OnlyFans Will Be Pivoting AWAY From Porn In The New Year [UPDAT 8/25] The Porn Stays. Heaux please come back.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
These hoes are heading back to the soup line.
When blockbuster ended did movie rentals end? Nope there was Netflix.. in adult industry when 1 entity dies another entity is built or gets stronger.. a club closes another club gets it talent pool.. samething with these websites.. in fact Twitter has already pushed a tipping policy to their site..if you notice Twitter has a lot of adult entertainers.. in fact a lot network and promote on Twitter.. so while onlyfans is switching lanes other websites is doing the birdman hand rub smiling about grabbing all that talent and potential new clientele


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately.... I think this is a thing now. Several of my favorite sluts are now suddenly rebranded.


BGOL Investor
When blockbuster ended did movie rentals end? Nope there was Netflix.. in adult industry when 1 entity dies another entity is built or gets stronger.. a club closes another club gets it talent pool.. samething with these websites.. in fact Twitter has already pushed a tipping policy to their site..if you notice Twitter has a lot of adult entertainers.. in fact a lot network and promote on Twitter.. so while onlyfans is switching lanes other websites is doing the birdman hand rub smiling about grabbing all that talent and potential new clientele
There still will be casualties. Blockbuster to Netflix was hardly a seamless transition.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Perversion is forever.. vhs, dvd, cds, cassette tapes ,blockbuster all dead, yet porn is still is 1 of the only few bizz that’s been around for at least 40 yrs and money still is recession proof, it’s adaptable under all new technological advances.. yet when companies have access to this undefeated stock they fuck up and go against it.. stupid fucks.. porn made onlyfans a hot name and now they gonna leave their bread and butter.. well goodbye onlyfans hello to whoever is smart enough to grab the spotlight when the inevitable shift happens


ah, yes.. we all know movies and music died with CD, DVDs and Blockbuster. Then porn went on to crush everything in earnings..

You're familiar with the pimp game, right? That's essentially what the founders of OnlyFans did with porn and porn stars. Now they're going to go mainstream and leave the moral and ethical mess for someone else to deal with. Its a smart move because, no matter what you think, porn has, and always will be a niche market. I can't believe you think porn in and of itself can challenge content creators from every other work of art like music, movies, art and athletics.. just lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Porn and Adult content is different right? A lot of these chicks on only fans don't do porn, I mean some may show nudity but that's about it. I never bought Onlyfans so I really don't know.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
OnlyFans is about to join MySpace


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think they also see what Patreon is doing and think that they have an infrastructure to do that type of thing and have the content hosted there. The thing is they need some A&R type to develop talent but then if you have an influx of younger folks and prudes theyre not going to want to "stumble" onto the porn. That VC and big bank money is talking to them


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

ah, yes.. we all know movies and music died with CD, DVDs and Blockbuster. Then porn went on to crush everything in earnings..

You're familiar with the pimp game, right? That's essentially what the founders of OnlyFans did with porn and porn stars. Now they're going to go mainstream and leave the moral and ethical mess for someone else to deal with. Its a smart move because, no matter what you think, porn has, and always will be a niche market. I can't believe you think porn in and of itself can challenge content creators from every other work of art like music, movies, art and athletics.. just lol
It’s a genre.. that is a multi billion dollar moneymaker annually.. they generated a billion due to adult entertainment.. the reason why you know their platform is because of adult entertainment.. when adult entertainment wasn’t its main moneymaker most people had no idea that company existed.. now they trying to go another route.. have you ever seen their setup? Did you see how unorganized their platform is? What other genres would navigate to their website with how their platform is setup? .. if they want to expand they could’ve push the adult entertainment to a sub forum or just made another website dedicated to other genres.. but to leave their bread and butter hoping that other genres use their platform is a big leap of hope.. I never said porn will challenge other genres I said I wouldn’t get rid of the obvious moneymaker in porn... if your stripclub bringing in a million dollars a yr are you going to destroy it to make a cap store? Are you hoping that your cap store gonna bring in more money than the biggest stripclub in the state? You selling candles, or selling white t shirts


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Economic war. I myself am still looking for an economic break through. Even as kids we dreamed of wealth. But never knew wealth and resources were so controlled. One of the reasons we do not have a black house in America


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a classic move. We've seen it all a million times. Use a very creative base to start to build a name for yourself then try to pivot to being mainstream. We saw it successfully done when Fox was the Black channel then they went mainstream. We saw it fail miserably when Tumblr lost most of their audience when they banned porn.

The gamble will be if whatever audience Only Fans wants to go after is willing to stay with them when the drop in their numbers happens when they lose their porn audience. Also if they think the 80/20 split is worth it. Porn people will think it's worth it cause they don't have many other options but something mainstream might.
Big companies have stock in prisons. For a while when politicians ran for office they campaigned about locking people up when they themselves or the people that control them are the biggest terrorist and criminals there is worldwide


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s a genre.. that is a multi billion dollar moneymaker annually.. they generated a billion due to adult entertainment.. the reason why you know their platform is because of adult entertainment.. when adult entertainment wasn’t its main moneymaker most people had no idea that company existed.. now they trying to go another route.. have you ever seen their setup? Did you see how unorganized their platform is? What other genres would navigate to their website with how their platform is setup? .. if they want to expand they could’ve push the adult entertainment to a sub forum or just made another website dedicated to other genres.. but to leave their bread and butter hoping that other genres use their platform is a big leap of hope.. I never said porn will challenge other genres I said I wouldn’t get rid of the obvious moneymaker in porn... if your stripclub bringing in a million dollars a yr are you going to destroy it to make a cap store? Are you hoping that your cap store gonna bring in more money than the biggest stripclub in the state? You selling candles, or selling white t shirts
its all about "respectability" and being able to do and say they're the ehad of this thing that doesn't have the adult industry attached. it's also dumb. Like you have this entire market, triple down and youre right, you could create another business using the same tech and everything just a different name. But these fools let it get to their head that some people dont think it's a respectable business. someone is always gonna do it.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
I think the comparisons to MySpace and Tumblr are apt but in Onlyfans defense - a bulk of their revenue stream are based on a group of content creators that are let's say less than reliable and drama-filled. They have dodged any major bombs but eventually one will go off tarring the whole platform. So they see an opportunity to cash out early and the cash out may be enough to say fuck it if it flops.

For the content creators on OnlyFans - it was good while it lasted and now time to move on -

PornRocket needs to change its name if it wants to attract non porn content creators.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
I don't blame them.

There's way more money out there with musicians, athletes, other entertainers.. imo that is future

artists will have more control over their content and labels will play a less and lesser role going forward as content creators can release directly to their fans
It was started for the folks you mentioned to connect with and sell to their fans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I definitely agree with that last part. All it will take is one underage person to slip through the cracks :itsawrap:

I'm sure they have had some close calls.
Damn...never saw it like that

yo, I know we have enough cats in IT on the board to build the next only fans. We would need to make sure that as soon as content is created, it would get simultaneously posted to the basement so that @fonzerrillii can take a break.
No we don’t


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this is what I am thinking as a completely uninformed bystander...

they see a potential for this to be some type of cameo level platform for artists and celebrities to directly connect with their most rapid fanbase.

maybe even some type of clubhouse flip.

If fans are willing to pay for outtakes, instagram twitter facebook tiktok pics and vids?

Imagine a Niciki Minaj or Cardi B or Lil Kim Onlyfans account

where they release photos and vids and even personalized messages ?

If ALL the stuff they post of social media basically for free

outside of true influencers...

I COULD see this working.


and MAYBE they KNOW something we don't? Maybe IRS or feds potentially?

It's too late for all that, the brand is too closely attached with amateur porn & nudes now. It reminds me of when Napster tried to pivot away into a legit music streaming service. I don't know a single person who streams their music from Napster, when it stopped being about illegal file sharing the audience moved on and the same will happen with OnlyFans.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's too late for all that, the brand is too closely attached with amateur porn & nudes now. It reminds me of when Napster tried to pivot away into a legit music streaming service. I don't know a single person who streams their music from Napster, when it stopped being about illegal file sharing the audience moved on and the same will happen with OnlyFans.

Very very good Napster comparison

Have not thought about that in years
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The Legend
BGOL Investor
Porn so damn hard to make money with it. Everything get's leaked. Most pay and take all the flix and bounce. While Cardi's fans keep subscribing. That's were the money is. And if you read the article the owner also owns MyFreeCams so he's been in the game and he can move all the porn there. Hosting that shit ain't cheap. He's spending millions monthly on hosting. They need reoccurring revenue so the banks and investors take them seriously. You just don't wake up one day and think to change your business model. Y'all thinking like porn fiends and following the bullshit media stories gassing up what these chicks making. They cannot continue to payout 80% as cost keep rising. The shit is not scalable and they grew too fast to manage it efficiently. All successful tech start ups go down this path. At some point you have to stop growing and get better. That shit is hard to do.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Side note... there are already plenty of alternatives to onlyfans out there... is based in the UK but it's easily onlyfans strongest competitor ..... If Onlyfans does pivot admireme would glad come over here and take over.

Onlyfans is also based in the UK. Not sure why that matters.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Porn so damn hard to make money with it. Everything get's leaked. Most pay and take all the flix and bounce. While Cardi's fans keep subscribing. That's were the money is. And if you read the article the owner also owns MyFreeCams so he's been in the game and he can move all the porn there. Hosting that shit ain't cheap. He's spending millions monthly on hosting. They need reoccurring revenue so the banks and investors take them seriously. You just don't wake up one day and think to change your business model. Y'all thinking like porn fiends and following the bullshit media stories gassing up what these chicks making. They cannot continue to payout 80% as cost keep rising. The shit is not scalable and they grew too fast to manage it efficiently. All successful tech start ups go down this path. At some point you have to stop growing and get better. That shit is hard to do.

So if they also own MFC,.....when the block got hot with porn then that was the time to say
"This platform is not really for porn. But MFC now has a subscription service.....etc" basically everything OF does but moved onto MFC.....

But we all know why they didnt....greed.
The numbers were HUGE, money was flowing...their name was HOT as fish grease in the tech and pip culture streeets....

They were fine when the money and recognition was helping them they wanna turn their noses up like they're above it......FOH