Official Protest Thread...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She was speaking in part of the ones from the 60's who got into politics and stopped speaking truth to power. People see the unapologetic, unafraid and bold stances that activists such as BLM take, and they act as though their being bold in fighting for black folks is more offensive than the oppression and racism that is being fought. Young people are attracted to the boldness, black people for far too long have been adopted the stance that you don't risk offending white folks so they will be nice enough to give or allow freedoms that should be ours by right of birth as citizens of this country: "Be nice or they won't let you x,y,z.... Work in the background in stealth mode so the white folks at large don't feel threatened and have a backlash against us." It's placating and coddling white folks.

I don’t sense much fear in you either. You’re definitely not afraid to speak your mind.

We still have the interest in young people today, but I think what happened is after black officials began to get elected into office, we started to adopt ways of white elected officials. They basically talked a certain language. They were fake in the way they talked about bills and public policy. They did not want to alienate any segment of their constituencies and so the conversations, the discussion and the work kind of turned inward. You know, I advise my staff sometimes, because we legislate inside these buildings and talk to each other—but how do you develop the language and the communications where you’re connecting? And I think somewhere along the lines that connection was lost.

I have another theory that we send our kids off to college, and we’re anxious for them to have a better quality of life, and we work real hard for that. And of course what are you taught? How are you socialized? You’re socialized to be nice! You’re socialized to not make waves. You’re socialized to be acceptable, to get the right job, and to have your eye on how you can move upward. And this upward mobility that you’re seeking does not allow you to step outside of the box. Meanwhile the division between the haves and the have nots has grown. And all of a sudden nobody is talking anymore. Nobody’s challenging the system anymore. I think that’s why Bernie Sanders and even myself became relevant. We became interesting because young people started to hear things they had not heard before!

The millennials missed the Civil Rights movement. They were too young. They were not born during the Civil Rights movement. [In my youth] I really witnessed leadership that challenged in such a strong and aggressive way. So when [millennials] see it, it’s exciting! It speaks to them because they have thoughts about some things that are not right. Maybe there’s segregation at your job, and they tell you to go file with the Justice Department. They tell you to fill out some papers and you don’t hear from anybody anymore. But they’re out there fighting and saying, “Look! Here’s what’s happening.” And they’re beginning to confront public policy makers. So I believe young people are interested, and they do want to be involved. They respond when they think they hear someone speaking truth to power. It’s up to us who they adopt to make it happen.
oh ok, good read.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Supervisor suspended after Oklahoma prison videos posted to YouTube


The head of the Oklahoma Corrections Department on Tuesday announced a supervisor has been suspended because of “unacceptable” comments depicted on YouTube videos recorded inside prison.

In one video, an officer speaking about child molesters tells his colleagues to "let them die."

Three separate videos depicting conversations inside an Oklahoma prison were posted to YouTube last month, and on Tuesday the Oklahoma Department of Corrections issued a statement from director Joe Allbaugh announcing an officer has been suspended pending an internal investigation.

The department has acknowledged the videos were recorded at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center, where every inmate first processes when entering the state prison system.

"While much of the language on video was unprofessional, and crude by employees who were unaware they were being videotaped, there were comments on the videos that prompted an internal investigation by the ODOC," Allbaugh wrote in his statement. "I want to be very clear, this type of behavior and expression of opinion is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. After watching the video a LARC supervisor has been suspended pending further investigation."

Here's the full statement:


Now, as a warning, the videos linked below have a lot of obscene language and show correctional officers speaking brazenly about some of the realities of their jobs.

The videos can be found here, here and here.

Let's go video by video for a little insight.

The first video starts with the words "my resignation from the oklahoma department of corrections" flashing briefly on the screen as "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses plays in the background. After a few seconds of what looks like a camera moving as someone walks through a prison, it cuts to a correctional officer speaking about infrastructure problems at the prison.

“Why can’t I get a f------ door fixed," the officer asks. "Why can’t I get this fixed? Why can’t I get that f------ fixed? Why can’t I have some f------ clothes to dress these people out like I’m supposed to?”

“Paint ain’t even going to cover up rust, it’s going to come straight through," the officer continues. "I can’t even get a f------ doorframe fixed.”

Infrastructure problems have long plagued the state Corrections Department, as we detailed last year. Correctional officers are often tasked with keeping their facilities operational, on top of monitoring a prison population that is well over capacity.

The video shows inmates in bunks, which are often used in day rooms when cells are scarce, and shows other officers talking about inmates they believe often fake medical needs.

“And it’s like one is having a seizure," one officer says to another, mimicking the hand motions of someone experiencing a seizure. "Pinch their a--. Bend over and f------ pinch them.”

The officer says inmates will often snap out of a feigned seizure if you pinch them

“Nurse taught me that," he says.

“There we go," the other officer responds.

Anyone entering a prison is required to get the written signature of any inmate whose face is filmed. This is a policy put in place to protect the identities of inmates in state custody. Department spokesman Mark Myers could not comment specifically on whether or not any legal action can or will be taken against the individual who made the videos. Myers said the investigation, conducted by the department's inspector general's office, is still ongoing.

In the second video, several officers can be seen in a meeting. Several officers appear to disparage a case manager at the prison who sent an email expressing concerns over low officer numbers on a cell block where they worked. One officer calls the case manager a snitch.

"I know who it was," another officer says. "It was that black guy that comes in every weekend,"

The supervising officer also tells his coworkers they need to be better about making welfare and security checks of the inmates.

“All right here’s the deal, before everybody leaves, we need to be doing our security checks," the officer says. "That guy had been dead for a minute. That motherf----- was already stiff, or getting stiff. We need to be doing security checks… we’re at the time of the year where they’re going to start killing themselves.”

Later, another officer talks about getting written up for possessing a cellphone inside the prison, which is also against state protocol. The officer says it was his first write-up and it did not bother him. He also jokes about having tobacco dip in his back pocket at the time, another violation.

The same supervisor speaking about the dead inmate in the first video is seen again briefing officers.

"You’re going to have to pull double duties right there," he says. "That’s easy. Just lock the f------ doors. There’s only like 40 child molesters in there. Let them get on their little old phones today down there and just lock the god---- doors, and f--- them, let them die. But check on them,” the supervisor says, which gets a round of laughs from the other officers. “Don’t let them be dead for more than 30 minutes, or we’ll be in f------ trouble.”

The videos were uploaded under the name James Larrick, and Myers confirmed a man by that named quit the department in December and that Larrick was a correctional officer at Lexington. Myers said they are still not sure who made the videos, but in his statement Allbaugh said an employee posted the videos and that "our records show that the former employee resigned from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in December of 2016."


The R&B Master
OG Investor

Never understood why you titled this thread "protest." Stories like this are to be cheered not jeered. Maybe you need a cheer thread. :D

With all that's wrong today its good to see someone of color get recognized for their effort.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Never understood why you titled this thread "protest." Stories like this are to be cheered not jeered. Maybe you need a cheer thread. :D

With all that's wrong today its good to see someone of color get recognized for their effort.

Originally the purpose was to cover protest related info related to BLM and extra judicial killings. Then I started using it as a catchall for any type of race/racism or justice type stories. Then with the election of DT, a lot of what what I would normally put in politics started applying under that umbrella also. I had debated about putting that one and the Misty Copeland one in here but I didn't feel like creating a new thread, so I put it in here anyway. So it has positive and negative now, and it's not all related to police brutality and justice anymore. I made a disclaimer about the change but it didn't dawn on me that I should maybe change the title.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Originally the purpose was to cover protest related info related to BLM and extra judicial killings. Then I started using it as a catchall for any type of race/racism or justice type stories. Then with the election of DT, a lot of what what I would normally put in politics started applying under that umbrella also. I had debated about putting that one and the Misty Copeland one in here but I didn't feel like creating a new thread, so I put it in here anyway. So it has positive and negative now, and it's not all related to police brutality and justice anymore. I made a disclaimer about the change but it didn't dawn on me that I should maybe change the title.

I'm not voicing a complaint just curious, a great story just seemed out of place. I just felt a story like Richard Overton's could stand on its own. Imagine being able to sit with this man and just talk. Get his views on what he sees today. Our elders have lived and learned stuff we haven't even begun to experience.