Offshore Trusts, Accounts & Tax Arrangements: Best solution for Black entrepreneurs/businesses


Rising Star
what you say you are hearing as the problem is part of the strategy itself. Entities loan to other entities all the time.

Thanks for that. My thoughts are more centered around how it's applicable for Black American businesses in the sense of 'size' where it's profitable...

When I think Multinationals, I'm thinking about huge companies, with entire treasury depts that are undergoing cash management transactions on a daily basis. In your context I know recently speaking to a few CFOs, Senior VPs in Corp finance functions at Multinationals, their main issues were figuring out how to get the tons of cash they are making overseas back here as opposed to just reinvesting it overseas...

Also I was saying that 'tax avoidance' (as someone corrected me (as opposed to 'tax evasion' I used) is affordable to the wealthy, but Joe Schmoes business may not be able to take advantage? What size companies you think can actually do this?

I think these are good things to have in the back of your mind as you continue to grow and look forward to the day when you can start implementing some of these things... good just knowing how the world works around you...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The world contains about 60 secrecy jurisdictions, or tax havens, which can be divided roughly into four groups: a set of continental European havens, a British zone of influence centered on the City of London and loosely shaped around parts of Britain’s former empire, a zone of influence focused on the United States, and a fourth category holding unclassified oddities like Somalia and Uruguay.

The European havens got going properly from the First World War, as governments raised taxes to pay for their war costs. Switzerland’s famous secrecy law, making violation of banking secrecy a criminal offence for the first time, was enacted in 1934 in response to a French tax evasion scandal, though Geneva bankers had sheltered the secret money of European elites since at least the eighteenth century.13 Picturesque, little-known Luxembourg, specializing since 1929 in certain kinds of offshore corporations,is among the world’s biggest tax havens today:

Well over $2.5 trillion is parked offshore in Luxembourg. I
n March 2010 South Korean intelligence officials indicated that North Korea’s “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-Il had stashed some $4 billion in Europe—profit from the sale of nuclear technology and drugs, insurance fraud, counterfeiting, and projects using forced labor; Luxembourg, they said, is a favored destination for the money.


Rising Star
I read a post last year on money @msn speaking of loop hole top CEO use, in the comments just like this post people were hopping mad about it. It doesnt make any sense NOT to use loopholes that are available. To be honest im using the term loopholes incorrect, these were legal way to pay use taxes. however its like you going to the mall and buying a jacket. Another person goes to the same mall buys the same jacket but he has a coupon for 20 percent off. Now why would you get mad at the person who got a discount?

Its not that the person who saves 20 percent is a crook, it mean your just stupid for not doing research to try and get a better price.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I read a post last year on money @msn speaking of loop hole top CEO use, in the comments just like this post people were hopping mad about it. It doesnt make any sense NOT to use loopholes that are available. To be honest im using the term loopholes incorrect, these were legal way to pay use taxes. however its like you going to the mall and buying a jacket. Another person goes to the same mall buys the same jacket but he has a coupon for 20 percent off. Now why would you get mad at the person who got a discount?

Its not that the person who saves 20 percent is a crook, it mean your just stupid for not doing research to try and get a better price.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facebook to pay NO tax for 2012 and will even get tax refund of $429m despite $1BN profits

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Bonafide Brethren

BGOL Investor
Here is how apple does it:

Apple was a pioneer of an accounting technique known as the “Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich,” which reduces taxes by routing profits through Irish subsidiaries and the Netherlands and then to the Caribbean. Today, that tactic is used by hundreds of other corporations — some of which directly imitated Apple’s methods, say accountants at those companies.
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Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
Not neccessarily... For instance (someone correct me if i'm wrong)...

Lets say you had a service comany (consulting company) based in the US. Lets say you got a 250K project to do some consulting work in Africa. You are paid locally by the govt or whatever organization you do work with overseas. For tax purposes you want to expense things stateside (travel, etc), although you have already negotiated expenses paid by the client (win). However you don't want profits taxes stateside (assuming you have to pay tax in country in africa as well. To do this you will need to setup a local bank account, incorporate your company locally, or have some kind of local citizenship. The problem that arises is the day you want to move that 250K back into the US for something. That's where the trickery comes in handy, otherwise you'll be taxed again....

... BUT... for that kind of money i don't think it's worth it Fucking with Uncle Sam, if the US is where you're from, and where you hope to be long term...

Also from my limited understanding tax havens are becoming fewer and fewer IF you open accounts with your US passport (as an individual)... As a matter of fact many banks will no longer take your money if you are a US citizen...

I see a lot of rich investors giving up their citizenship to evade a tax hit.
Do you have to declare citizenship with another (tax free nation) to setup the account?
Just asking.

Edit: If I go abroad and get a post office box, I can route my tax through that country....interesting.


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
Here is how apple does it:

Apple was a pioneer of an accounting technique known as the “Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich,” which reduces taxes by routing profits through Irish subsidiaries and the Netherlands and then to the Caribbean. Today, that tactic is used by hundreds of other corporations — some of which directly imitated Apple’s methods, say accountants at those companies.

Thanks, that was an insightful article.

Lucky7s you have it muthafucka?
thats the rub with me no one has stated how you get the money back so you could potentially have tens of thousands of dollars overseas that you could never use. Plus how does the average joe use this to his advantage, this seems like a trick for the big boys

In this day and age its as cheap as $5,000 to set up a subsidiary in a foreign country and you can legally use that for tax purposes
Yeah but you ain't telling us WHICH countries to do this a layman's over view and be realistic, average joe doesn't have the skill set to understand a lot of the business, taxation and econ logistics of moving money around to save 30% in taxation and get that money BACK in here without detection. A LOT of this shit happens with inside help...quit making it seem like this is some everyday kinda moves to make. You gone have to grease some palms along the way.

I guess its a good read at any rate...who's going to disiminate this info to black business owners with at least $250k+ to move to even make it worth their while?

I read a post last year on money @msn speaking of loop hole top CEO use, in the comments just like this post people were hopping mad about it. It doesnt make any sense NOT to use loopholes that are available. To be honest im using the term loopholes incorrect, these were legal way to pay use taxes. however its like you going to the mall and buying a jacket. Another person goes to the same mall buys the same jacket but he has a coupon for 20 percent off. Now why would you get mad at the person who got a discount?

Its not that the person who saves 20 percent is a crook, it mean your just stupid for not doing research to try and get a better price.
I use loopholes in my personal taxes and business taxes. and yeah mofos are stupid, especially poor republicans...and I mean poor by white folks standards, since their average net worth per person is $100k. Not per household...per PERSON. Inherited wealth has done them well.

The average black person's net worth is $4400. :hmm:
There is a cost of doing business. A min $ amount is need for you to move to this level of tax haven or no one touches you.

THIS. I mean its a good read but...OP need to be for real with these niggas and tell they asses that. I imagine the foreign black business men know this, especially them Nigerians in Houston in the oil and gas industry... :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shout out to the resident BGOL fam of ex-pats and offshore accountants.

This thread got exponentially better from page 1 to page 2. Lot of good stuff that I knew about, but finally learned how it worked.

Man, we can do the same thing they do. Just got to focus because you know they made it for us not to find out. Can't focus on the past, just look at the opportunities we can make for the future.
I read a post last year on money @msn speaking of loop hole top CEO use, in the comments just like this post people were hopping mad about it. It doesnt make any sense NOT to use loopholes that are available. To be honest im using the term loopholes incorrect, these were legal way to pay use taxes. however its like you going to the mall and buying a jacket. Another person goes to the same mall buys the same jacket but he has a coupon for 20 percent off. Now why would you get mad at the person who got a discount?

Its not that the person who saves 20 percent is a crook, it mean your just stupid for not doing research to try and get a better price.


anti- voluntary ignorance
BGOL Investor
I am from Anguilla and have been forming companies and corporations for Americans and others for over 20 years. Hit me on the pm if you are serious only. I will tell you this much that it costs a bit less than $2000 USD to initially form the corp but then after that annual dues are less than $500 USD per year. Is worth it because you will save a LOT more than that and there is nothing illegal about it neither.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Their are armies of professional advisers whose sole purpose is to drive down ETR%s. Good ones earn EUR2 million per annum. They are simply too smart for the politicians and the mandarins. Some relatively small fines will be paid (<$100m) and then the next loophole will be created (by politicians) and mined (by the advisers to the elite). Tax is a mechanism employed by the elite for keeping the middle class in the middle.
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Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
bump...bc I still want to learn how to get money off shore. I thought about opening an account with HSBC (hong kong shang high bank of china) I don't know if that's what it stands for but I know they were growing like hell in the USA then one day said fuck it we out and left a few straggler branches here and there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Ultimate beneficial owner, beneficial owner, beneficiary

The person who is the true owner of a company and/or a bank account. In the offshore world, the identity of beneficial owners is often kept secret.

Nominee directors
Stand-ins who control a company on paper but exercise no real authority over its activities.

Nominee shareholder
A person who is listed as a shareholder on a company’s documents but has no real power over the company or claim to its assets. This is common practice in offshore financial structures to hide the identity of the real owner.

A go-between for someone seeking an offshore corporation and an offshore service provider -- usually a law-firm or a middleman that asks an offshore service provider to create an offshore firm for a client.

Power of attorney
Authorization given to a person to represent the offshore company. It can confer rights that include managing the company without any limitation, carrying out contracts, purchasing products and borrowing or lending money. Each authorization notes which powers are granted to the person who will act on behalf of the company and whether they are general or specific.

Bearer shares
Whoever physically holds a certificate of shares is considered the owner of the shares. Bearer shares provide one of the deepest levels of secrecy. Many countries have banned bearer shares because they are considered a facilitator of tax evasion and money laundering.
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not the little wizard
BGOL Investor
u hope im wrong? ok.

i think that's a dope field if u have a way to diffrenciate urself from ur comp and have a strong network or way to drive new business. more power to ya.


found the book. check page 13 halfway down. i bet its a useful/good read even if u dont actually put the shit to use. like 48 laws...
I read the excerpt, It's a great read… Props