First, Reva has Leia kidnapped to get to Obi-Wan. Now, she thinks Lei knows where the rebels are?
You right.Leia was just with the Rebels. They were using "The Path" to smuggle people/Jedi to somewhere safe. It's perfectly reasonable to think they may have mentioned where the path leads to in front of Leia....
Which if you pay attention to Episode 3, they do.
Obi Wan is told The Path leads to Jubeem(sp) right in front of Leia.
So Leia does indeed know where the Rebels are. Or at least where one of their main bases is.
Wade was the white guy hanging out with Ice Cube jr and the Asian chick.why doesn’t the third sis sense obi ?
Why can’t she sense the force in leia?
Why couldn’t the other 2 inquisitors sense obi?
Who the hell is wade?
I don’t know just seems like a lot more questions than answers with this series…
why doesn’t the third sis sense obi ?
Why can’t she sense the force in leia?
Why couldn’t the other 2 inquisitors sense obi?
Who the hell is wade?
I don’t know just seems like a lot more questions than answers with this series…
Who the hell is wade?
I don’t know just seems like a lot more questions than answers with this series…
A little off subject
Could this mean there's a season 2? Would it be overkill to have a younger 20 something boba Fett show up in the obi wan show?
No he didn't which didn't make sense either. But these inqusitors are hunting jedi and force sensitive kids; so shouldn't they be able to sense the force in her! And still why didn't they sense obi ? It's just not adding up...Did Vader sense the force in Leia in the original Star Wars? Wade was the other pilot during the rescue mission.
Shit was terrible...I'm ok with them retiring Boba Fett
Oh ok. Ima have to re-watch it because I don't remember hearing his name...Wade was the white guy hanging out with Ice Cube jr and the Asian chick.
This was the worst episode.
So she couldnt read the mind of a untrained child?
How come no water came through the door after Obiwan let the glass break?
Obiwan was being attacked from both sides and the guards would stop shooting when he turn his back to them![]()
why doesn’t the third sis sense obi ?
Why can’t she sense the force in leia?
Why couldn’t the other 2 inquisitors sense obi?
Who the hell is wade?
I don’t know just seems like a lot more questions than answers with this series…
No he didn't which didn't make sense either. But these inqusitors are hunting jedi and force sensitive kids; so shouldn't they be able to sense the force in her! And still why didn't they sense obi ? It's just not adding up...
This was the worst episode.
So she couldnt read the mind of a untrained child?
How come no water came through the door after Obiwan let the glass break?
Obiwan was being attacked from both sides and the guards would stop shooting when he turn his back to them![]()
I don't think they can out right sense if somebody is force sensitive . It's intuition. Remember qui Gon had to run a blood test on Anakin to make sure. The only time I e seen force sensitive being able to sense each other was obi wan and Vader on the death star because they both grown so powerful by then an Vader only sensed Luke when he used the force at the space battle of the first death star.No he didn't which didn't make sense either. But these inqusitors are hunting jedi and force sensitive kids; so shouldn't they be able to sense the force in her! And still why didn't they sense obi ? It's just not adding up...
Just watched episodes 3 and 4 and LOVE IT!!!
Like some pointed out, it was interesting seeing Obi get thru his PTSD and hopelessness. He was on that ship and struggled to move that piece of metal. But once he got in that Inquistador HQ, he slowly started getting his groove back. When he was in the tunnel with the Stormtrooper’s with his lightsaber, he did a quick twirl of it at the end that we did not see earlier.
And still, not understanding the hate on Leia. It was revealed in episode 6 she was Luke’s twin sister, which implied there was a possibility she was force sensitive. We saw in episode 8 with her using the Force after being blown out into outer space to save herself. So with her running, she was unknowingly using the Force to achieve that skill.
Similiar to Anakin in episode one when Qui-gon observed Anakin and noticed how he behaved exceptionally in certain things where he was using the force unknowingly.
That Jedi mentioned in the safe house could be the one who helped smuggled Baby Yoda out of the temple into safety. Baby Yoda may have gone thru that safe house or others.
Seeing the Force sensitive people in the tombs must be Palpatine’s plan on cloning Force sensitive DNA for whatever purpose that has not been disclosed. We still have not word on his plans kidnapping force sensitive children like what we saw in Clone Wars.
The Black Stormtrooper’s were a nice addition to see. Ice Cube’s son did a good job.
Reading thru this thread with the odd questions folks keep bringing up, it’s obvious a lot of you need to rewatch episodes 1 thru 9, Clone wars, Solo and Rogue one.
These series are filling in the gaps and plot holes and answering questions. You will be surprised on how much shit you forgot since you last saw those projects.
Two episodes left, will wait until episode 6 and watch the last two back to back.
Hopefully we get a big surprise cameo soon.
Let's go with your theory of Leia unknowingly using the Force. That goes back to why didn't/can't the inquisitors tell she is force sensitive? If she has never used the force and/or is on the weak end of it, then it makes sense why the inquisitors or Vader with adult Leia cant sense it in her. To me, the storyline doesn't work if she used the force knowingly or not .Sometimes things are just plot holes or bad writing.
Personally, I have an issue with Ben barely being able to use the force. It would be one thing if he was like Luke and Leia and was taught later in life. However, Ben was trained from early childhood. Ten years is not a lot of time considering all the years he used it. I could understand not being at peak fighting condition, but they are showing him literally struggling.i also get his mental state is a factor, but im still calling bullshit overall.
Meanwhile Luke is strong enough to take on the empire alone after a few years of training and keep up with allegedly the strongest jedi of all time.
Big picture as long as I'm overall entertained none of the issues matter much to me.
He ran the blood test to see high it was; he already could tell he was force sensitive and strong with the force; he said as much; blood test was just for verification. So if what you stated is true about force sensitive being; then how are they able to hunt force sensitive babies? they would have to be able to sense something in order to do that; not making sense to me...I don't think they can out right sense if somebody is force sensitive . It's intuition. Remember qui Gon had to run a blood test on Anakin to make sure. The only time I e seen force sensitive being able to sense each other was obi wan and Vader on the death star because they both grown so powerful by then an Vader only sensed Luke when he used the force at the space battle of the first death star.
Let's go with your theory of Leia unknowingly using the Force. That goes back to why didn't/can't the inquisitors tell she is force sensitive? If she has never used the force and/or is on the weak end of it, then it makes sense why the inquisitors or Vader with adult Leia cant sense it in her. To me, the storyline doesn't work if she used the force knowingly or not .Sometimes things are just plot holes or bad writing.
Personally, I have an issue with Ben barely being able to use the force. It would be one thing if he was like Luke and Leia and was taught later in life. However, Ben was trained from early childhood. Ten years is not a lot of time considering all the years he used it. I could understand not being at peak fighting condition, but they are showing him literally struggling.i also get his mental state is a factor, but im still calling bullshit overall.
Meanwhile Luke is strong enough to take on the empire alone after a few years of training and keep up with allegedly the strongest jedi of all time.
Big picture as long as I'm overall entertained none of the issues matter much to me.
I just feel like they could easily solve a lot of issues and questions with just better writing; outside of the age of ObiI get what you saying and coming from.
And what you pointed out goes back to my earlier comment on George Lucas wasting 30+ years of not giving us anything.
Disney after purchasing Star Wars had two decisions.
1. Reboot the franchise.
2. Pick up where George Lucas left off and clean up his mess.
As we are seeing, they have chose option 2.
Like I pointed out earlier, when you watch episodes 1-6, each movie opens up a minimum of 20 questions that to this day have not been answered.
In order to fill in those plot holes and details, it’s going to take time, it’s not gonna happen over night and in one or two projects.
We can go on for weeks about this and that and just go in circles and bring up more questions and still get no answers making shit more confusing and frustrating.
Folks just need to sit, watch and enjoy and pay close attention to details that fill in George Lucas mess instead of focusing on women, little girls and LGBT characters.
Like I pointed out earlier, I saw Star Wars in 1977 at the age of 7.
Im 51 years old now and got more Star Wars from Disney in the past 7 years than the 30 years from Lucas.
I will probably die before getting 100% questions answered on shit that I and others have.
Right now, I’m just enjoying what I’m getting.
If George Lucas had kept the franchise, in the past 10 years we probably would have gotten just two movies not explaining a damn thing and continuing the big mess he created.
Niggas just ignoring that the Force is putting things in motion to bring about a result. For some reason they don't shoot down the escape pod the droids are in in A New Hope. They just happen to get picked by the right set of jawas to take them to Luke. R2D2 didn't get picked to go with Luke. It just so happens the droid that did get picked blows up at the perfect time. It just so happens that Luke is out to see Ben when the stormtroopers come and kill his aunt and uncle. It just so happens that Obi Wan is there to save him from the Sandpeople.
Now, you may not like it, but seriously that's what this entire property is built around.
Man. It is a fantasy/adventure. Cats trying to use actual logic. I mean.. Obi could have used that force speed or some other shit. Everything is easily explained in the world of is supposed to happen as it is supposed to happen...just go with it and enjoy..
It seems a lot of folks are looking at Star Wars as if it’s a work of non-fiction.
Cats watch Star Wars like they Neil De Grasse Tyson. He is a cat that gets off knocking down Sci-Fi. He usually does it for fun.
It seems a lot of folks are looking at Star Wars as if it’s a work of non-fiction.
Cats watch Star Wars like they Neil De Grasse Tyson. He is a cat that gets off knocking down Sci-Fi. He usually does it for fun.
Nahhh, it's just that people like to watch coherent stories. Just cause something is fiction doesn't mean it must also be random, messy, jumbled up and unable to be followed.
That's the problem it's all been a mess!! It doesn't matter if it real or fake! Just write better that's it! Stop making these stories jumbled and then saying they are connected; and then making the connections jumbled. It isn't that hard. Mofo have the blueprint! So follow it or don't connect them. And if you're not gonna connect them that's fine; just don't say it's connected them...All this shit about not being able to follow the story I'm not understanding cuz I understand everything Disney has put out since they acquired the franchise.
Like I pointed out earlier, Disney is cleaning up George Lucas mess.
Cats are saying all this new content is a mess. What are people comparing this current "Mess" too?
What George did was more of a mess when you go back and rewatch what he did starting with episode 4.
All this shit about not being able to follow the story I'm not understanding cuz I understand everything Disney has put out since they acquired the franchise.
Like I pointed out earlier, Disney is cleaning up George Lucas mess.
Cats are saying all this new content is a mess. What are people comparing this current "Mess" too?
What George did was more of a mess when you go back and rewatch what he did starting with episode 4.
I think due to Obi-wan’s ptsd from Anakin he has withdrawals from the forceNo he didn't which didn't make sense either. But these inqusitors are hunting jedi and force sensitive kids; so shouldn't they be able to sense the force in her! And still why didn't they sense obi ? It's just not adding up...
All this shit about not being able to follow the story I'm not understanding cuz I understand everything Disney has put out since they acquired the franchise.
Like I pointed out earlier, Disney is cleaning up George Lucas mess.
Cats are saying all this new content is a mess. What are people comparing this current "Mess" too?
What George did was more of a mess when you go back and rewatch what he did starting with episode 4.