November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last Saturday when you were at "Cisco's" party you met a young lady named Sylvia Torres. She had a funny disposition and was somewhat aggressive, but that's how some women are at these functions (the reality is that the put up a good "front," and act tough because they don't want to get hurt by men).

You brushed out that rough exterior and treated Sylvia like a lady and when the party ended you offered to walk her home. The closer you got to her apartment the more she keep telling you that you are only walking her home because you want to "get in her pants."
You told her that if that's something she wants to do then so be it, but you have no intentions of forcing yourself on her and will politely turn around and go home once she is safe inside.

When you got to her apartment, Sylvia "Thanked you," and gave you a kiss on the cheek and stood in the doorway while you waited for the elevator. Before the elevator arrived she invited you in to sample some of the cake she made for the party. Then she had the bright idea to make some breakfast for you both.

Things became really interesting when Sylvia started cooking because she pulled her jeans halfway off her ass and said something about how her ass gets hot when she's in the kitchen cooking.

In your mind, you're ready to go in "Raw," if need be, but you're going to "chill" to see if this is a test.

The younger bull, eager, but lacking experience, says to the old bull “Hey, let's run down there and f@#k ourselves a cow.” The old bull, who has spent season after season in this pasture, turns to the younger bull, chuckles, and replies “Nah, how about we walk down there, and f@#k them all.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor




November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you had to define your relationship with "Belinda" you would say you're "Friends Without Benefits."

Yeah, you've been "hanging out" with her since March gone to a few movies, restaurants, walks, but in spite of all the time you've spend with her you don't even recall getting a kiss on the cheek.

If she "offered" you'd take "it," but she loves to refer to you as her "Big Brother."
So, technically you don't have an alligance to her, right?

It's not that hard to convince yourself you're doing the right thing when self gratification is involved.

So, when you get a knock on your door and you see it's "Alma," Mrs. Wallace's Home Attendant, you're concerned. Alma said Mrs. Wallace had an accident and she required your help (Mrs. Wallace couldn't make it to the bathroom in time, and Alma accidentally slipped while trying to clean things up and messed up her clothing in the process).

Alma needed your help lifting Mrs. Wallace and then she had to clean both their clothes.

Now, Alma is walking around in a bikini until she can "Wash & Dry" her clothing, and she's wants you to keep her company until she can straighten out things.

Out of respect for Mrs. Wallace you won't do anything with Alma in her house. But, when Alma gets off, you plan on "Getting Off" with Alma.