<<{{Official 2019-2020 NBA Thread - the season returns July 31-October 12. }}>

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Good job tonight by Tobias Harris.


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Man what the fuck is Blake Griffiin doing man? Da fuck you wanna get mad for and start shit with Harris cause you got the ball stolen from him? :smh:
He a fuckin pain in the ass man.



Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Yeah but Ingram is instant offense and a better defender.

He would have been a better 3rd option than Kuz and also run the 2nd unit where the Lakers struggle...

No he wouldn't have been.

Did you watch the Lebron season? That's why they got rid of Ingram. He couldn't play with Lebron and had better numbers without him.

He's ball dominant and holds the ball. Plus he can't catch and shoot. You see how his "stats" are helping the Pelicans, and his defense has suffered this year with his increase in offensive usage.

If thats all that was said then IT needs to be suspended longer for going into the fucking stands. That shit could cause a fucking riot and end horribly.

Yeah, he said fuck you bitch and stuck up his middle finger, because IT cost them a Wendy's frosty.

I thought they said something about his wife or mom or something. Shit wasn't even that deep or hurtful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor