Now that it's officially over for her in Georgia she needs to be given an official role in the Biden administration.
She earned a spot after all the work she put in during 2020 election.
Another drop for CCM. She got 61% where they were expecting 50%
Thanks for the clear response. Perhaps she opposed the reopening of the state during the pandemic, but did she have any real authority to open or close it? C19 was new to all the doctors/scientist and all they knew was that it was super contagious, with a high mortality rate. The GOP wanted to reopen the country for Easter of 2020, way before the death toll, and spread had even peaked. As I recall, the vast majority of the medical community supported the extended closure to contain its spread and she conceded to their expert knowledge. This argument seems like a flimsy reason to hate her.She was against opening back up the state during the pandemic and Brian Kemp was oppose to that. Opening back up the state is what got Brian Kemp the win over her for the most part. Plus I don't like that Stacey is Pro-Gay she advocates for gay people and I'm against that.
Now that it's officially over for her in Georgia she needs to be given an official role in the Biden administration.
She earned a spot after all the work she put in during 2020 election.
Occasionally I just give them a chance to come out into the open and let us clearly see them for what they are.Why are you actually talking to that faggot ass attention whoring troll. What the hell are you doing? That faggot doesn’t give a fuck about any of this . He’s dying for attention and trolling . Fat half breed definitely didn’t vote and is trying to be the opposite of the board for abuse. Wake the fuck up, that’s a troll
Yea cause what I was waiting on was the vote from white women,,and they sure did disappoint....and them dems need to sit downI’m going to say this again older white women are racist as fuck, but the generation Z white women understood the assignment with this midterm. I am a little pissed off with Georgia and Florida and Texas although there was some blue spots here and there but everywhere else the young and black people saved America in some ways. Even if the Republicans take control of the house, they are going to be a little hesitant to do all the bullshit they was talking about before Tuesday. Even Kansas got a Democratic governor well I think she was re-elected but still that’s very interesting. I really thought this was going to be a borderline bloodbath, but there was a lot of good stuff, especially Pennsylvania……I have to give shot out to that state. Arkansas you stupid motherfuckers had a damn rocket scientist running against a dumb ass but I didn’t vote for him because he was black. Oh I tell you you are going to learn in Arkansas. And my final conclusion on why the Republicans was so damn mid this election was Trump and abortion and demographics shifting.
Her opposing the reopening of the state is what caused many voters like myself included to not vote for her. She also said Georgia was the worst state to live which also turned a lot of people off. And like I said before the Pro-Gay advocate that she is turned a lot of voters off too a lot of us don't like that bullshit everywhere you look it's some queer and tranny all up in your face out in the public that shit is annoying.Thanks for the clear response. Perhaps she opposed the reopening of the state during the pandemic, but did she have any real authority to open or close it? C19 was new to all the doctors/scientist and all they knew was that it was super contagious, with a high mortality rate. The GOP wanted to reopen the country for Easter of 2020, way before the death toll, and spread had even peaked. As I recall, the vast majority of the medical community supported the extended closure to contain its spread and she conceded to their expert knowledge. This argument seems like a flimsy reason to hate her.
She supports the right of people to choose their sexuality beyond their biological genetic coding and I understand why. Black people have been forced into political alliances with near any group that will stand with us on civil rights, be they jews, latinos, asians, atheist, lgbt+, etc., because we are so vastly outnumbered by a white majority that insist on throttling our access to the resources and opportunity they take for granted. We've had to lock arms with them in our fight for equal right for all, because we want the same thing.
I'm repeating myself but, her wanting state officials to follow the advice of leading scientist and doctors when the pandemic was still blazing through the country, instead of wealthy business owners, corporate executives, politicians, and armed, right wing radicals was prudent.Her opposing the reopening of the state is what caused many voters like myself included to not vote for her. She also said Georgia was the worst state to live which also turned a lot of people off. And like I said before the Pro-Gay advocate that she is turned a lot of voters off too a lot of us don't like that bullshit everywhere you look it's some queer and tranny all up in your face out in the public that shit is annoying.
Another drop for CCM. She got 61% where they were expecting 50%
Those scientist and doctors were wrong then because opening back up the state was the right move and the majority of the people felt the same way.I'm repeating myself but, her wanting state officials to follow the advice of leading scientist and doctors when the pandemic was still blazing through the country, instead of wealthy business owners, corporate executives, politicians, and armed, right wing radicals was prudent.
With regard to lgbt+ folks, you would have Stacy Abrams, as well as other democrats, reject the power of their very active voice in pushing equal rights for ALL. I despise seeing bearded queens as much as anyone, but if they champion equal rights for ALL, so be it.
On the Trump announcement thread someone really told me "but DeSantis said he isn't running." How can any adult be so naïve?So the idiots in Florida voted for a guy who doesn't even plan on staying his full term![]()
The biggest fans of tRump is you and your crew who come up in here day after day to cape for your hero. Keep on taking them L's for the red team. Yo man's done lost the Whitehouse now he done fuct up the mid terms. He really is making America GREAT Again!The biggest fans of Trump are the BLUE hat MAGAs that you see post on BGOL. (like the OP of this thread and others)
They want Trump back in office because of the latent admiration they have for him and it allowing them to be perpetual victims. Trump is the most liberal President the United States has had since in a long time.
Last time I seen it, she took the lead by 100 or 200 votes. They are still counting. They saying that race shouldn't have never been that close because it's a republican district lol.Did boebart win???
Last time I seen it, she took the lead by 100 or 200 votes. They are still counting. They saying that race shouldn't have never been that close because it's a republican district lol.
So, you're saying the scientist and doctors were wrong because the majority of people felt they were wrong? In case you don't recall there was a time, not very long ago, when the majority of americans didn't feel black people should have civil rights. And that brings me to the second point.Those scientist and doctors were wrong then because opening back up the state was the right move and the majority of the people felt the same way.
This equal rights for all crap is bullshit that’s why the world is so fucked up now because of these faggots exposing their lifestyles to little kids and influencing them at a very young age that shit is wrong. And these sissy couples adopting kids and influencing them to be gay too that shit is fucked up. And these trannies tricking people. I can go on and on but I can’t stand homosexuality that shit is wrong in all forms and fashion.