Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:pain: I was like Cherie is kicking ass then was like :( Man those hicks in western NC (not Asheville) :smh: I live in Wake looks like Rowe will win sheriff and Wiley Nickle will win House 13
Might be a wrap be Cheri
Yeah, I was hopeful but now there doesn't appear to be enough outstanding vote in democratic counties. :smh:
It is. Even though alot of Wake County votes are still out, there is just not enough blue votes for her to overcome Budds lead. This was not a good night for democrats in statewide races in North Carolina. Probably more important than the senate race, it looks like all the democratic judges will lose too. That means that the Republicans can gerrymander and shape the 24 maps however they want to Looks like NC may no longer be toss up state. That probably means the crazy ass Mark Robinson will be our next governor in 24.
The ads that Budd was running about her letting Sex Offenders go may have damaged would have been great to pickup the seat(Richard Burr's old seat) just in case Warnock loses..sad to say, i dont know a lot about Beasley, but she's better than

I dozed off early last night
Just woke up & saw the news
Epic Atlanta Falcons type meltdown in the 4th quarter :smh:
This is how things started.....

And this is how things ended.....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Judge Joe Brown hated Stacy Abrams. IDK why
Same here. It’s sad. I always thought it was Black>over everything else but I guess not. That’s how I will always roll until you prove to me you are not for black people which we clearly know she was 100% for blacks.

FYI -very ignorant comment but I’m going to say it regu. If a candidate went to a HBCU, they will 100% be for black folks. No knock to PWIs but if you look at the people putting in that work, a lot of them went to HBCUS. Just how I feel since I’m a graduate and know other graduates.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Is it that bad in georgia? I mean, if Warnock is having this much of a problem against an incompetent piece of shit like Herschel Walker, what happens if he were to go up against a qualified white male Republican?

Georgia is in a state of transition. It used to be reliably red, now democrats can win albeit by a small margin.

They've already admitted that Walker is an idiot but as long as he does what he's told they could care less.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Georgia is in a state of transition. It used to be reliably red, now democrats can win albeit by a small margin.

They've already admitted that Walker is an idiot but as long as he does what he's told they could care less.
Yup and I’ve said this before, GA is starting to experience what happened in VA. When more and more educated people moved to Northern VA, their votes ate up the votes in those rural towns. Now Va still can go red or blue, but having so many people in Northern VA voting helps the Dems.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is it that bad in georgia? I mean, if Warnock is having this much of a problem against an incompetent piece of shit like Herschel Walker, what happens if he were to go up against a qualified white male Republican?
I’m happy this race is going into a runoff this shows Herschel has come a long way he will get my vote once again when it’s time to vote.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I don't know about y'all, but I am loving watching this piece of shit country tear itself apart.

They never gave a fuck about us anyway, and we would survive any of the anarchies that would come, but sincerely fuck this place. These racist people who hate black people who intentionally surrounded us with landmines and told us to walk are the worst thing that happened to America and right now America is getting what it deserves


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I'm thinking that Warnock's campaign needs to talk to Will farrell about an endorsement......


""I'm Ricky Bobby.... and I support
Raphael Warnock!!!"

:itsawrap: :itsawrap: :itsawrap:


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I don't know about y'all, but I am loving watching this piece of shit country tear itself apart.

They never gave a fuck about us anyway, and we would survive any of the anarchies that would come, but sincerely fuck this place. These racist people who hate black people who intentionally surrounded us with landmines and told us to walk are the worst thing that happened to America and right now America is getting what it deserves

Now you're getting it!!!


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
That Big “Red Wave” is looking like a Big Bust.

News media been on overdrive since Biden was sworn in last year that the GOP was gonna sweep the Mid-Terms.

The House and Senate is still up in the air for Democrats to maintain control.

Now we wait for the GOP to kick into full gear with their shenanigans.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Judge Joe Brown hated Stacy Abrams. IDK why
Dude says off the wall shit at times on this chicks show...I agree with maybe 10% of what he says. He's running for Mayor Memphis

For instance in this clip he mentions police defunding but uses the Trumptard narrative
Knowing samn well defund means allocate law enforcement funds to impoverished communities



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Florida Dems have much more problems than just the white Cubans in Miami.

They lost Duval, Hillsborough, and Osceola counties (Jacksonville, Tampa, and Kissimmee). Charlie Crist also lost West Palm Beach too. These are all areas that Biden won in 2020 even though he still lost the state. :smh:

For the past two years, Florida has had a negative natural growth rate (more deaths than births) due to covid, but we've still had an overall growth in population due to pandemic driven migration.

DeSantis peeped game early and realized that even though taking a lax stance towards covid would kill significantly more republicans than democrats, there would be so many like minded people moving here that he'd still come out on top.

The Dems lost every single statewide contest: Governor, Senate, Attorney General, Agriculture Commissioner, and CFO.
Desantis was also arrested people for voting using Jim Crow tactics I'm sure that had an affect. Florida has always been fucked up and they constantly move the goalposts.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
If Black American decendent of slaves as a voting block go to Trump with a legitimate plan for reparartions and a plan for him to be reelected I gurantee you Trump will push for it and get it done. We have to stand as a voting block of millions to get this done once and for all and Trump is just the type of politican to get it done if it would help him get elected cause he doesnt give a fuck about other peoples racist bullshit. We can get him.


And even if it didn't, it would wreck the Democratic Party and lead to a much-needed political realignment and force them to actually campaign and pass meaningful legislation for our votes.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
If Black American decendent of slaves as a voting block go to Trump with a legitimate plan for reparartions and a plan for him to be reelected I gurantee you Trump will push for it and get it done. We have to stand as a voting block of millions to get this done once and for all and Trump is just the type of politican to get it done if it would help him get elected cause he doesnt give a fuck about other peoples racist bullshit. We can get him.
You are living in a fantasy land if you think the Republicac party would pass any bill that gives free money only to people of color.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
If Black American decendent of slaves as a voting block go to Trump with a legitimate plan for reparartions and a plan for him to be reelected I gurantee you Trump will push for it and get it done. We have to stand as a voting block of millions to get this done once and for all and Trump is just the type of politican to get it done if it would help him get elected cause he doesnt give a fuck about other peoples racist bullshit. We can get him.

Trump's father was a member of the KKK and Trump was sued by the DOJ for not renting the black people. Twice.

Also trump has been sued 1400 times for reneging on contracts.

LMAO at niggas trusting Trump.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
If Black American decendent of slaves as a voting block go to Trump with a legitimate plan for reparartions and a plan for him to be reelected I gurantee you Trump will push for it and get it done. We have to stand as a voting block of millions to get this done once and for all and Trump is just the type of politican to get it done if it would help him get elected cause he doesnt give a fuck about other peoples racist bullshit. We can get him.

The people liking this statement are the I hate Dems / Don't Vote idiots of the board.

Trump has been racist his entire life. He didn't even want to see Black people but you think he'd be cool with Black people??? Idiots...
