Omacoona says Trump used N word and is racist


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Platinum Member

Omarosa says Trump is a racist who uses N-word – and claims there's tape to prove it
Former Apprentice contestant and ex-White House adviser writes in new memoir that she witnessed ‘truly appalling things’

David Smith in Washington
Fri 10 Aug 2018 12.00 BST Last modified on Fri 10 Aug 2018 15.50 BST

Donald Trump is a “racist” who has used the “N-word” repeatedly, Omarosa Manigault Newman, once the most prominent African American in the White House, claims in a searing memoir.


The future US president was caught on mic uttering the taboo racial slur “multiple times” during the making of his reality TV show The Apprentice and there is a tape to prove it, according to Manigault Newman, citing three unnamed sources.

Trump has been haunted from around the time of his election in 2016 by allegations that outtakes from the reality TV show exist in which he is heard saying the N-word and using other offensive language.

In her book, Unhinged, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian ahead of its publication next week, the former Apprentice participant insists that the reports are true, although she does not say she heard him use the word herself.

She also claims that she personally witnessed Trump use racial epithets about the White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway, who is half Filipino. “Would you look at this George Conway article?” she quotes the president as saying. “F**ing FLIP! Disloyal! Fucking Goo-goo.”

Both flip and goo-goo are terms of racial abuse for Filipinos.

Critics have previously questioned Manigault Newman’s credibility and are likely to accuse her of seeking revenge against the administration after her abrupt dismissal last December.

At the time, she writes, she felt a “growing realization that Donald Trump was indeed a racist, a bigot and a misogynist. My certainty about the N-word tape and his frequent uses of that word were the top of a high mountain of truly appalling things I’d experienced with him, during the last two years in particular.”

Recalling her sudden and unceremonious departure, she writes: “It had finally sunk in that the person I’d thought I’d known so well for so long was actually a racist. Using the N-word was not just the way he talks but, more disturbing, it was how he thought of me and African Americans as a whole.”

Trump hosted NBC’s The Apprentice from 2004-2015 before running for the presidency and still likes to laud his high ratings.

His insurgent election campaign was rocked in October 2016 by the release of an Access Hollywood tape in which he bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy”. The media firestorm prompted Bill Pruitt, a producer on the first two seasons of The Apprentice, to tweet that there were “far worse” tapes of Trump behind the scenes of the show.

Further allegations emerged that Trump had used the N-word in the recordings. Then, following the New York property tycoon’s shocking victory over Hillary Clinton, the actor and comedian Tom Arnold claimed to have the video of Trump using racist language.

“I have the outtakes to The Apprentice where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,” Arnold told the Seattle-based radio station KIRO. “It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children.”

But Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which owns the rights to the reality TV show, and its British creator, Mark Burnett, have resisted pressure to release the footage because of “various contractual and legal requirements”.

Once close to Trump, Manigault Newman was among his most high-profile supporters during the election campaign and drew a top salary of $179,700 as director of communications for the White House office of public liaison. She held her April 2017 wedding at Trump’s luxury hotel, close to the White House.

Hers is the second memoir from a former Trump administration member, following that of the ex-press secretary Sean Spicer, but it was always expected to be less adulatory. This week the Daily Beast reported that she had secretly recorded conversations with the president and “leveraged” this while seeking a book deal. On Sunday she is due to appear on NBC’s flagship political show Meet the Press.

Some commentators have struck a note of scepticism about her book. Brian Stelter, senior media correspondent at CNN, wrote in an email newsletter: “Is former ‘Apprentice’ star Omarosa Manigault-Newmana reliable source of info about the Trump White House? Buckle up for debates about that in the coming week. Because she’s about to betray Trump in a new tell-all book.”

For its part, the White House has previously dismissed criticisms from her. In February the deputy press secretary, Raj Shah, said: “Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice and this was the fourth time we let her go. She had limited contact with the president while here. She has no contact now.”

In the book, she recalls how in late 2016 Trump’s team held a conference call and scrambled for how to respond to the tape but it never came out. Then a source from The Apprentice contacted her and claimed to be in possession of it. Trump was in office and Manigault Newman continued to investigate.

She continues: “By that point, three sources in three separate conversations had described the contents of this tape. They all told me that President Trump hadn’t just dropped a single N-word bomb. He’d said it multiple times throughout the show’s taping during off-camera outtakes, particularly during the first season of The Apprentice.”

Recalling that she appeared on the first season, Manigault Newman reflects: “I would look like the biggest imbecile alive for supporting a man who used that word.” She says she confided in the former White House communications director Hope Hicks, who said, “I need to hear it for myself,” and continued to ask her frequently about what progress she was making.

She believes that Hicks told the White House chief of staff, John Kelly, that Omarosa was close to getting her hands on the tape, and this gave him cause to terminate her job, though he found a different pretext.

Four months after her departure, she spoke by phone to one of her Apprentice sources. “I was told exactly what Donald Trump said – yes, the N-word and others in a classic Trump-goes-nuclear rant – and when he’s said them. During production he was miked, and there is definitely an audio track.”

Manigault Newman also recalls her interactions with Trump during the filming of The Celebrity Apprentice in late 2007 – a time when the little known Democrat Barack Obama was in the ascendent. “During boardroom outtakes, Donald talked about Obama often. He hated him. He never explained why, but now I believe it was because Obama was black.”

Former Apprentice star on leaving Trump's White House: 'I've seen things that made me uncomfortable'
In January, Trump was widely condemned for reportedly dismissing Haiti, El Salvador and African nations as “shitholes”. Manigault Newman describes a similar experience that appears to support that account. When she told Trump that she was going to Haiti, she writes, he demanded: “Why did you choose that shitty country as your first foreign trip?”

He added: “You should have waited until the confirmations were done and gone to Scotland and played golf at [his course] Turnberry.”

In another damning passage, she describes his “broken outlook” and how “the bricks in his racist wall kept getting higher”, wondering if he did “want to start a race war”. She adds: “The only other explanation was that his mental state was so deteriorated that the filter between the worst impulses of his mind and his mouth were completely gone.”

The book comes days after Trump faced renewed allegations of racism over his persistent descriptions of the congresswoman Maxine Waters as having a “low IQ” and CNN journalist Don Lemon as “the dumbest man on television”, as well as criticism of the basketball star LeBron James. This weekend marks the first anniversary of the white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, that erupted in deadly violence; the president claimed there were “very fine people on both sides”.

Elsewhere in Unhinged, published by Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Manigault Newman takes aim at Trump’s sexism. Recalling more outtakes from The Apprentice, she says he asked personal questions about female contestants such as “What do you think she’s like in bed?” and “Do you think she’s sexy?” He allegedly asked male contestants: “Who you think would be better in bed between the two of them?”

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

This shit is fucking Crazy Tom Arnold is trying to save us all..



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
This shit is so fucking wild..

At first I thought the Russia thing is going to be his undoing but now I’m convinced that it’s likely going to be this fucking Apprentice tape.

Mueller is going likely going to set him up by asking him a question related to this tape. Giuliani will likely object but Trump being Trump is going to push forward and answer by saying that I’ve never said that Word in my life... (because Donald Trump can’t stand people not liking him)....

Next thing you know Mueller’s team is going to send a Subpoena to Mark Burnett ... about this tape..

Mark is going to have no choice but comply... and the Feds are going to hit trump up for Lying.

They are going to pull that Bill Clinton “I did not have Sexual relations with that woman” technique on dude.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
THE ripple effect of this tape... is likely going to be even better then the actual tape.

All of these Cacs that threw their overwhelming support towards trump are going to be fucked... FUCKED...

Here is why... name a lobbying firm that will throw their money and support behind a representative that supports a racist. Right now it’s all allegations.. nothing more but if the actual tape is leaked.. that firm doesn’t want to have to deal with those types of questions from the press... It’s the Papa Johns effect.. you quickly have to cut off ties before the Story becomes... “why are you taking to long to cut off ties”

Shit is going to be so fucking awesome...
Man.. im taking off that entire week just to sit on the couch with two buckets of popcorn and watch that shit show.

We might as well do to a Tape countdown thread... that shit is going to drop eventually.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Between Mueller, Avenatti, Stormy, Omarosa, the other Chicks who got paid, Comey, Cohen, Gates, Strzok, Rosenstein, Papodopolous, Brennan and the others to have their clearance stricken, if America can’t convict this dude..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Do yall really think the tapes will make a difference? They will "prove" Trump is racist? Trump supporters already know he is racist. They already know he is an idiot. The ones that have been standing by him this long will still support him no matter what he says. Keep in mind that white women still voted for him after he was on tape saying he grabs them by the pussy.


This tape is going to cause Ripples... His hardcore racist base won’t change.. but those are not the ones we need to move the needle.. we need those moderate mutherfuckers that voted for him just cause he wasn’t Hillary or cause he preached that he was going to lead to more jobs and tax reform. Plus the tape isn’t about Trump the person.. the Tape is about the money that supports him. You take away the money you change the narrative...

For example... FOX NEWS.. as Alt-right as they are.. these mutherfuckers need sponsers to survive. These sponsors need consumers...

So if 45 is on tape throwing out the N word and other racial remarks and Fox News doesn’t denounce him immediately... Who are going to be the next in line to get with questions about the continued support of a a program.. the sponsors...

Look how Quick the Paula Dean leak destroyed her tv show...

Even though we know most of these mutherfuckers are racist... No one in business wants to be hit with questions about why they are associated with a racist. So basically Fox News would have to acknowledge it... just watching these bitches Like Tucker squirm in their seat trying to figure out how to preach support by downplaying the word is going to be vainglorious. I just want Tucker to say the wrong fucking thing so he can get that slow death.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

This tape is going to cause Ripples... His hardcore racist base won’t change.. but those are not the ones we need to move the needle.. we need those moderate mutherfuckers that voted for him just cause he wasn’t Hillary or cause he preached that he was going to lead to more jobs and tax reform. Plus the tape isn’t about Trump the person.. the Tape is about the money that supports him. You take away the money you change the narrative...

For example... FOX NEWS.. as Alt-right as they are.. these mutherfuckers need sponsers to survive. These sponsors need consumers...

So if 45 is on tape throwing out the N word and other racial remarks and Fox News doesn’t denounce him immediately... Who are going to be the next in line to get with questions about the continued support of a a program.. the sponsors...

Look how Quick the Paula Dean leak destroyed her tv show...

Even though we know most of these mutherfuckers are racist... No one in business wants to be hit with questions about why they are associated with a racist. So basically Fox News would have to acknowledge it... just watching these bitches Like Tucker squirm in their seat trying to figure out how to preach support by downplaying the word is going to be vainglorious. I just want Tucker to say the wrong fucking thing so he can get that slow death.

I see all this different. At this point, everyone that still supports him is racist and will support him no matter what comes out. Did they stop supporting him when he said he grabs women by the pussy? No, they made an excuse. Did they stop supporting him when they consistently see him look foolish in foreign meetings? No. Did they stop supporting him when he made derogatory tweets? No. Did they stop supporting him after Stormy Daniels? No. Did they stop supporting him after getting caught in multiple lies? No. These people won't stop supporting him no matter what comes out. They will make an excuse that they were jokes,out of context, long ago, etc etc but nobody is going to say "Hey I supported Trump thru everything but I can't support a racist. They will instead change the narative just like they are doing with the anthem protests. Additionally, our whole society is built on racism. There won't be any real pressure against Fox News unless he is on tape talking about Jews. Charlie Sheen screamed the N-werd at a prostitute in a hotel and got a reality show afterwards.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Between Mueller, Avenatti, Stormy, Omarosa, the other Chicks who got paid, Comey, Cohen, Gates, Strzok, Rosenstein, Papodopolous, Brennan and the others to have their clearance stricken, if America can’t convict this dude..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:
The Republicans in Congress are the only people who is protecting Trump at this point. Once that final wall goes down it’s going to be open season


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
yo......I'm starting to think this chick is the spook who sat by the door frfr

I almost feel like fucking her now....

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
This shit is so fucking wild..

At first I thought the Russia thing is going to be his undoing but now I’m convinced that it’s likely going to be this fucking Apprentice tape.

Mueller is going likely going to set him up by asking him a question related to this tape. Giuliani will likely object but Trump being Trump is going to push forward and answer by saying that I’ve never said that Word in my life... (because Donald Trump can’t stand people not liking him)....

Next thing you know Mueller’s team is going to send a Subpoena to Mark Burnett ... about this tape..

Mark is going to have no choice but comply... and the Feds are going to hit trump up for Lying.

They are going to pull that Bill Clinton “I did not have Sexual relations with that woman” technique on dude.

Won’t happen. Ppl are overestimating Mueller. He doesn’t believe a sitting president can be brought to trial.
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I gotta say i really underestimated her. I thought she was just a dumb reality star but she's playing these fools like a fiddle.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Won’t happen. Ppl are overestimating Mueller. He doesn’t believe a sitting president can be brought to trial.

Mueller doesn’t have to bring Trump to trial for impeachment proceedings... just need to mueller to swear trump in and for Trump to lie about the tape while under Oath... Then if the Trump tape services later.. It becomes an interesting dilemma for the House.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator

This tape is going to cause Ripples... His hardcore racist base won’t change.. but those are not the ones we need to move the needle.. we need those moderate mutherfuckers that voted for him just cause he wasn’t Hillary or cause he preached that he was going to lead to more jobs and tax reform. Plus the tape isn’t about Trump the person.. the Tape is about the money that supports him. You take away the money you change the narrative...

For example... FOX NEWS.. as Alt-right as they are.. these mutherfuckers need sponsers to survive. These sponsors need consumers...

So if 45 is on tape throwing out the N word and other racial remarks and Fox News doesn’t denounce him immediately... Who are going to be the next in line to get with questions about the continued support of a a program.. the sponsors...

Look how Quick the Paula Dean leak destroyed her tv show...

Even though we know most of these mutherfuckers are racist... No one in business wants to be hit with questions about why they are associated with a racist. So basically Fox News would have to acknowledge it... just watching these bitches Like Tucker squirm in their seat trying to figure out how to preach support by downplaying the word is going to be vainglorious. I just want Tucker to say the wrong fucking thing so he can get that slow death.

Tucker Carlson will say trump hung out with rappers and rappers say the N word

yo......I'm starting to think this chick is the spook who sat by the door frfr

I almost feel like fucking her now....

She looks like a female I used to fuck with. Block Head, fat ass, weave and all that. Pussy was off the charts though


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Reserve you ire for if or when this Bitch takes Trump down when Mueller doesn’t. Y’all going extra hard on that Dwayne Wayne lookin ass. This broad just might have the hammer we need. Imagine if her and Stormy get together and take that bitch down on their own. Give her some space and see what she got.


Transnational Member
I have very low expectations when working with them, so when something fucked up happens I am not in shock, going crazy. I always looking for opportunities to avoid coming into contact through immigration or other means because it is dangerous. In my case it could lead to terrorism.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
They're saying she might have 200 tapes

I hope she has something good, and she has copies in a safety deposit box and someone else has a key


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Omarosa has gone quiet.

I suspect the FBI must have gotten to her and want to go thru her recordings to check if she has classified information on them.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
10th Sept 2018 - part 1

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman released a new secret recording in which President Donald Trump can be heard discussing Hillary Clinton and the Russia investigation.

10th Sept 2018 - part 2

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman provides a new recording where Trump can be heard speaking to his communications team about the deadly Niger ambush, trying to make, “light of the situation.” Omarosa goes on to say that this tape shows just how “unhinged and inappropriate” Trump really is. NBC’s Pentagon correspondent Hans Nichols weighs in giving context to the new tape.