PORNROCKET won't take it's place the beauty of onlyfans is that alot of people go on that site and don't think primarily porn, they think softcore non nude stuff...
Onlyfans like other sites who promote porn hands are tied, all it takes is one case of a underage girl or anything related to trafficking and it's a wrap.
Going mainstreams always means you gotta clean up your image, OF wasn't gonna stay on that path forever.
Some girls made millions then based the platform saying they didn't think it would be that way, same with porn, performers have regrets...
The girls want the fast cash without cutting, hardcore fans get tired of the hustle and complain, dudes brought up the IRS to tax them...
Never gonna be a easy path with women doing anything promoting sex on any platform, anything straight porn or related to porn is gonna be looked down at.
OF is doing what it can to stay afloat, they branching away from hardcore to go more mainstream and get a better image, if they girls leave to go to a porn related site they won't see anything near what they make now.
Tough business, like porn them girls are underpaid and overworked.
Escorting is too risky for many of them and they (not all) don't want to see regular dudes, they want rich dudes if they choose to lay with a man they don't know.