Official Boxing Thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We still got a few rounds left, but this is what happens when you don't take boxing seriously.
This nigga AB is more concerned with being a celebrity than a champion.
Garcia is from a boxing family.
They eat, breathe, and live this shit 24/7.

No doubt, and Mikey is the one who experienced a long layoff yet still looks this sharp vs. Adrien


Rising Star
This fight seriously makes me appreciate Floyd. As athletic as Broner is, he still looks stiff as fuck. Money was so fluid with his shit! I hope Broner picks it up and makes it interesting for the last 3 rounds.

Pow Wow

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Broner looking like hot trash this fight.. this dude never shows me any heart at all..

In the Maidana fight he showed a lot of heart...aside from the low blow whining.

Always felt his trainers were fine but if he aint listening to 'em then its time to move on...skills wise he has not improved

He'd do well with a trainer that preaches foot movement and angles (Roach/Mayweather Sr/Shields)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would suspect that Adrien is naturally physically stronger than Mikey and therefore should have made this fight physical around the 5th round when he saw he couldn't out box Mikey.

Fighting and the inside and making it rough may have been his only shit tonight.


Rising Star
Broner got dominated by a smaller man coming up in weight in a fight that Broner indicated he took very seriously. He really at this point is a serious B borderline C level fighter who may be I his 13th minute of his 15. His antics won't fly anymore at this point.

I REALLY wanted to see him do well tonight... :smh: