Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Problem is one good thing won’t overcome 20,000 terrible ones. That shit also wouldn’t make it past congress. The Republikkklans would block it then the Supreme Court would with Clarence the sambo up there. Also the Republikkklan base would be furious and the politicians know it so they wouldnt fear Donald backlash because they would lose zero votes. Trump would lose tons of support

ur right but its the only chance we would have. so the reality is we would have to put together a complete platform that would make it good enough to change Black America generationally BUT be positioned in a way that Trump could spin it to get GOP support for it and that is where the political spin would have to be done

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
ur right but its the only chance we would have. so the reality is we would have to put together a complete platform that would make it good enough to change Black America generationally BUT be positioned in a way that Trump could spin it to get GOP support for it and that is where the political spin would have to be done
Didn’t ice cube already try this and nothing happened


Rising Star
“It ain’t over Na, y’all’s don’t be goin no wurz, we gonna challenge Dem votez and ballits, some funny thangs gowin ons, somebody drank in bewz, hey we’s comin bike strong an, y’all watch, people’s said I wouldn’t do, oh but I am fo y’all, I once ran fo 200 yards yall , Dey said it couldn’t be done detwuzbandagaabananzabalaba



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didn’t ice cube already try this and nothing happened

No not close. 1st step is a legitimate platform has to be created by a panel of Black academics/political leaders/financial experts/attorneys.
2nd step this needs to brought before the masses of Black America 3rd step the final criteria for who qualifies for reparations MUST be finalized. Then once these 3 steps are done is when the packages and criteria have to combined into a PAC to both Biden(Demcratic nominee) and Trump. then we have the leverage to demand passage or no vote. Thats the way it has to be done anything else but these steps or a variation of these steps is just doing what Tariq is doing which is just talking with no direction or aim