One of the many benefits of working during the evening is that the atmosphere is more relaxed and you can have those "off color" conversation at would be a one way ticket to Human Resources if someone hear you during the day.
Nevertheless, you would still allow Allison to bring up certain subjects because you were always aware of a potential "Me too" conversation (she is part of the "protected class" if you know what I mean)
She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and although she dated a few "brothers" she often wonder why they were attracted to her?
She was also curious as to why so many Hispanic men try to talk to her in the street (often saying things in Spanish)?
While trying to be as diplomatic as possible you asked Allison...
"Does it take you more than 3 minutes to put on your jeans?"
She as answered... "Yes"
You said..."There's your answer."
Allison still looked confused, so you told her that you and her need to "hang out" after work.