I understand I did the droid thing for a decade... no shade but most of them I don't use. I couldn't even get goodlock to work right.But this is why samsung doesn't include certain apps by default, like Good Lock, Expert Raw, hidden Labs features, etc. If you want a basic phone then that's what you get without installing the extra stuff. It gives the customer a choice.
Not to mention the themes only work with the stock keyboard and that's cheeks...
I see the purpose, if I had a reason I'd go back to it but I don't
You don't have to tell me the power of droid, I been there and done that but I don't use most of those features and bixby is trash, also siri.I just discovered his channel. His voice is listenable and informative enough without being boring. All the vids but the sensor one has at least one tip I enabled. I'm extremely happy with the stack for for the recent apps and the bixby app to translate text and detect and cut and paste text. I saw the translate text option before I purchased the phone but could never figure out how to get it to work. The detect and cut and past text option via the bixby widget is faster and more accurate than what is built into the cam.
The only thing I really miss from droid is google phone app which blocks spam, the manly watch imao, google messages which block spam too..
apple doesn't do any of this I get spam all day imao...
To each their own at the end of the day, I prefer ios at the end of the day.