Celtics without KG & Rondo is equivalent to the Heat without Lebron and Bosh... Except, I think the Heat would get blown out HARDER.
Rondo MAKES the plays for the Celtics and if they win this year it will be because of him. KG is strong force inside and defensively...
The reason why the celtics were losing is because the lack of point gaurds... causing Nate Robinson to do stupid plays (ex. Magic game). They won a few but once KG got injured, it didn't help at all.
Heat has the new big 3... but Celtics have 4, plus a 4 big man rotation.

Lets see if the Celtics don't get tired by the playoffs.
The Heat are playing very well... And I think they have a good chance in the playoffs. The Magic might give 'em a little run... but as long as the Heat play hard defense on the shooters, they'll be fine. Let Howard do his thing.
But Heat going against the Celtics is going to really test them out. They'll have to have to defend harder than the Celtics and stop playing isolation... sounds simple, but against a playmaker like Rondo and a man that can move w/o the ball, Ray Allen, it will be a challenge. And for some reason, Bosh can't do shit with Garnett on him.