Still have no idea how no one knows that black lighting is Jefferson. I mean that is a big brother with an unusual build... it’s not like it’s that many dudes of that height and size in Freeland. But I’m going to use Superhero Clark Kent logic on this.
nice twist. big booty villainess scenes to come.
Sadly the twist at the end was pretty easy to spot when they showed Ol’ girl in the intro and didn’t show her at all during the episode.
As for the episode... it was just OK to me. There was way to much that it was trying to cram into this hour and there were a couple unnecessary scenes... like the EKG scene. That went on to long...
But they did showcase one thing...
LaLa is the Fucking MVP of this show and is a revelation. He is the cottonmouth of Black Lighting....
His resurrection really makes me hope that Luke Cage is watching this. Maybe they can find a way to bring back Cottonmouth..
I mean Tahiti exists on Luke Cage.. there are ways to bring back people.
the twist at the end was predictable but a VERY pleasant surprise and well acted
And ANY excuse to have that perfect booty around more?
I''m all in
did NOT like Thunder accusing her little sister of "running away" from the crippled boyfriend.
That was VERY confusing.
The twist would have sold better if they didn’t show old girl in the previously on section and if Gambi didn’t say anything about finding the spotter. It would have also sold more if they would have showed her every episode. It was just to easy to know it was her.
I was more impressed with dude being the smartest mutherfucker in the town and instantly realizing that Jefferson is black lightning. Took dude 1 episode
Never enough....
Side note this reminds me.... what happened with the black chick on Sleepy hollow. I can’t believe that she isn’t in a newshow.
Ol girl in this picture kind of favors her....
Side note this reminds me.... what happened with the black chick on Sleepy hollow. I can’t believe that she isn’t in a newshow.
Yeah, no one can see his face. Mentioned it in the first episode.His wife on this show is drop dead gorgeous. Don’t think it’ll last past two seasons . Who can’t tell it’s his peanut head ass? Does he vibrate his face like Jay Garrick or something? First time I saw him outside his constume I’d be like ohhhh shit son! You Blak MF Lightening! Probably get blasted or something. That is all
but you were right this could have EASILY
been 2 episodes with a cliffhanger in between.
which is a a compliment to the writers.
Cause I am even MORE invested if that is possible...
what the F*CK is Arow doing?
This episode shows what Arrow could have done EASILY!!!!
@fonzerrillii we have only know BL for like 10 weeks...
and I am more invested with them and understand their motivation more clearly than ANYONE ion Arrow.
Yeah, no one can see his face. Mentioned it in the first episode.
Yeah but we have to remember it’s on the first season of Black Lightning. It’s the seasons after that I’m worried about. I love what I’m seeing right now but I’m going to need them to start planting more world building seeds.
Right now the show is extremely focused on the core cast and I’m nervous that there isn’t enough there to sustain this as is for multiple seasons. I’ve got to see what Season 2 is going to be about or what happens at the season finale.
Cause here is the problem... we only have 2 more episodes left.
As for Arrow... we must remember that Season 1 of Arrow was a Perfect. Season 2 was a fucking masterpiece ... it was Season 3 that got the Whomp Whomp.
and Vixenthey have dropped The Outsiders, Supergirl and the Flash references