Online dating Study finds what race of men black women respond to the most & who they respond to the least.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Online dating is much different from real-life dating, most of those broads online, especially the older ones are playing make-believe and are in it for the attention more than actually dating. Sometimes they are trying something different, but that doesn't mean they will actually go through with it.

How exactly do you know that?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Middle Eastern male, huh? Yall think those shiteating Dubai trips are just rumors and pics are high tech photoshop? These Beautiful Black Queens want curly head kids and endless shitpies at home.
I have a buddy who consults for a massive firm based in Dubai. Their lifestyle is nuts. First off, there ain’t no 9-5. It’s more like 9-12. After that is leisure time and if they don’t have a wife and kids, it’s a free for all. They ship in women from all over the globe. My guy told me one of his clients would pay someone to middle a deal with Instathots. They’d pay the middleman their cut, have them negotiate a fee with the girl to come out for a weekend or whatever, all expenses paid and the rest is history.

There’s a million ways to do it but you get the idea. I definitely wouldn’t say that it’s a lie.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
This study is fundamentally flawed with zero quality control. It’s based on a dating site, that doesn’t represent the demographic of the United States, much less the world.

Social studies should have be met with criticism, especially when the sample size isn’t revealed. Plus, there is the actuality of voting. Meaning, what you say versus what actually happens.


Rising Star
So, if these numbers are to be believed, Black men are just as shitty to Black women as Black women are to them, but are even worse because at least Black women express interest in Black men more than any other group of women do, but the reverse is not true for Black men and their interest in Black women.

Plus Black men marry outside the race at twice the rate that Black women do.

The truth of the matter is, numbers wise, is that Black people don't even really like other Black people. At least when it comes to dating preferences.

And what's really sad about all of this, if the nimbers are to be believed, is we're really all we got because we are low men and women on the totem pole for every other group collectively. SMH

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
I have a buddy who consults for a massive firm based in Dubai. Their lifestyle is nuts. First off, there ain’t no 9-5. It’s more like 9-12. After that is leisure time and if they don’t have a wife and kids, it’s a free for all. They ship in women from all over the globe. My guy told me one of his clients would pay someone to middle a deal with Instathots. They’d pay the middleman their cut, have them negotiate a fee with the girl to come out for a weekend or whatever, all expenses paid and the rest is history.

There’s a million ways to do it but you get the idea. I definitely wouldn’t say that it’s a lie.

Fucking and sucking camels too, who knew? Although I would never put it past a bitch eating a person's bowel movement straight from his spigot like a thirsty man in the desert seeing a source of water.


Rising Star

They responded to bm the least @ 28%. And pacific island the most at 39% and white men a close 2nd at 38%.

On another note the most likely to respond to black men are black women. Following Native American women.

And black women are the most likely to respond altogether regardless of race at 34.1%

Black women the only women to be least likely to respond to their own race of me . All other races respond to their own race. Native American women respond to Native American men at a high rate. Asian women respond to Asian men, Arab women Arab men…..white women to white men. But only black women are the least likely to respond to the own race of men

Sigh. (HEAVIER) sigh. I should not have to say this, but...

Who the hell are "they"?
Who conducted the "study"?
What was the population?
What was the size of the population?
What was the sample size?
Was the sampling random?
What methods were used to yield the "results"?
What indication is there that this isn't something this dude pulled out of his ass?

(Without knowing ALL of the above, the graphic is as effective as an ac/dc baseball bat.

And the final insult--er--question...

how fucking gullible do you have to be to argue (three pages so far) about this absolute equine excrement?

And you are worried about whitey? Seems like you got some fundamentals that need attending to.

Up, up and away, back to lurking the rest of the day. Or a few minutes anyway.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Fucking and sucking camels too, who knew? Although I would never put it past a bitch eating a person's bowel movement straight from his spigot like a thirsty man in the desert seeing a source of water.
Scat used to be thing. Still is just moved to the dark web :dunno:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This study is fundamentally flawed with zero quality control. It’s based on a dating site, that doesn’t represent the demographic of the United States, much less the world.

Social studies should have be met with criticism, especially when the sample size isn’t revealed. Plus, there is the actuality of voting. Meaning, what you say versus what actually happens.
Would you stop making sense with your truths and observations. Knowledge and wisdom is a lost art and here you go finding it and using it.. damn it now how op gonna exist when logic destroys all that they post


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you have video evidence that this stat is even real? Can you name any of the participants, can you tell me how many people were used, anything but a random graph that could’ve came out of some cac ass
All true. But this isn't the first time such info has been put out. Could be a psyop, could be true. But one thing is fo sho, there is issues in Black male/female relations.


Rising Star
All true. But this isn't the first time such info has been put out. Could be a psyop, could be true. But one thing is fo sho, there is issues in Black male/female relations.
Submitted for your consideration:

I argue that it is an AMERICAN problem, specifically, a NORTH American problem.

Women in the U.S. generally behave like men with vaginas. If that is your thing, fine. I like girly girls.
Always have, always will.

Black women in Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, France, Spain, UK, and many, many other places, do NOT behave like Black women here. Needless to say, neither do the men.

The French are fascinated with Americans in general, and have a FIXATION on AFRICANS. This is why Josephine Baker and all the Jazz greats throughout history were so well received there. They are still under the spell of the concept of the "NOBLE SAVAGE", an idea that "savage" peoples (Africans, American Indians, etc.) are superior in there carefree approach to life, and are not weighed down by "more serious" issues such as philosophy, education, science, etc. Look it up if unfamiliar. It is quite fascinating. I offer the French as an exception to how much of the world perceives Black women (and Black people in general).

That being said, they see the rest of the inhabitants of the USA as essentially a congregation of barbarians. They might not be far off the mark...

Black women behave just like the rest of Americans. Aggressive. Loud. Ignorant. Unnecessarily combative. Vengeful. SELF ABSORBED. NARCISSISTIC. Completely bereft of most if not all things that make "woman" something to be revered and desired.

In other words, they behave very much like most other American citizens.

I know I am painting with a very broad brush here, but just one trip to a nation where the people still recognize that there are TWO SEXES, and that they are, although members of the same species, VERY DIFFERENT in their affect and thought processes, one might never want to return to this particular dismal plane of hell.

Just sayin'.

I am going to whistle whilst I lurk...


Rising Star
So, if these numbers are to be believed, Black men are just as shitty to Black women as Black women are to them, but are even worse because at least Black women express interest in Black men more than any other group of women do, but the reverse is not true for Black men and their interest in Black women.

Plus Black men marry outside the race at twice the rate that Black women do.

The truth of the matter is, numbers wise, is that Black people don't even really like other Black people. At least when it comes to dating preferences.

And what's really sad about all of this, if the nimbers are to be believed, is we're really all we got because we are low men and women on the totem pole for every other group collectively. SMH

I don't want to be the one to tell you, but unless both your parents are from Africa, you are not an African.
If you disagree, find an Ethiopian. Ask him/her.

My point here is, that after more than 400 years of genocide, land grabbing, slavery, and rape, very few of us are actually genetically similar enough to even support the idea that we (meaning people not readily identifiable as white, or Asian) constitute a race, which is literally a social construct anyway.

Besides, what nobody seems to want to acknowledge is the fact that so many of those Black pro athletes that married white women ages ago... are still married to them.

Perhaps one might want to question why?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Submitted for your consideration:

I argue that it is an AMERICAN problem, specifically, a NORTH American problem.

Women in the U.S. generally behave like men with vaginas. If that is your thing, fine. I like girly girls.
Always have, always will.

Black women in Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, France, Spain, UK, and many, many other places, do NOT behave like Black women here. Needless to say, neither do the men.

The French are fascinated with Americans in general, and have a FIXATION on AFRICANS. This is why Josephine Baker and all the Jazz greats throughout history were so well received there. They are still under the spell of the concept of the "NOBLE SAVAGE", an idea that "savage" peoples (Africans, American Indians, etc.) are superior in there carefree approach to life, and are not weighed down by "more serious" issues such as philosophy, education, science, etc. Look it up if unfamiliar. It is quite fascinating. I offer the French as an exception to how much of the world perceives Black women (and Black people in general).

That being said, they see the rest of the inhabitants of the USA as essentially a congregation of barbarians. They might not be far off the mark...

Black women behave just like the rest of Americans. Aggressive. Loud. Ignorant. Unnecessarily combative. Vengeful. SELF ABSORBED. NARCISSISTIC. Completely bereft of most if not all things that make "woman" something to be revered and desired.

In other words, they behave very much like most other American citizens.

I know I am painting with a very broad brush here, but just one trip to a nation where the people still recognize that there are TWO SEXES, and that they are, although members of the same species, VERY DIFFERENT in their affect and thought processes, one might never want to return to this particular dismal plane of hell.

Just sayin'.

I am going to whistle whilst I lurk...
All that typing and stated absolutely nothing. Whats ya point? And if you think being a 'noble savage' is a step up, either you're white, or wanna be white far to much.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black women the only women to be least likely to respond to their own race of me . All other races respond to their own race. Native American women respond to Native American men at a high rate. Asian women respond to Asian men, Arab women Arab men…..white women to white men. But only black women are the least likely to respond to the own race of men
You must didnt see Indian women? They do not want to be with Indian men at all. Even at a lower percentage than that of black women to black men.


Rising Star
All that typing and stated absolutely nothing. Whats ya point? And if you think being a 'noble savage' is a step up, either you're white, or wanna be white far to much.
My point was meant for those with a reasonable level of reading comprehension. Why are you reading it, as you are clearly not part of the intended audience?

You are like the fat, ugly chick who shouts "Whatchu lookin' at?" when someone is actually looking at her drop dead gorgeous friend. Just stop it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's okay as a Black man over 6 ft, who makes a decent living, with no kids who's drug and disease free I have no interest in dating them. Other than my sister or some other family member I have no interest in socializing with them or having any other contact whatsoever. Even my sister and family members I'm somewhat hesitant about their asses as well.
Not surprised. I see how BW act in public. The only type of BM they want are top tier BM. Other races of men don’t have to be top tier for her.

BM have one of the lowest response rates. Also, it’s statistically shown that a good portion of men in the US aren’t having sex.

These bitches here have gotten too big headed and think they deserve the top 20 percent of men.

This is what happens when you approach women these days it gases them up too much. They know the man has to approach them so the bitch thinks she can choose the best man she wants and thinks shel’ll wait to be approached by top 20 percent of man.

I told you niggaz these bitches in the US are too far gone and you better get your passport. I saw this shit coming years ago. I saw it back in the 1990s.

I could remember chicks being cool as hell to talk to in the early 1990s but sometime around 1994 a shift in attitude occurred. These bitches became arrogant and stuck up
You niggas ain't shit. GTFO BGOL if you ain't about it. You redpilling, passport broing, incel losers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My point was meant for those with a reasonable level of reading comprehension. Why are you reading it, as you are clearly not part of the intended audience?

You are like the fat, ugly chick who shouts "Whatchu lookin' at?" when someone is actually looking at her drop dead gorgeous friend. Just stop it.
You do understand that once an Ad Hominem is used you've lost the debate. Now that happens typically with men that leak breast milk.