Only 1980 NBC Sat. Morning Cartoon Heads Will Laugh At This...

Blu Diablo

Promoter of Common Sense
BGOL Investor
We may not have had whole networks dedicated to cartoons but mornings, afternoons, and Saturdays til noon was the shit (then you got football & the kung-fu joints)! :yes::yes::yes::yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Being a kid in the 80's and teen in the 90's was awesome! No Laptops,Mp3s,Cell Phones. Being content with a Atari,NES or Sega and still went outside for fun. Good ol days :yes::(


International Member
:lol::lol::lol:....what the hell is the BIONIC SIX? truly the wackness!:smh::lol:..not to dis any part of your childhood shows, but a straight rip off of the Bionic man/woman, and Lee Majors/Lindsey Wagner couldn't fly, where is that in the BIONIC hand book?:lol:




The R&B Master
OG Investor


This issue was around 1969/70. Yeah I bought it and notice the price. :lol:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
G-Force was the shit...remember running home from school to catch just the last few minutes of that shit! :yes:

yeah Tom, this was shit too but I always wondered: WHY THE BROTHER GOTTA BE FROM THE HOOD, pickin' him up in one of them GOOD TIMES lookin' buildings, DAMN SHAME...:lol::lol:

anyway my shit was G-FORCE with TINY



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor

Being a kid in the 80's and teen in the 90's was awesome! No Laptops,Mp3s,Cell Phones. Being content with a Atari,NES or Sega and still went outside for fun. Good ol days :yes::(


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Ninja listen, I made it clear for my birthday I either wanted the complete DICAST metal official voltron set or all the constructacons for my birthday, saw a few boxes, got hyped, wouldn't you know it - leader-fukn-one's fake starscream ass was in the box with his chi-chi mon friends.
Needless to say, I stopped fukn with my parents on some level that day.

:yes: Yessir :yes:


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
this one always sits in the back of my head when ever some dooms day theory is kicked about. really weird and ominous but a great cartoon none the less.

this one wasnt actually the 80 per say but it ran into the 80's. how many remember this cartoons?


King Leroy

Support BGOL
my bad, man. I never made it to the bionic six, I bowed out watching cartoons with the smurfs, however if I would have known about anime I would have kept watching it & I probably would have been into manga.......:yes::yes:

Bionic 6 was the shit, they adopted a bunch of kids and had powers and what not. I remember it would come on early as hell in the ATL like 6am before GI Joe


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my bad, man. I never made it to the bionic six, I bowed out watching cartoons with the smurfs, however if I would have known about anime I would have kept watching it & I probably would have been into manga.......:yes::yes:

Yep. the Bionic Six was the shit and the animation was fantastic considering that it was a TV series. Another great one was The Centurions which was on around the same period (1986/87) Both didn't go past to years due to the toys not selling however.

Come to think about it, I know exactly why the Centurion's toys didn't sell, they sold the action figures and their exo-frames suits separately. I remember having the suit, but not the main figure of one of the guys because my dad wouldn't buy me both.


Rising Star
Re: what y'all CrackEra babies know about this?


I see you with the reruns, L :lol:
Bringing it back as I WAS HKP for Halloween once withthe homemade costume & even have the DVD as a gift:cool:

From a few back just like above & TheBannaSplits (but I used to catch those reruns afterschool during the weekdays):yes:

& THUNDAAR was actually the 1st PRIME TIME cartoon on that used to come on @ night when it premiered.

This was my shit!!

"& Godzookieeeeeeee.....":smh:
Use to have that bootleg godzilla action figure too:lol:

Damn, I thought that 80s shit was corny but the late 60s & 70s joints were straight psychadelically bugged out & cheesey as fuck :lol:
Miss that shit



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I knew what he did to WCW but i didn't know he Killed Yakko, Wakko, Dot AND FREAKAZOID! :angry::angry::angry:

And to rub it in our faces Ne is the CEO of a company called ACME Communications. :hmm:


Fuck him! Please someone tell Fleece Johnson to get a hold of this dude. That was the last of childhood he killed. After this there just wasn't any point to cartoons or Saturday morning or anything else...just bittorent clients, clubbox, mirc. Not that I used them...but they entertained me... :cool: