Omacoona says Trump used N word and is racist

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I believe black folk despise this bitch for the same reason they hate SAS. They started out blacketty black only to flip to full coon for their own selfish benefit.

You can’t respect that.

Say what you will about her, though, but she WILL instantly check many of these stuck-up white bitches!

Man Ryan was embarrassing herself up there if I'm keeping it 100

How so?

I want one of those pens lol
Did Omarosa Use a ‘Spy Pen’ to Record Conversations at White House?

Cheap one at WalMart:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Omarosa would have multiple orgasms messing around with me. I would make her the modern day
Angela Davis.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

I dont know but something makes me believe her. Dude had to verify there were no tapes.

Hold up ... Doesn’t Gloria Allred still have that sexual harassment case where she was trying to get the tapes.... but the Mark Burnett studio wouldn’t release them..

But now you have the president ... saying that Mark Burnett called him to specifically mention that he never said the word in all of the 100s of hours of Apprentice tapes... meaning that the president Justin put out there that mark Burnett verified that he personally watched all of these hours... so basically Mark Burnett is about to get hit with that slow supbeona.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Man so far Omarosa’s claims are proving accurate..

Looks like she was right about former aides being paid 15,000 a month hush money.

Man Omarosa might be the most dangerous thing to come out of this.
I said this earlier I don’t like this woman I despise her but she plays dirty and hard When you get on her bad side and right now trump is on that bad side


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Can't stand her.... but Omarosa brought guns.... to the knife fight...…

sidebar: fuck that Trump surrogate Katrina Pierson..... clearly lying on Fox news saying that it didn't happen....

New Omarosa tape appears to show Trump staffers discussing N-word tape

A new tape released by former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman appears to show several other aides discussing an alleged tape on which President Trump used the N-word.

In the recording obtained by CBS News, Manigault Newman and other aides appear to discuss how to handle fallout from the tape, allegedly from Trump's time as host of "The Apprentice," if it were released.

The recording released by CBS appears to be of an internal call during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

Three voices can be heard on the portion of the call released by CBS: Manigault Newman, former Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson and Lynne Patton, a longtime family friend of Trump's who now serves as a top official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, according to CBS.
While it is not clear from the call whether any of the three women have heard the tape, parts of the discussion suggest that Trump has acknowledged using the racial slur.

“I am trying to find at least what context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it,” Pierson can be heard saying.

In response, Patton says that she had asked Trump about whether the tape might exist.

“I said, 'Well, sir, can you think of anytime that this might have happened?' And he said no,” she said.

Manigault Newman then interjects: "Well, that is not true."

Patton then says that Trump has asked her how she thinks the situation should be handled.

“He goes, 'How do you think I should handle it?' And I told him exactly what you just said, Omarosa, which is, 'Well, it depends on what scenario you are talking about.' And he said, 'Well, why don’t you just go ahead and put it to bed,'” Patton said.

“He said — no, he said it. He is embarrassed,” Pierson replies.

While Pierson and Patton did not deny the existence of the call with Manigault Newman or the alleged tape, the two issued a joint statement on Tuesday saying they have never had a call confirming that anyone “directly heard Donald J. Trump use derogatory language on this alleged tape.”

Trump also pushed back against the allegations that he used the N-word on the set of "The Apprentice” on Monday and added that Mark Burnett, the creator of the television program, called to say no such tapes exist.

"I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up," Trump said on Twitter in a post that derided his former aide as "Wacky and Deranged Omarosa."

Manigault Newman, who rose to fame on "The Apprentice," has made repeated claims about the existence of a tape of Trump using the N-word on the set of "The Apprentice." The former aide is promoting a new book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House."




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess its time to muzzle this bitch...


...this bitch got caught lying about the story.

Tom gots the tapes...

Last edited:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Can't stand her.... but Omarosa brought guns.... to the knife fight...…

sidebar: fuck that Trump surrogate Katrina Pierson..... clearly lying on Fox news saying that it didn't happen....

New Omarosa tape appears to show Trump staffers discussing N-word tape

A new tape released by former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman appears to show several other aides discussing an alleged tape on which President Trump used the N-word.

In the recording obtained by CBS News, Manigault Newman and other aides appear to discuss how to handle fallout from the tape, allegedly from Trump's time as host of "The Apprentice," if it were released.

The recording released by CBS appears to be of an internal call during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

Three voices can be heard on the portion of the call released by CBS: Manigault Newman, former Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson and Lynne Patton, a longtime family friend of Trump's who now serves as a top official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, according to CBS.
While it is not clear from the call whether any of the three women have heard the tape, parts of the discussion suggest that Trump has acknowledged using the racial slur.

“I am trying to find at least what context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it,” Pierson can be heard saying.

In response, Patton says that she had asked Trump about whether the tape might exist.

“I said, 'Well, sir, can you think of anytime that this might have happened?' And he said no,” she said.

Manigault Newman then interjects: "Well, that is not true."

Patton then says that Trump has asked her how she thinks the situation should be handled.

“He goes, 'How do you think I should handle it?' And I told him exactly what you just said, Omarosa, which is, 'Well, it depends on what scenario you are talking about.' And he said, 'Well, why don’t you just go ahead and put it to bed,'” Patton said.

“He said — no, he said it. He is embarrassed,” Pierson replies.

While Pierson and Patton did not deny the existence of the call with Manigault Newman or the alleged tape, the two issued a joint statement on Tuesday saying they have never had a call confirming that anyone “directly heard Donald J. Trump use derogatory language on this alleged tape.”

Trump also pushed back against the allegations that he used the N-word on the set of "The Apprentice” on Monday and added that Mark Burnett, the creator of the television program, called to say no such tapes exist.

"I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up," Trump said on Twitter in a post that derided his former aide as "Wacky and Deranged Omarosa."

Manigault Newman, who rose to fame on "The Apprentice," has made repeated claims about the existence of a tape of Trump using the N-word on the set of "The Apprentice." The former aide is promoting a new book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House."



Dang even Penn from penn and Teller says Trump made racially insensitive remarks during the Apprentice


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
If the presidents twitter is considered an official statement of the president and the president has tweeted that he has never said the N word... I think this open the door for a subpoena of these tapes for impeachment purposes.. at a minimum you can subpoena Mark Burnett to confirm The existence of these tapes.

Man this shit is about to get fucking Hella... ugly and I love it. I love every minute of this shit. As a lawyer... this is the most interesting display of Legal Tomfoolery that I’ve ever seen in my life.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

So this is why Mueller was talking to her I hate to say this and this probably a far-fetched idea but she could have been a double agent if she were she played the role pretty good

Dude I swear on every fucking thing holy... this is exactly what I was thinking the entire time. Why else would she record all this? What if Omarosa was the inside source this entire time...

Fam we are living in Wild times..

fucking Omarosa could be a modern day Black Kkkklansman.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member

So this is why Mueller was talking to her I hate to say this and this probably a far-fetched idea but she could have been a double agent if she were she played the role pretty good

you are giving her too much credit. yeah she is smart. but she wasn't playing that type of long game...


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Dude I swear on every fucking thing holy... this is exactly what I was thinking the entire time. Why else would she record all this? What if Omarosa was the inside source this entire time...

Fam we are living in Wild times..

fucking Omarosa could be a modern day Black Kkkklansman.

naw man... she was just trying to keep her bread buttered. she was going to exploit whatever gave her the most cash or spotlight. she definitely wasn't thinking about sinking the 45 ship as long as she was on it. the only reason she is talking now is because it extends her 15 minutes and she is getting paid.

she could have come out with this stuff months ago. instead she goes on big brother.

get the fuck outta here bitch.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Man I am tying, but I can't get enough of this shit.. COON on COON warfare.... Mass hysteria

Trump spokesperson denies strategizing about N-word tape hours before Omarosa leaks recording of it
Life comes at you fast.
On Monday night, former Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson went on Fox News and flatly denied taking part in an October 2016 call with other top Trump campaign officials in which they strategized about how to spin a recording of Trump saying the N-word on the set of The Apprentice.

Host Ed Henry read Pierson the account of that October 2016 call as described by Omarosa Manigault-Newman in her new book, then asked her, “Did that happen?”

“No Ed, that did not happen,” Pierson, who now serves as a spokesperson for Trump’s 2020 campaign, said with a chuckle. “It sounds like she’s writing the script for a movie. You know, I’ve already been out there talking about this — that is absolutely not true.”

Life sometimes comes at you fast. Less than 12 hours later, CBS played a recording that Omarosa says is secretly recorded tape of the October 2016 call — which confirms Omarosa’s account of what happened.

On the tape, Pierson can be heard saying of Trump’s alleged N-bomb, “I am trying to find out at least what context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it.”

“He said it,” Pierson adds. “He is embarrassed.”

After CBS played the tape, Pierson abruptly reversed course, releasing a new statement on Tuesday confirming that the Trump campaign did indeed strategize about a tape of Trump saying the N-word. But she still attempted to pin blame on Omarosa.

“In her secret tape recording of me, it was one of many times that I would placate Omarosa to move the discussion along because I was weary of her obsession over this alleged tape,” Pierson wrote.

What Pierson did not explain in her statement, however, was why she lied about the October 2016 call on Fox News the night before.

Trump, meanwhile, responded to the tape by smearing Omarosa as a “dog” and a “crazed, lying lowlife” on Twitter. That attack came hours after Trump posted bizarre tweets that denied the existence of tapes of him using the N-word on the set of the The Apprentice, but stopped short of saying he never used the slur.