Old Man Business: 80's Babies (throwback tv & toys): Conan Vs. He-Man


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
movie wouldve been a hell of a lot better had they stayed on Eternia



Rising Star

C'mon man, Conan all day, everyday. Conan was the original animal thug, y'all never read a Conan novel? You would never hear He-Man say some shit like this:


80s teen here

PLEASE tell these kats about themselves;
THis shit came on cable the other night as I was flipping through & had to shut everything down to take it in like it was the 1st time back in '82;
I remember waiting mad long for that shit to drop & whenit did, they did their fucking THING;
Probably The BEST Governator flick next to Terminator to/for me;
Don' even mention the comics
(The Barbarian or KingConan :smh:)
Cmon man, there's just no fucking contest.:rolleyes::smh:

Them bright bitch assed 80s colors in that live action farce are irritating to me;
Ole copycat of Conan & THUNDARR the Barbarian from nighttime tv back in the day

Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!

Tell Em M Styles
"And hear the lamentation of da women!"


I watched this at least 3 times the first time I saw it a few weeks ago.


Watched that 80s shit just because it was on tv but never really care for its kid friendly shit, well because of all that above; it got tired real quick but it was for the younger ones who aint know any better.



Lurking. I'm on that other board
Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
CLASSIC line :yes::lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
thundercats would whip all they ass


Superman/Thundercats #1





Sword of Power (He-Man) vs. Sword of Omens (ThunderCats)


Match One

Which is more powerful?

Match Two

Which one would you rather have?

Side Quest

What other magic sword would you like to have even more?


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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
would make a good model for a thundercats video game


speaking of which why isnt there a good he-man game out now(besides the old intellivision one)..conan had several


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

what was the outcome of this book, I've been wondering since I first saw it years ago.... and even years before I found out Marvel actually did that story, I've curious to what would be the outcome of their meeting....

Shouldn't Conan have known who Thor was?


Mayne, I'm not gettin' how the fuck this is even a discussion. I'm embarrassed for some of y'all.

He-Man was conceived to sell toys to bratty little kids, rode a magic tiger, lived in a magic castle, and hung out with magic elves. He came to his own because he was a prince and had a magic sword of power.

Conan was conceived in the mind of a madman, fought creatures HP Lovecraft would have thought were fucked up. He bodied fools, drank his money away, and fucked bitches like it was his JOB. Conan came up after his people were slaughtered, and pushed the wheel of pain for like ten years until the other 30 doing it were all DEAD, then became a big time gladiator.

Man, I don't think He-Man could even watch the movie Conan without crying.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor

what was the outcome of this book, I've been wondering since I first saw it years ago.... and even years before I found out Marvel actually did that story, I've curious to what would be the outcome of their meeting....

Shouldn't Conan have known who Thor was?

Thor was battling Loki and his minions and Loki opened up a mystical portal to escape from Thor. Thor went in the portal got lost and ended up in the Hyborian Age. Thor then realised he was in an unfamiliar land and he meets a band of nomadic warriors. Then Thor notices a figure attempting to dislodge a boulder on the group Thor found. That figure was Conan when Thor investigated. Conan called Thor an 'Aesir' which is Cimmerian for blonde blue eyed northerners who were often honorable. Conan questions his honor by saying what is an Aesir doing with a pack of dogs. Then a scuffle insues. Both trade throws. Thor is impressed but he notices he ain't his godlike self he was just a strong mortal warrior now. Conan learns through their brief exchange that Thor was indeed a noble warrior. The two become friends and go on exploits together. Thor quickly becomes bored and wishes to return to his realm. Thor tells Conan that he is a god from the realm of Asgard. Conan finds Thor stories compelling but tells him he never heard of O'din or Asgard. Thor then asked who was the diety in this realm and Conan tells him Crom. Thor asks Conan how can he get to Crom and Conan tells him of a mountain that goes into the clouds where Crom is said to reside. Conan had no interest in meeting Crom but was compelled to venture with Thor anyway. Conan took Thor to a certain point and told Thor to finish alone and he will wait until he returns. Thor finishes the climb and ask Crom of where he is. Crom is depicted as a strong but gray bearded shadowed covered god sitting on a rock throne. Crom being the top diety of the reality informs Thor that he knows who he is and where he is from. He tells Thor that the Asgardians are not yet worshipped by humanity in the Hyborian Age that is why Thor was not his godlike self, his hammer was the same but it was just regular in this Age. Crom then tells Thor that even though it does not work for you, your hammer is dangerous and I must confiscate it. Thor refuses but with a wave Crom makes Mjolnir(the name of Thor's hammer) fly into his hands. Then he hurls it far off where it got buried deep on impact. Then he tells Thor that the hammer cannot do no harm and tells Thor to beat it. Thor returns to meet Conan dejected hammerless and still stuck in Conan's age. However behind the scenes the sorcerer supreme of Earth at that time was one of Conan's arch enemies he was the evil Toth Amon. Toth was in league with the evil Elder Serpent god Set. Toth Amon is black by the way one the the oldest black marvel villians on Earth. Toth learns of the hammer and he has the sorcery to use the hammer. He eventually finds the hammer and just as he is mastering it Thor and Conan rushes his stronghold. Conan slays Toth's evil serpent men minions while Thor wrestles with Toth over Mjolnir. Then a thuderbolt from the hammer strikes both Toth and Thor. Toth was incinerated on impact of the bolt and Thor was left mortally wounded from not being able to withstand the might of the hammer. Thor dies in Conan's arms. Conan then carries the now dead Thor off to a secluded location and gives him an honorable eulogy. Then Conan now inspired he finally believes that Thor was indeed a god and Conan then takes Thor's hammer and travels up to Crom's mountain. The epilogue stated as Conan climbed the mountain that Conan for the first time in his life he was seeking what it is to become a god. Deep ass story line. One of my favorite What Ifs? ever.
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El Guapo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He-Man. Most POWERFUL man in the Universe.

By the way, He-Man and She-Ra were twins, and yes Skeletor was their Uncle, so him making a pass at She-Ra would have been very disturbing. However, him and Teela were an item for sure. Their mutual feelings for each other were hinted at in several cartoon episodes and comic books. A relationship would most definitely have ensued in an adult version.
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