Official Boxing Thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's gonna take Guerrero's spot a gateway fighter that wins a title here and there.

He's not good enough to beat an elite fighter, and Mikey is elite.

Maybe but he isn't "gritty" enough for that IMO.

Fighters like Guerrero and Salido have a style that allows them to be a gateway fighter I don't see that working for Adrien.

He's basically going to have to start over again at this point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We still got a few rounds left, but this is what happens when you don't take boxing seriously.
This nigga AB is more concerned with being a celebrity than a champion.
Garcia is from a boxing family.
They eat, breathe, and live this shit 24/7.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I like Mikey but was rootin for Broner cause he black lol

He trash acting like he scared to throw combos I'm disappointed but oh well I like Mikey he always keeps it classy