Our Democrat brother( and now Sister) is in a WAR against the Jewish/MAGA political machine!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bush only lost because of Aipac. Bell was running for a Senate until the Squad started talking about Gaza. The area is about 20 percent Jewish and they would have normally voted for her but the Gaza issue doomed her.


Rising Star
Where the fuck is nbgol shills at?
Where's DC_Dunce, cameal, scary b at?!!
Where's the dozens of Plies and downlow hugging tweets at?

Your avatar says "Democrats 1st" with a Biden picture but you obviously hate Biden.

Cori Bush is a different type of Democrat but you call her and Bowman "Our Deomcrat Brother And Sister" in the thread title.

Nobody knows when to take you seriously. You troll more than anyone on this site and engaging with you is a waste of time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your avatar says "Democrats 1st" with a Biden picture but you obviously hate Biden.

Cori Bush is a different type of Democrat but you call her and Bowman "Our Deomcrat Brother And Sister" in the thread title.

Nobody knows when to take you seriously. You troll more than anyone on this site and engaging with you is a waste of time.
You never responded when I showed you how biden was worse

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Your avatar says "Democrats 1st" with a Biden picture but you obviously hate Biden.

Cori Bush is a different type of Democrat but you call her and Bowman "Our Deomcrat Brother And Sister" in the thread title.

Nobody knows when to take you seriously. You troll more than anyone on this site and engaging with you is a waste of time.
The fuck you talking about. I LOVE me some Biden. Yes, I have had my disagreements with him in the past, but he is OUR champion. He was the better choice over Trump!

I love ALL democrats. They are the only ones who are preventing the EVIL Republicans from putting us BACK into slavery!

When have I EVER trolled. I'm probably the realest person on this site. The fuck?


Rising Star
The fuck you talking about. I LOVE me some Biden. Yes, I have had my disagreements with him in the past, but he is OUR champion. He was the better choice over Trump!

I love ALL democrats. They are the only ones who are preventing the EVIL Republicans from putting us BACK into slavery!

When have I EVER trolled. I'm probably the realest person on this site. The fuck?




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Where the fuck is nbgol shills at?
Where's DC_Dunce, cameal, scary b at?!!
Where's the dozens of Plies and downlow hugging tweets at?
I can’t believe they are still quiet on this…

Yes, I can, because their allegiances change like a chameleon. Actually it is 99% based on what their leader, the liberal caucasian does.

:smh: these are the same people calling men with their own mind a “coon”.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Old negroes in the church have harmed our communities for far too long.

No doubt they got paid off as well

I really wish Peeps would stop saying this shit.
Though I honestly did think along the same lines when I was younger.
But as an Acquaintance said to Me some years ago,


Those words hit as I got older.
Gangster Culture ain't some REAL BLACKNESS!
Especially when it's harming US no different than the White Power Structure.
It just shows that OUR Battles are Internal and well as External.
And somehow, WE are going to have to really figure out how to handle and solve this.
Instead of getting pulled apart from all sides that are detrimental to OUR community.

Being Black in this country (Hell. This Entire Planet) is just a never-ending Battle.
It shouldn't have to be.
But such is the life of US!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
CNN trying their hardest to set him up:

And this dumb bitch governor follows along, condemning calling out genocide as “calling names.” :rolleyes:

Jonestown should have been a wake up call for blacks. It is in the nature of devils to master and dominate the original people. America really is a white man's dream of being superior over God ( black people ).
The black man has not seen his day in over 50 thousand years but the last 6000 since the making and emerging of the white race has witnessed a complete destruction of the black race.
We should be here to revenge Jesus death instead of Christian mockery of a black man becoming himself and being mocked for proving that the black man is God. The worship of war and genocide has only grown worst and more advanced.