Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

You have folk on this forum salivating at the chance of being able to take credit for dems losing from telling black folk not to vote because they aren't getting TANGIBLES, and suddenly y'all don't want them to take credit? Credit for the loss or blame for the loss is the same thing. Just be as happy about any consequences that may follow.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is *EXACTLY* what the conservative SCOTUS wants to stop. Democrats got hip to the game and made state Supreme Court races important to block GOP gerrymanders. SCOTUS wants to give Republican state legislatures the authority to overrule state supreme courts.


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You have folk on this forum salivating at the chance of being able to take credit for dems losing from telling black folk not to vote because they aren't getting TANGIBLES, and suddenly y'all don't want them to take credit? Credit for the loss or blame for the loss is the same thing. Just be as happy about any consequences that may follow.

Who on this forum is "salivating at the chance of being able to take credit for dems losing from telling black folk not to vote"?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I seeing if I can find a county map that’s still reporting. That would tell us a lot
Wake and Mecklenburg are the biggest counties down there right? They are both reporting less than 60% of their vote so she has a chance still...

Yeah, I'm watching the local news right now
They said Wake county (Raleigh) numbers have not come in yet
They said the rest of Raleigh will come in at 10:00pm

And Mecklenburg county is Charlotte
So things MIGHT flip back to democrat at around 10:00pm

:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: :popcorn:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His scandals didn't help the status of the Dems in FL.

For someone who is bitching and complaining about black men being blamed it's curious why you're trying to pin the collapse of the Democratic party in Florida on him.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
For someone who is bitching and complaining about black men being blamed it's curious why you're trying to pin the collapse of the Democratic party in Florida on him.

How am I "bitching and complaining about black men being blamed"? I simply posted that it was trending on Twitter. Donwuan isn't going to. He'll post the first gay governors though!

And are you denying that Gillum was one of the "bright stars" of the Dem Party in FL until his scandal?


Rising Star
NC Senate race right now

CountyMarginVotesPercent of votes in% InEstimated remaining votesEst. remain. votes
WakeBeasley +38258,34856%201,000
MecklenburgBeasley +37243,64663%143,000
GuilfordBeasley +27123,59661%80,000
BuncombeBeasley +25118,833>95%<5,000
DurhamBeasley +67111,05188%15,000
ForsythBeasley +1999,86669%44,000
UnionBudd +2776,48178%22,000
CumberlandBeasley +1674,02976%23,000
New HanoverBeasley +571,21374%25,000
IredellBudd +3768,995>95%<3,500
OrangeBeasley +5565,687>95%<3,500
GastonBudd +2763,46076%20,000
BrunswickBudd +2160,05081%14,000
CabarrusBudd +856,74867%28,000
CatawbaBudd +4054,621>95%<3,000
PittBeasley +254,163>95%<2,500
JohnstonBudd +1753,56064%31,000
DavidsonBudd +4852,62177%15,000
AlamanceBudd +1252,17283%11,000
HendersonBudd +1950,827>95%<2,500
RandolphBudd +6042,57176%13,000


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I'm watching the local news right now
They said Wake county (Raleigh) numbers have not come in yet
They said the rest of Raleigh will come in at 10:00pm

And Mecklenburg county is Charlotte
So things MIGHT flip back to democrat at around 10:00pm

:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: :popcorn:
:pain: I was like Cherie is kicking ass then was like :( Man those hicks in western NC (not Asheville) :smh: I live in Wake looks like Rowe will win sheriff and Wiley Nickle will win House 13