Official BGOL Crypto Currency Thread ★★★★★

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Yo RnB, how do you buy shit on pancake swap? Do you buy with bitcoin or something else? I'm confused I've never used this type of a change before. are these coins that I am buying?
DM me, I will walk you through
Make sure you have Metamask installed in your cpu or phone
Easier on computer though
Once you got it up, you connect your metamask wallet to Pancake swap & Uniswap
DO NOT connect your wallet to just ANY site (some are scams and will steal your bread)

In the meantime


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor

Have they chopped Ian Balina up yet?


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Man, it is what it is in the wild, wild west. A lot of scammers and snakes fucking with peoples money like it's all sweet. Fuck being chopped up, I know some cats need to be manually pulled apart. Swear I'm smacking fire out some cats I ever run into them in a crypto/bitcoin conference. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought there would be a pullback by now.
Shit keeps going, this may be an instance where it never goes back down and it goes straight to .80 or some crazy shit. You never know with crypto. I may grab some more at this price. Decisions Decisions....


Stay tuned I will be dropping a couple more slam dunk gems soon
Unfortunately I didn't see your initial post on this. Jumped in last night.. Thanks for info.

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
$ALGO will be a MAJOR player when this shit rebounds .9 is a steal (may go lower)
Make sure you have a decent amount in your bag. I see that coin $10+ at some point

You're welcome.....

Shit hit an ALL TIME LOW yesterday
For dudes on the board with bread 95k with get you 1 Million
but if you can just get anywhere from 100,000 coins on up you will be PAID at some point in the future
that is not a guess but a

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member

No way they wait till March....
They will continue to do some type of "crypto assassination" so their buddies can get in low as possible
and then the approval date will surprise us all. Cause not only will Blackrock get it but Fidelity ( 10 Trillion between them) and EVERYBODY else after.
I'm thinking by January

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

I still want to kick that bitch ass for that attention-whore, grifting shit he pulled in 2021 with bitcoin/dogecoin before politics made him public enemy number 2. Just don't trust that bitch and him being tied back to this shit isn't good. Especially with folks like Warren and other folks with Ds after their name not liking bitcoin/crypto. :smh:

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
where is your go to to trade and obtain coins??

Yea fuck exchanges.. but now is the time to stack them chips....
Well, you need an "on ramp" I use Kraken to mainly purchase $USDC/$ETH
OR you can use Metamask (third party with a credit card) to purchase too
I strictly "swap" tokens on Metamask now. It has several Blockchains that you can add and or built in already
and it's 100% DeFi and off the grid


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FYI People.
Kucoin says: No KYC = NO SERVICE (by 8/31)
If you try and KYC it'll say U.S.A. is NOT supported.
So you gotta send your shit OFF of Kucoin. Party is over but fuck exchanges
If you have an account before July 23, you will still have withdrawal privileges after August 31st without going through KYC.


An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit hit an ALL TIME LOW yesterday
For dudes on the board with bread 95k with get you 1 Million
but if you can just get anywhere from 100,000 coins on up you will be PAID at some point in the future
that is not a guess but a
You always been on point with this shit so just curious as to why you’re so bullish on ALGO?

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
You always been on point with this shit so just curious as to why you’re so bullish on ALGO?
Because Gary Gensler PRAISED it in 2019
Then turned around and called it a security 4 years later
Anytime they bash something it's to get the price down
That's when people make the most money, in despair, chaos & uncertainty

FYI - Silvio Micali and Gensler were colleges at MIT


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a GREAT sign too. Gonna get a bag. Thanks fam

Because Gary Gensler PRAISED it in 2019
Then turned around and called it a security 4 years later
Anytime they bash something it's to get the price down
That's when people make the most money, in despair, chaos & uncertainty

FYI - Silvio Micali and Gensler were colleges at MIT