Your constant hate off anything Boston or New York,is like energy for me!!!
Your bandwagon ways are a trip!!!
How was that laker train last year you rode!!!
you are the biggest faggot on this board.
your fake ass "wade county" switch hitting faggotry has been exposed!!!
Keep being a lying faggot like you always are... Lakers and Boston in the finals last year, I wanted to see Boston lose which they did, doesn't mean the lakers was my team you dick suckin bitch.
Boston and Orlando, I wanted to see Orlando win, doesn't mean they were my team.
Boston and Miami... I wanted to see Wade and Miami beat the shit out of Bostink, I was riding with Miami... your a bitch nigga who spew lies and dont' back up anything you say.
Don't you get it I dont' like boston. FUCK YOU AND FUCK BOSTON AS A CITY AND ALL THEIR FUCKIN TEAMS. simple as they.
You trying to throw in I hate NY knicks as much as boston? IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING I HATE KNICKS MANAGEMENT which all NY Knicks fans and former fans hate. They dont' hate the team but you keep OUT RIGHT BEING A LYING BITCH, FUNNY A BOSTON FAN LIKE YOU GOT THE 3RD MOST POST IN A MIAMI HEAT THREAD. you don't see me in a Boston thread every 2 secs right? beat it faggot.