People don't really understand what Blackrock is, or what they do.
So let's go inside...
But first a little about their founder and CEO Larry Fink, since it will be important later
Larry joined Wall St in 1976. He was smart and made money. He pioneered the idea of debt securitization (packaging up different loans as bonds). He then ran the trading desk for those Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). Yes, those bonds that led to the 2008 GFC
Larry then did a boo-boo and lost >$90mm taking a wrong bet on interest rates. The naughty boy realized:
1) risk management is important
2) client trust is important
So the ambitious Larry decided to start his own firm focused on these 2 principles.
aka. "Trust me bro"
To get started, he went to his mate at Blackstone Group (yes, that one) and got a $5mm line of credit. Thus, Blackstone Financial Management was born. 20 years (and a lot of M&A later) this became Blackrock, which today has ~$9TN of AuM and is the largest AM in the world.
But building a great business isn't enough for our Larry. In 2016 he was being touted as Treasury Secretary under Hillary Clinton.
He is deeply politically connected, a very vocal Democrat, and is often heard saying "As I told Washington..."
now, back to Blackrock, that big asset management firm that some people think will "own all your bitcoins".
Blackrock doesn't own shit, their clients do. Blackrock simply manages the assets. They don't have a custody feature. They are not a bank.
don't believe me? check the FIRST PAGE of their Annual Report…
so how does it work then? Simple. Let's say you want to invest in US equities. Rather than going out and buying all the stocks yourself and rebalancing frequently/paying tax on each transaction, you buy a Blackrock ETF or Blackrock actively managed fund and they do it for you.
You get a receipt to confirm your % ownership of the ETF/active fund, which then tracks the value and performance of those underlying assets. Blackrock can't do much with those assets, other than use their custodian banks to hold them
(note: repo only under ISDA/CSA)
Similarly, Blackrock can't do much with the spot bitcoin that goes into the custody account at Coinbase. The $BTC simply does not belong to them. They just provide a service for you to get access to the price/performance.
(image is my own)
BUT, where it does get v interesting is Blackrock's relationship with the US Government and Federal Reserve. In 2008, who did the Fed turn to manage the toxic assets that they took over from Bear Stearns?
And in 2020, who did J. Powell/Fed turn to when he wanted to start buying some corporate bonds to help backstop the economy?
and this is where it gets interesting, guess who the FDIC came to wind down the portfolios of Signature and Silicon Valley Bank?
So, as @EricBalchunas rightly points out, Blackrock filing for a Bitcoin spot ETF *is* a big deal. What does the firm think about Digital Assets more generally?
Look no further than page 19 of their Annual Report.
Blackrock has identified a few things that are interesting to them, but especially Tokenisation of RWA including stocks and bonds!
Remember this is the bloke who bet big and won big on debt securitization - i.e. he fully gets the power of financial innovation (especially wrapping stuff up) and the potential thereof for new products, capital efficiency, cost advantages etc.
but this is not Blackrock's only stance within crypto. They have also put their money where their mouth is and together with Fidelity and a few others invested $400mm into Circle.
and Jeremy loves him back since Circle uses Blackrock to help them manage a portion of their reserves (fees galore!)
What is super interesting to me is that they chose to use Coinbase as the custodian for the spot bitcoin ETF - i.e. a company in the crosshairs of the SEC. They could have gone with the safe option of BNY Mellon, USA's oldest and most trusted bank. Below news was big at the time.
But then again is it really a suprise? Blackrock has its fingers in a few pies with Coinbase already. e.g. the Aladdin network partnership.
You CAN quote me on this - Aladdin is to Blackrock, what AWS is to Amazon.
Clearly there are a few moving parts here. The powers that be don't want spot bitcoin flow to be dominated by @cz_binance, or to have a powerful holder of US Government debt and Bitcoin like Tether. The weak part of the USDT daisy chain is the exchanges that use it for trading
On reflection, this is a coordinated approach to be the owners over the flow and fees generated by $BTC trading. It may get rejected the first time, the ETF approval may get delayed, but one thing is for certain - they are licking their lips.