Somebody needs to really go fuck this guy up. Republikkklans must have paid him to do this shit. He knew damn well he had no chanceFucking Chase Oliver
Dude has the most punchable face ever, and that was before potentially fucking over Warnock
And what has he honestly done for his devoted followers besides take their money?
Those people follow him blindly and literally attempted a coup on his behalf.
He talks a good game but no one has ever benefited from anything he's done except him, not even his family.
I'm just glad my vote went to use on re-electing Gov Brian Kemp and hopefully Herschel wins too I voted for him as well.Aka “look at me BGOL somebody argue with me I’m trolling for attention again by saying dumb contrarian shit. Maybe I’ll post more mixed couples or talk about food fat people eat to get laughed at. Oh wait let me think maybe I’ll call people Douche or mention my fake cousin Drake. SOMEBODY NOTICE ME PLEASE!!!!!”
It had no business being that God damn close. Absolutely none. Herschel Walker is as incompetent and opponent as their can possibly be and Warnock is drawing even with him?Somebody needs to really go fuck this guy up. Republikkklans must have paid him to do this shit. He knew damn well he had no chance
It’s because all those Budweiser drinking NASCAR mouth breathing Georgia cac savages think Walker is the stereotypical nigra they can laugh at and get to do what they want.It had no business being that God damn close. Absolutely none. Herschel Walker is as incompetent and opponent as their can possibly be and Warnock is drawing even with him?
You’re right Trump only cares about himw ould self and how people see him. He’s insane , he’s whatever people kiss his ass make him. He’s racist because racist cacs told him they love him. If every single Black person kissed his ass and said we’d vote for him he’d be holding rallies in downtown Atlanta and have all rappers at his events. He’s the ultimate carnival scammer. He would kill his gigantic retarded son if it meant he’d advance in something
Basically. This is just like how I feel when people point out that Trump never won the popular vote. In my opinion, it shouldn't ever have been close. Even with reduced numbers now, it's unsettling how much support either of them have.It had no business being that God damn close. Absolutely none. Herschel Walker is as incompetent and opponent as their can possibly be and Warnock is drawing even with him?
From the looks of it Katie Hobbes might tell Kari Lake the same thingDumb crackas praying like god can vote. Whore go start an Only fans you filthy cunt bitch!!!!
Problem is one good thing won’t overcome 20,000 terrible ones. That shit also wouldn’t make it past congress. The Republikkklans would block it then the Supreme Court would with Clarence the sambo up there. Also the Republikkklan base would be furious and the politicians know it so they wouldnt fear Donald backlash because they would lose zero votes. Trump would lose tons of supportThis is correct Trump is THE only chance to get a repations package thru the Senate/Congress. What Tariq and his blind followers dont realize is reparations is a potential bill that would have to be voted on and passed by Senate with 60 votes pass the congress and signed by the President. Only way this happens is with a Republican President and Trump is corrupt and self centered enough to do it but it would require millions of Black voters to vote for Trump and thats the problem
He is a fuckin douche that needs to go to jail.His bail needs to be paid he needs a go fund me
i be up too late on election night.![]()
Only 9:50 in Calii be up too late on election night.![]()
i be up too late on election night.![]()
But as long as you keep watching and feeding the tv positive energy everything will turn out ok?
Only 9:50 in Cali
Fam, you may get to see comedy history if you stay up. Herschel may have to go out there and explain on live tv that there was "frawd" and "eararegualariteez"
“It ain’t over Na, y’all’s don’t be goin no wurz, we gonna challenge Dem votez and ballits, some funny thangs gowin ons, somebody drank in bewz, hey we’s comin bike strong an, y’all watch, people’s said I wouldn’t do, oh but I am fo y’all, I once ran fo 200 yards yall , Dey said it couldn’t be done detwuzbandagaabananzabalabaFam, you may get to see comedy history if you stay up. Herschel may have to go out there and explain on live tv that there was "frawd" and "eararegualariteez"