Our Democrat brother( and now Sister) is in a WAR against the Jewish/MAGA political machine!

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Jamaal Bowman
U.S. Senators
U.S. Representatives
State legislators
Local officials
Labor unions


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's been this way for DECADES bro.
Their ongoing genocide and all of our elected officials OPENLY kissing jew ass has really opened up everyone's eyes.

Every politician that starts this talk is a snake oil salesman.

As you said it’s been this way for decades . The powers that be repeat the same playbook(whether it’s Israel, Ukraine,Vietnam, Nicaragua, etc) the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is multi-faceted and cannot be stopped…ppl know about it, they complain, give great talking points, but never change anything and never will. To have an ego so big to believe you can change it would be like walking into the woods and urinating on a mama grizzly bear and then proceed to snatch her cub away and thinking you will live to see the next day.

I agree with what the brother is saying, but even he knows the MIC cannot be stopped. Using it as a way to get ppl on his side is smart. It’s a great play by Democratic candidates of color, but it’s also devious too bc they knows that they can’t do shit about the MIC.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The establishment is fully opposed:

Jerusalem Post
US Politics

Former NY Gov. Cuomo announces new pro-Israel Democratic group​

By HALEY COHEN Published: MARCH 15, 2023

Cuomo, who is expected to challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand as she runs for reelection next year, said he was forming the organization in order to pressure Democrats to fight criticism of Israel​


Walter Panov

Rising Star


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Jewish people trip me out. So not kissing Israel's ass is anti-semitic?. Get fucking real. They can say anything they want about anyone they want but saying that we're not going to kiss Israel's ass or calling Israel out for attacking another country is somehow anti-Semitic. I think they need to look up what the fuck that word means cuz they seem to get it wrong a lot


Transnational Member
I wrote about them coming at me, they are trying to interfere with discourse online. They tried feeble attempts to discredit me rather than rebutting my comments.

I am studying their tactics and seeing if it could happen to us. They keep talking about the Holocaust, the Genocide convention needs to be strengthened on refugeeing people to ethnically cleanse from your country. Some of their activities correlate with the Ukraine conflict.

I am not cheerleading Palestinian either. This is not Jewish Girl Online or Indian Girl Online, they have no business being on here.
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Walter Panov

Rising Star

There should be riots in the streets for this. We send those cocksuckers billions. Part of that money ends up in the hands of their leaders who fund AIPAC. AIPAC elects these scumbags to make sure we keep sending billions to those cocksuckers. Anyone complaining about the use of our tax dollars is shamed and called antisemitic. Rinse and repeat the cycle.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
My thing is, are we that stupid as an electorate that we'll elect a politician just because we see hundreds of campaign ads?

Can any one in the area chime in on this because I'm on the outside looking in? Did Bell actually promise STL tangibles or was it just mud slinging?