i was moved to tears.
Somebody hand this guy a Kleenex
i was moved to tears.
If it were a choice between Oprah and Trump, I'd vote Oprah, but I don't want a dem without leadership experience, either.
But I don't want her to be president. Trump followed by Oprah is not a good look.
More than anything this speaks towards the fucking vacuum created in the dem party because the Clintons and Obama didn't build up the talent under them.
Oprah is better than Biden and Sanders and those two are leading the fucking polling for dems right now...smh
What happened to Duval Patrick ?
At one time he seemed to be up and coming and then he disappeared.
I have asked this question many times and never get an answer..
Amazing that some people can still say the idea of her winning a presidential race is impossible. Its like you havent been paying attention the last 9 years.
Not sure we can say the democratic party keeps losing.. They are fresh off of 8years of a black guy being POTUS who saved the country from a depression and gave everybody healthcare.What's amazing is that people would push for her to be President.
This of thing is why the current democratic party stays losing.
What happened to Duval Patrick ?
At one time he seemed to be up and coming and then he disappeared.
I have asked this question many times and never get an answer..
Not sure we can say the democratic party keeps losing.. They are fresh off of 8years of a black guy being POTUS who saved the country from a depression and gave everybody healthcare.
Amazing that some people can still say the idea of her winning a presidential race is impossible. Its like you havent been paying attention the last 9 years.
The weird this is that many up and coming stars have been sidelined. Remember when Castro was supposed to be the next big thing?
with the exception of Barack and Bill the Dems have 16 years in the white house but they lost the house, the Senate and many many state houses.
and they lost the house and senate consistently losing seats.
Not sure we can say the democratic party keeps losing.. They are fresh off of 8years of a black guy being POTUS who saved the country from a depression and gave everybody healthcare.
That was a phenomenal speech...
And so was Mrs. Obama's during the election.
Has Hillary EVER given a speech that good?
Imagine an Obama / Winfrey ticket?
As crazy as that sounds...if THOSE 2 lost?
The groups that support them would explode...
Cause white women would get exposed...
And as we have seen black men DO vote as much as THEY try to divide us, either Black women.
I think the marches and local elections would FINALLY see a real turn out.
Oprah would be another 'President of the United States, not the President of black people' like Obama. She's trash and wouldn't do anything for blacks. Black men and women would still be murdered in the streets by cops and get off like they did under Obama. And she'll save the companies. I can't be fooled anymore.
But I don't want her to be president. Trump followed by Oprah is not a good look.
More than anything this speaks towards the fucking vacuum created in the dem party because the Clintons and Obama didn't build up the talent under them.
Oprah is better than Biden and Sanders and those two are leading the fucking polling for dems right now...smh
lets be honest,..AMERICAN KIDS (including black) take shit for granted... and lets be REALLY honest...what do you think would happen if you put a state of art school in the ghetto? What do you think is going to happen to all that equipment and technology? honestly...do you really believe the place would look the same in 10 years?She knows black kids here need education. But she knows building a school for black kids in the U.S. would have her liberal white woman fans screaming reverse racism.
So she built it in africa and it was only for girls because the white feminists she wants to appease hate black boys.
Then she threw Black American kids under the bus by trying to justify it with some dumb comments about how Black American kids care more about cell phones than education.
Even if she don’t run for president whoever she backs like for example K Harris is going to have a strong leg upYou know what just looking Twitter today she made a lot of conservative very nervous
You shouldn't. We constantly look for a hero or a savior then get mad when it doesn't happen. Oprah made a good speech. Just like Diddy did a few weeks ago, just like LeBron did, just like the Rock did. Who cares? We are some of the most easily entertained & easily duped people on this earth...
As it pertains to voting in presidential elections we ARE a monolith... Further, this discussion isnt limited to the black vote. We actually wont matter as our numbers are all but guaranteed. The issue is whether "america" would vote Winfrey, and again i refer you to the black guy with the muslim name that just did a 8 year bid. Everything else you said is cyclical.. one administration comes and causes a tide against itself that empowers the next.. Trump is reeking havoc and that bill will come due in the voting booth soon. All that said, my point is that the idea that OW being unelectable is idiocy.Healthcare which is being repealed as we speak. Eight years being undone in a year or two by a narcissistic idiot. A trillion dollar debt?
Obama was not a mistake but the means by which he was elected was. Identity politics is ruining the country. Obama was not just "a black guy" and that is a huge part of the problem. That line of thinking makes us be seen as a monolith.
A rich, atheist, twice divorced, democrat and moron won the presidency as a republican . And these niggas still yelling out impossible.Man. After Trump won, I've thrown the word "impossible" out.
A rich, atheist, twice divorced, democrat and moron won the presidency as a republican . And these niggas still yelling out impossible.
America is over. All of this identity politics shows that we have lost all ability to think critically. The office of the President used to be an office of leadership as far as the people were concerned. Now that America has been overrun by celebrity cultism, even our cultural leadership depends on it.
Oprah doesn't have a damn clue about foreign policy, which is a huge part of the President's job. There is a reason past Presidents were educated in law and followed the same path to the oval office. America now treats the oval office like a celebrity flophouse. I wouldn't vote for Oprah for the same reasons that I wouldn't vote for Donald Trump.
I am of the mindset that multi-national corporations run many aspects of America and the military has a hierarchy of power players that we know exists (just ask Colin Powell about that) Still, the President has to make foreign policy decisions and as we see right now, that requires some education.
Even though Barack had the right stuff to be President, he won mainly off identity politics votes. Donald really lost (the popular vote) but he sits in the office with no clue as to anything outside of his own ego and we see how things are going. Oprah has a cult following of women who want to see a woman in office more than they do a leader who knows and is prepared for the job.
In America, being rich and popular is more important than anything. Now, this is how we choose our representation. We don't even take it seriously anymore. Society is crumbling. America is failing. We're so distracted that we have lost the ability to think critically and logically. Its all about "appearance" and "representation" because we have been conditioned to think with a hive/tribe/team mentality about everything. We are easily manipulated as a country.
The rest of the world sees our demise on the rise and they are rejoicing at it.
The fact still remains that the republicans are in control of most of the governorships and state legislatures. So where outside of Obama have democrats been winning?The house and senate always flip to the opposite of the president. Here is a graphic going back to 1901 that will show what I mean...
Outside of the a few times in modern history, we almost always have a president from one party and a house and/or senate from another. The only reason Bush is somewhat of exception is 9/11 and the wars.
He saved or did what he was told?Not sure we can say the democratic party keeps losing.. They are fresh off of 8years of a black guy being POTUS who saved the country from a depression and gave everybody healthcare.
yes -What do you think is going to happen to all that equipment and technology? honestly...do you really believe the place would look the same in 10 years?
Amazing that some people can still say the idea of her winning a presidential race is impossible. Its like you havent been paying attention the last 9 years.
What makes her better than Biden and Sanders?
Her deep understanding of foreign policy?
Her years of background studying law?
Her extensive knowledge of government, government policy and how things work in Washington D.C.?
Sanders was a 4 term mayor and has been a Senator.
Biden was vice-President and a Senator for 30+ years.
Hell, even Hillary was Secretary of State.
Please, explain what makes Oprah better?
Don't bother.
Its the same mentality that got Trump elected.
People think "we need someone outside the box" - That works in movies and on t.v. - not in real life.
Its celebrity cultism.
The rest of the world sees it but many Americans can't because we're in it. Oprah is no more suited to be President than Beyoncé.
Some of you would vote her for President just because she's fine and is married to Jay-Z. Cult of celebrity.
You want Oprah negotiating with Putin?
America fails because we arrogantly believe that we don't need to send our best to do a job because we believe that we are all great and that anyone we root for will win because we are rooting for them.
No sir...the GOP for the most part at least know how to get together to fuck over the dems. They play the long game and that is how they were able to capture majority in the house, senate, and states house in this country.
So they have some form of cohesion.
I'm not talking about budgets and staff... I'm talking about vandalism and theftyes -
if staffing levels are maintained and the budgets aren't slashed...
NYC has multiple examples of facilities that prove this
In other leading industrial countries they do it even better
fuck you think building a school in south africa was??
Here is where the long term con began and lead us to this day.Couldn't have said it better....
The GOP is on point in practice but off the mark in principle. They only care about WINNING which is great until you get an unhinged boob in office then they just simply rally behind him and his bullshit.
Why? "Because he won?"![]()
So I don't fully buy the 'long con' term concerning them. There's unity, there's blind unity, there's being a forgone conclusion, and then there's how the GOP rolls; which is all you got to be is on top and well back your play regardless of how idiotic or harmful it might be.
That is terrifying.
That being said, although I dislike both parties I ESPECIALLY LOATHE the Democrats simply because they are such fucking pussies and forever playing the victim.
*two cents*
I'd like to know myself... he is a political star who just faded or opted out.
With respect to Oprah... she represents everything white people fear about us (and rightfully so). We're too strong and compelling or them to compete against. Their disgusting behavior- when illuminated, as Oprah just did- allows everyone to see them for who they really are. They're not fit to lead... they're inept... and they've become more dangerous to the planet then ever before. At some point more of them have to realize their own limitations and begin working again their collective best interests (the way coons like David Clarke do) in order to save the planet.
Thanks for listening. VVVVVVVVV dude nails it (Ms. America)
I'm not talking about budgets and staff... I'm talking about vandalism and theft
Here is where the long term con began and lead us to this day.
"The Supreme Court upheld most of Texas's Republican-drafted 2003 congressional redistricting plan yesterday in a ruling that could prompt majority parties in other states to redraw political maps to their advantage.
The endorsement of the plan, which former House majority leader Tom DeLay crafted to tilt Texas's congressional delegation to the GOP, was not absolute. By a vote of 5 to 4, the court ruled that a sprawling West Texas district represented by Henry Bonilla (R) violates the Voting Rights Act because it diluted the voting power of Latinos.
But seven justices rejected at least part of the opponents' broadest contention: that the entire Texas plan is unconstitutional because the legislature rewrote a previous court-drawn map, three years after the most recent census, out of nothing more than a desire for Republican advantage.
The seven justices gave widely varying reasons for rejecting the constitutional challenge, and the court did not quite say that no such challenge could ever succeed.
But with six justices producing 123 pages of opinions, without any five of them able to agree on how to define an unconstitutional gerrymander, politicians of both parties said that the ruling leaves the door wide open to attempts to copy the DeLay strategy in other states."
"Every redistricting is a partisan political exercise, but this is going to put it at a level we have never seen," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "That's the gift that the Supreme Court and Tom DeLay have given us."