring planets to stand against a tyrannical regime. Sound familiar?
By Jolie Lash and Oliver Gettell
July 06, 2021 at 08:49 PM EDT


Zack Snyder's next movie for Netflix will be Rebel Moon, a sci-fi flick originally envisioned as a Star Wars pitch years ago and also drawing inspiration from the work of legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa.
Netflix announced the project Tuesday, along with a logline: "When a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, they dispatch a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them take a stand."
To film fans, that description probably sounds an awful lot like Seven Samurai in space. The Kurosawa classic has previously been transposed to another genre with great success, in the form of The Magnificent Seven, and it famously inspired elements of the original Star Wars.
Zack Snyder

Fittingly enough, Rebel Moon originated as an idea for a Star Wars project more than a decade ago, but it fell by the wayside after Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012.

Snyder told The Hollywood Reporter that he's aiming to kickstart a full-on franchise with the movie. "My hope is that this also becomes a massive [intellectual property] and a universe that can be built out," he said.
In addition to directing, Snyder is writing Rebel Moon with Shay Hatten (with whom he penned Netflix's Army of the Dead) and Kurt Johnstad (a collaborator on 300). Snyder is looking to begin production on the film early next year.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Netflix announced the project Tuesday, along with a logline: "When a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, they dispatch a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them take a stand."
So basically its a gender-flipped version of this


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
In space all the black people isolated themselves from the savage colonizers and aliens, we live in peace and have one on going party of happiness and progressiveness
Movie Title: Not Here, Not Now

Synopsis: The Colony of AFRICANA lived in peace for many years on the galaxy Tribulon. Africana was a flourishing city full of prosperous black people who had made tremendous economic and technological contributions to its colony and extended its help in developing other colonies in Tribulon. But when words of imminent war by savage colonizers and aliens to pillage the colony and destroy all its core technological advancements, AFRICANA must quickly raise an army to fight the invaders. The BLACK ARMY as they called themselves will be led by Lukas Cagion, a man born with natural and mystical powers.


Mr. Pool
Looks like generic cut and paste bullshit, of this hit theatres it would flop hard. I enjoyed the Snyder cut and there's Zack Snyder movies I've enjoyed but this looks like shit imo


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Movie Title: Not Here, Not Now

Synopsis: The Colony of AFRICANA lived in peace for many years on the galaxy Tribulon. Africana was a flourishing city full of prosperous black people who had made tremendous economic and technological contributions to its colony and extended its help in developing other colonies in Tribulon. But when words of imminent war by savage colonizers and aliens to pillage the colony and destroy all its core technological advancements, AFRICANA must quickly raise an army to fight the invaders. The BLACK ARMY as they called themselves will be led by Lukas Cagion, a man born with natural and mystical powers.
Get this guy to star..

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'll wait for after people watch it to see what the complaints are. :lol: That will let me know whether or not to snatch it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Snyder said you assholes should’ve let me get 1 of the new Star Wars now I’m going to make my own Star Wars

By the way I actually enjoyed the Snyder cut justice league
Looks like generic cut and paste bullshit, of this hit theatres it would flop hard. I enjoyed the Snyder cut and there's Zack Snyder movies I've enjoyed but this looks like shit imo


It's interesting how the opinions keep shifting

It's an OBVIOUS cut and paste no one can deny that Zach wouldn't

But if you WANT to justify it you can

Or if you want to bash it

you can use the exact same things to make EITHER argues

Crazy how the modern world works.