Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) (Official Discussion Thread) New Official trailer 1 (5/4) (Drops 5/27) (SPOILERS)


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Again, what you are saying if it was intentional and consistent would make perfect sense.

However, as a army vet and someone who works with vets with ptsd, I assure you, it doesn't just go away. Looking at the current version of Obi, unless they plan to add some type of intervention, how can they explain this current version then the version of Obi in Episode IV – A New Hope?? In New Hope he was fully connected to the force.

Also, how could he not know Vader was still alive? In Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Yoda told Obi that Anikan was no more and that he is now Vader. Everyone in the universe knew/ knows about Vader.

The continuity is all messed up.
This takes place ten years after Episode three and ten years before A New Hope.

It isn't seen yet, however Obi Wan will have a reconnection to the force, possibly through the help of Qui Gon that may help Obi Wan become at peace with the Force.

If I can accept Force using space Samurais and cyborgs and planetary travel, I can accept a war Veterans PTSD going away, by becoming one worth the Force again.

And it was not common knowledge that Vader was Anakin. No one in the galaxy, except for The Emperor, Moff Tarkin and Thrawn knew Vader was Anakin.
He told obi anakin was gone when they was at the Jedi temple after order 66.this was before they fought on mustafar. Obi wan left Anakin for dead on mustafar when he burned from the lava he assumed he was dead he had no idea Anakin survived that . Before they fought he tried to bring Anakin back to his senses when Anakin chose violence obi wan ones there was no going back and he had to kill him. Also this is science fiction you're reading to hard into this and taking it too seriously like a neckbeard
Yep. There was no reason for Obi Wan to think him alive. He left him for dead on Mustafar.

Obi Wan knew Anakin was Vader, he just didnt know Vader survived.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought he was named Vader AFTER Obi Wan left him.

This takes place ten years after Episode three and ten years before A New Hope.

It isn't seen yet, however Obi Wan will have a reconnection to the force, possibly through the help of Qui Gon that may help Obi Wan become at peace with the Force.

If I can accept Force using space Samurais and cyborgs and planetary travel, I can accept a war Veterans PTSD going away, by becoming one worth the Force again.

And it was not common knowledge that Vader was Anakin. No one in the galaxy, except for The Emperor, Moff Tarkin and Thrawn knew Vader was Anakin.

Yep. There was no reason for Obi Wan to think him alive. He left him for dead on Mustafar.

Obi Wan knew Anakin was Vader, he just didnt know Vader survived.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh yes. Thanks for taking the time to remind me.
What a shitty property Star Wars is.

Do you mean, left him to die?

There is a whole scene where the Emperor (after the fight with Mace Windu) assigns the name Darth Vader to Anakin and sends him to the Jedi temple to kill remaining Jedi.

Here Yoda and Obi Wan discuss Anakin/Vader....


Truth Teller
And it was not common knowledge that Vader was Anakin. No one in the galaxy, except for The Emperor, Moff Tarkin and Thrawn knew Vader was Anakin.

Obi Wan knew Anakin was Vader, he just didnt know Vader survived.
The entire universe knew Vader was alive. 10 years?? Vader had already been wreaking havoc all over the galaxy. There are only two Sith.

I want it to make sense. But, I am not going to make up assumptions that the writers should have considered.

And the sister, as beautiful as she is, is a victim of poor character development and bad acting.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
The entire universe knew Vader was alive. 10 years?? Vader had already been wreaking havoc all over the galaxy. There are only two Sith.

I want it to make sense. But, I am not going to make up assumptions that the writers should have considered.

And the sister, as beautiful as she is, is a victim of poor character development and bad acting.
You're not understanding what we are saying.

The entire Universe did not know Anakin was Vader.

And you assume the entire galaxy knows about The Sith. Emperor Palpatine wasn't known as a Sith Lord to the masses. Hell, even most imperial officers did not know he was a Sith.

Obi Wan and Yoda were in exile, Obi Wan on an outer rim planet that was basically the backwoods and Yoda on a jungle/swamp uninhabited planet alone with frogs, snakes and swamp beasts.

Yoda wasn't chatting it up with people about galaxy politics..

I doubt they even heard the name Vader spoken while they were in hiding.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
And you assume the entire galaxy knows about The Sith. Emperor Palpatine wasn't known as a Sith Lord to the masses. Hell, even most imperial officers did not know he was a Sith.

this is what I was talking about with the Saber styles. Vader can no longer do them. Sidious doesn’t show them and reveal his hand, and no Jedi are popping up to show Them off. O I-wan dejected and way off his game. That doesn’t leave anyone to show Luke, except Yoda who only taught him tidbit before he dies.

And to answer another discussion, it doesn’t matter what Lucas’ intent was. the fact that he went to Samurai as inspiration opened up a whole world of stuff his tasked writers could build into the universe. That’s way the styles even have Asian sounding names (Shi Cho, Juyo, Jar Kai….).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He told obi anakin was gone when they was at the Jedi temple after order 66.this was before they fought on mustafar. Obi wan left Anakin for dead on mustafar when he burned from the lava he assumed he was dead he had no idea Anakin survived that . Before they fought he tried to bring Anakin back to his senses when Anakin chose violence obi wan ones there was no going back and he had to kill him. Also this is science fiction you're reading to hard into this and taking it too seriously like a neckbeard

Your wrong. That's not right to call dude names when you don't watch the films



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the whole "there are only 2 Sith" thing is one of the dumbest conventions used in this property.

Same with not having a regular ARMY of Jedi in the movies.

Mind you in the later movies, the "Knights of Ren" are force users. So are they Sith?

The whole idea of "Sith" is dumb. Then you have Dark Jedi too.

The entire universe knew Vader was alive. 10 years?? Vader had already been wreaking havoc all over the galaxy. There are only two Sith.

I want it to make sense. But, I am not going to make up assumptions that the writers should have considered.

And the sister, as beautiful as she is, is a victim of poor character development and bad acting.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This takes place ten years after Episode three and ten years before A New Hope.

It isn't seen yet, however Obi Wan will have a reconnection to the force, possibly through the help of Qui Gon that may help Obi Wan become at peace with the Force.

If I can accept Force using space Samurais and cyborgs and planetary travel, I can accept a war Veterans PTSD going away, by becoming one worth the Force again.

And it was not common knowledge that Vader was Anakin. No one in the galaxy, except for The Emperor, Moff Tarkin and Thrawn knew Vader was Anakin.

Yep. There was no reason for Obi Wan to think him alive. He left him for dead on Mustafar.

Obi Wan knew Anakin was Vader, he just didnt know Vader survived.

They did, it's why they hid the twins


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the whole "there are only 2 Sith" thing is one of the dumbest conventions used in this property.

Same with not having a regular ARMY of Jedi in the movies.

Mind you in the later movies, the "Knights of Ren" are force users. So are they Sith?

The whole idea of "Sith" is dumb. Then you have Dark Jedi too.

No the knights of Ren aren't sith. Why's that lore dumb?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Also, how could he not know Vader was still alive? In Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Yoda told Obi that Anikan was no more and that he is now Vader. Everyone in the universe knew/ knows about Vader.
that was before slice dice burn...

this is 9 years before ep iv

Tatooine is the galactic Siberia

and Vader is not well known


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is dumb because they would win and finally conquer the universe if the Sith had an army of force users.

The Knights of Ren are definitely force users.

So what are they? Dark Jedi?

No the knights of Ren aren't sith. Why's that lore dumb?


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I always thought the whole Rule of Two shit was dumb, to be honest.

And I think Lucasfilm and Dave Filoni and others thought so too. I mean, it's why Inquistors exist....

They technically aren't Sith but they damn near do Sith things....

I don't recall the Knights of Ren being force sensitives (don't remember much of the sequel trilogy) but I see them like I see the Inquisitors... fake Sith used so they don't technically break the Rule of Two.

Just a bunch of hanger ons and wannabes that did Sith dirty work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Knights of Ren are definitely force users. They used the force on Kylo in the last movie when they were fighting him.
One of them pushed him with the force.

I always thought the whole Rule of Two shit was dumb, to be honest.

And I think Lucasfilm and Dave Filoni and others thought so too. I mean, it's why Inquistors exist....

They technically aren't Sith but they damn near do Sith things....

I don't recall the Knights of Ren being force sensitives (don't remember much of the sequel trilogy) but I see them like I see the Inquisitors... fake Sith used so they don't technically break the Rule of Two.

Just a bunch of hanger ons and wannabes that did Sith dirty work.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Knights of Ren are definitely force users. They used the force on Kylo in the last movie when they were fighting him.
One of them pushed him with the force.
It sucks how underused the knights of Ren were used though out that entire trilogy.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
So the whole "there are only 2 Sith" thing is one of the dumbest conventions used in this property.

Same with not having a regular ARMY of Jedi in the movies.

Mind you in the later movies, the "Knights of Ren" are force users. So are they Sith?

The whole idea of "Sith" is dumb. Then you have Dark Jedi too.
Lights of Ren and inquisitors aren't actual with just darkside users to be a sith you have to be initiated into the order and gain the hidden knowledge.


Truth Teller
I said he was talking like a neckbeard I didn't say he actually was one. Which is true he was bitchin' like a basement dwelling neckbeard.
Calling out inconsistencies and correcting a person when they are wrong is not bitchin.

Not sure what a neck beard is, but my full beard actually stops at my neck. Lol!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the whole "there are only 2 Sith" thing is one of the dumbest conventions used in this property.

Same with not having a regular ARMY of Jedi in the movies.

Mind you in the later movies, the "Knights of Ren" are force users. So are they Sith?

The whole idea of "Sith" is dumb. Then you have Dark Jedi too.
Not necessarily if you know the lore. Before Darth Bane survived the original Sith purge, there were numerous Sith and it was like Game of Thrones on steriods. Master killed master, apprentice killed apprentice. Most times, if you were a Sith, your worst enemy - could very well be another Sith lord.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Calling out inconsistencies and correcting a person when they are wrong is not bitchin.

Not sure what a neck beard is, but my full beard actually stops at my neck. Lol!
Neckbeard is slang for a no life incel who complains about the most trivial detail . Usually applied to toxic star wars fans. Just think comic book guy from the Simpsons and there you have a neckbeard. There was an actual neck beard sitting in my row when I went to see the last Jedi. He had his arms crossed waiting for something to complain about and the movie was barely 10 minutes in. H was bitching under his breath he even looked like comic book guy.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I said he was talking like a neckbeard I didn't say he actually was one. Which is true he was bitchin' like a basement dwelling neckbeard.

There is super deep lore to star wars which is always being retconned, for better or worse.

I find it very intriguing when people create their own head cannon to try to explain away contradictions and oversights.

If in the final episode of kenobi they introduced the fact that obi wan has always been a transgender, or gay, or isn't a force user atall but a sorcerer, you might be able to understand why some longtime fans would be upset.
You get invested only to have the writers start making random things up is frustrating.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't say that. I say Obi knew. Yoda told him.
Dude, you've been pretty much SPOT ON in your assessment of this series and the events therein.
- Obiwan KNEW Anakin was Darth Vader and had survived their duel long before Reva stated it.
- Obiwan was hiding on Tatoonie not just to avoid The Emperor but to hide from Vader IN PARTICULAR.
- Obiwan was on Tatoonie because he knew that Tatoonie is the one planet Vader would NEVER return to. (George Lucas HIMSELF established why he wouldn't).
- The Emperor DID NOT know Anakin's child had survived Padme's death until The Empire Strikes Back.

Just as neither Vader nor Palpatine knew ANYTHING about Leia until Return of The Jedi.

So far, this show has been fucking up Star Wars lore pretty badly... :smh: