OHHH, SHHHIT... Robert Glasper Drags Lauryn Hill Straight To the Gates of Hell (No Lies Detected)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
people from other parts of the county don't eat a lot of the same shit.. it shouldn't be a surprise
juss prove my point and theory as being in the wrong state.. I say there's a lot of products or services that in 1 state are either oversaturated or taken for granted that would be a goldmine somewhere else.. 1 idea was opening a ny style corner store in some west bubble fuck place... The way you sound a nig could make a killing selling beef patties with cheese and chop cheese in your town


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the artist from 90's all stole,redid or just remade someone else's shit,nothing is original.

Music business....you want to have a long career you need more than talent you need music business gangsterism,that pen and paper is mightier than that sword.

Prince did it for years,fuck you attitude,took shit,held shit,hired and fired people at the drop of a dime,Micheal did it too he turned into a business man and did something they didn't want him to do and that's buy up legendary artist music......music business gangsterism.Make sure you always put the Music and business before the gangsterism because the gangsterism then the Music business will have you like Suge Knight,J prince,Puffy...black balled.

Lauren is probably a bitch who is affected by the ways of the world,like we all are.Did you know people and their actions can dictate your own actions in a good or bad way,someone can't keep slapping me in my face for years and expect for me to turn around and be nice and friendly to them after they've finished slapping me and please don't expect me to happy to see someone else come close to me without being on guard.

it's not right or wrong but in due time it has away of evening itself on out good bad happy or sad


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Outside Fugees? and samples?

I do NOT believe so...

but I gotta research that.

OK then...

I got the answer and it IS NOT good...


and I have to apologize to my brother @largebillsonlyplease

L. Hill has NOT written any songs OUTSIDE of Miseducation which she at BEST co wrote.

and a lot of the other singles were features really

or covers

so I can't call it.


However it APPEARS ALL THE RAPS The Score etc...


I have NO IDEA how to feel about this.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
It's all true. Cats told me years ago about the dumb shit she pulled in the studio. she wanted to have a drum track behind her playing guitar, but she wanted to lay the guitar track first without a metronome or click track. When she was finished, have the drummer try and lock up to her. :smh::smh:

Just musically dumb shit like that.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chicken rings with a side order of cheese and fish nibblers with ranch sauce perfect munchies food after a night out and you don't want to spend more than 10 bucks
Man after the tunnel In the 90’s, used to hit up the one on queens Blvd. chicken rings used to be 20 for 3-4 dollars (can’t remember)


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Never had it while in Chicago but did when I was in Indianapolis Didn't taste as good as the times I had it back in NY Don't know if it's cuz they be putting mustard in theirs while mustard in any burger in NY is pretty much unheard of & downright disrespectful to good eating.


What y'all put on burgers? Mayo? :confused:


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
I remember when that CAC Less Claypool (yeah, I spelled it right) tried to appropriate The Awakening until he got discovered and then started giving them props for it.
When the black bassists and fans were hearing it, we thought he was paying homage, because he always give props to the brothers that influenced his style. But, when the white players and fans were calling it his solo, and he wasn't correcting them, that's when he got called out.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The fuck is a Chop Cheese? You ninjas eat a block of sliced cheese in a bun?


What kind of bootleg bullshit is this? LMAO!!

Nothing bootleg about it.. It was Some young Nig cheap meal shit back in the 90s... Than it spread out in the 2000s... Now you got some mainstream bizz trying to make it and tourist running uptown to buy it

You even got yo gotti doing skits ordering 1


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
But it's like a hamburger crumbled and stuffed in a french roll. Is it spicy or some shit?
If you want to add some spicy shit to it you can... The burger is chopped up into small pieces and cheese is applied and than put into a hero.. Whatever topping or extra shit you want you can get , onions, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, etc


BGOL Legend
OK then...

I got the answer and it IS NOT good...


and I have to apologize to my brother @largebillsonlyplease

L. Hill has NOT written any songs OUTSIDE of Miseducation which she at BEST co wrote.

and a lot of the other singles were features really

or covers

so I can't call it.


However it APPEARS ALL THE RAPS The Score etc...


I have NO IDEA how to feel about this.

It's not a question of talent due can sing she can rap she can't do it alone herself though and because she didn't want to give proper credit and took it all much to the dismay of the ppl who helped that's why she is where she is

Like she'd have multiple albums like Adele if she gave the same credit Adele gives to her black crew that does everything for her from production to writing

It's sad cause all these years later she still touring off of one album lol
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Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm actually surprised their wasn't a Black feminist backlash against Glasper, calling out for "misogynoir." I don't think that's what this is, but it speaks volumes about the bridges "Miss Hill" has burned that sistas weren't/aren't on his ass about this interview.

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not a question of talent due can sing she can rap she can't do it alone herself though and because she didn't wzwant give proper credit and took it all much to the dismay of the ppl who helped that's why she is where she is

Like she'd have multiple albums like Adele if she gave the same credit Adele gives to her black crew that does everything for her from production to writing

It's sad cause all these years later she still touring off of one album lol
Bruh... this shit here ain't nothin' but straight FACTS. Literally the only things stopping her from having had a sick body of work are greed, insanity & vanity.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
It's sad but I chalk it up to insanity.

That girl is gifted with real talent and if she took/stole/borrowed other's musical input or whatever, so be it. It's most likely because she ain't right upstairs. Too many close to her have said it publicly. Like Wyclef said it and I thought that was just wrong to straight diss your peoples like that.

I still give her cred as an artist. Just fucked up as an individual as to what she's done to others.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
If you want to add some spicy shit to it you can... The burger is chopped up into small pieces and cheese is applied and than put into a hero.. Whatever topping or extra shit you want you can get , onions, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, etc

God dammit all this talk y'all gonna have me make one for me and my kids today.

Gonna do it before the wife shuts it down for being too ghetto.

I already got my kids loving Crown Fried Chicken and my wife HATES ME FOR IT!
