Official Midterms 2022 Thread... GA pulled it off again... congrats Sen Warnock!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm split on this cat. I definitely can agree that he can claim success but its the shit down deep in the trenches that I myself and a bevy of other folks have valid criticism of his job.
Yeah he a good dude.He put in a lot of work being the Democratic chair for SC for several years (still don’t understand why he went into politics because he literally made millions as a lobbyist in DC). I know a few people that know him and he has a good reputation amongst people in SC. He ran a bad campaign against Lindsay by not listening to people in the state of SC who are familiar with campaigning in the state.
Yeah I’m not sure about how he is doing as chair currently, but one thing I do know he has big ties with people with a lot of money from being a lobbyist here in DC.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Any more pics similar to this one..? :lol:



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I’m going to say this again older white women are racist as fuck, but the generation Z white women understood the assignment with this midterm. I am a little pissed off with Georgia and Florida and Texas although there was some blue spots here and there but everywhere else the young and black people saved America in some ways. Even if the Republicans take control of the house, they are going to be a little hesitant to do all the bullshit they was talking about before Tuesday. Even Kansas got a Democratic governor well I think she was re-elected but still that’s very interesting. I really thought this was going to be a borderline bloodbath, but there was a lot of good stuff, especially Pennsylvania……I have to give shot out to that state. Arkansas you stupid motherfuckers had a damn rocket scientist running against a dumb ass but I didn’t vote for him because he was black. Oh I tell you you are going to learn in Arkansas. And my final conclusion on why the Republicans was so damn mid this election was Trump and abortion and demographics shifting.


Rising Star
I don't troll I really can't stand Stacey Abrams and I'm so glad she lost.

What specifically, don't you like about her?

Do you understand that opinion, puts you so far out side the statistical norm for black men which overwhelmingly supported her?

How can you enjoy spending your free time among a majority of people that have such radically different political opinions from your own?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m going to say this again older white women are racist as fuck, but the generation Z white women understood the assignment with this midterm. I am a little pissed off with Georgia and Florida and Texas although there was some blue spots here and there but everywhere else the young and black people saved America in some ways. Even if the Republicans take control of the house, they are going to be a little hesitant to do all the bullshit they was talking about before Tuesday. Even Kansas got a Democratic governor well I think she was re-elected but still that’s very interesting. I really thought this was going to be a borderline bloodbath, but there was a lot of good stuff, especially Pennsylvania……I have to give shot out to that state. Arkansas you stupid motherfuckers had a damn rocket scientist running against a dumb ass but I didn’t vote for him because he was black. Oh I tell you you are going to learn in Arkansas. And my final conclusion on why the Republicans was so damn mid this election was Trump and abortion and demographics shifting.

They already trying to cancel the 20k relief from Biden.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What specifically, don't you like about her?

Do you understand that opinion, puts you so far out side the statistical norm for black men which overwhelmingly supported her?

How can you enjoy spending your free time among a majority of people that have such radically different political opinions from your own?
She was against opening back up the state during the pandemic and Brian Kemp was oppose to that. Opening back up the state is what got Brian Kemp the win over her for the most part. Plus I don't like that Stacey is Pro-Gay she advocates for gay people and I'm against that.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
What specifically, don't you like about her?

Do you understand that opinion, puts you so far out side the statistical norm for black men which overwhelmingly supported her?

How can you enjoy spending your free time among a majority of people that have such radically different political opinions from your own?
Why are you actually talking to that faggot ass attention whoring troll. What the hell are you doing? That faggot doesn’t give a fuck about any of this . He’s dying for attention and trolling . Fat half breed definitely didn’t vote and is trying to be the opposite of the board for abuse. Wake the fuck up, that’s a troll


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why are you actually talking to that faggot ass attention whoring troll. What the hell are you doing? That faggot doesn’t give a fuck about any of this . He’s dying for attention and trolling . Fat half breed definitely didn’t vote and is trying to be the opposite of the board for abuse. Wake the fuck up, that’s a troll

I thought he was Canadian or has that changed.

Don’t tell me he's not really Drakes cousin :eek2:
