Picard Patrick Stewart New Star Trek Series


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
I like this announcement. Can't wait for the new season to start. The wife and I are all caught up (episode wise).


Transnational Member
I hope he does not turn into Captain Kirk creating covert racist commercials and promoting mass delusions with his young sidekick. Read your prepared lines (William Shatner), don't venture into things you don't know.

I clicked on a link about this article and they started going nuts, definitely checking out of the U.S. soon. Nobody wants to live in an internment camp for life in the U.S.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Just watched inner light IMO the best Picard storyline along with the loqutis story and tapestry.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

STLV18: Designer Promises New Klingon Look For ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 2, Hints At Hair

On Sunday at Star Trek Las Vegas, Star Trek: Discovery makeup designer and lifelong Star Trek fan Glenn Hetrick held a short panel mostly about the process he and his team went through in the show’s first season, with much of the conversation about creating the look for the Klingons. His talk was accompanied by a slideshow of images of work from the first season, which are mostly taken from a gallery on his AlchemyFX website.

Hetrick also talked about the Klingons in the second season of Discovery, promisingna new look. He dug into some deep stuff about Klingon lore, rituals, and hair. Hetrick’s comments were somewhat cryptic, so we present them with a bit of interpretation and as much context as we can muster in this deep dive into the once and future look of the Klingons.

Klingons are changing, again
Much has been said about the new design of the Klingons for Discovery. Of course, the iconic race has gone through a number of major changes since the original TV series, through to the movies and into the Next Generation era, and again in the J.J. Abrams films. On Discovery, their look was updated once again, with more detail for the HD era.

And according to Glenn Hetrick, there is more change coming. Here is what he told the crowd at STLV:

As we move into season two, it has been while since we have been with our characters. It has been a while since we have seen our Klingon friends. So, everything keeps evolving. The story has evolved. And I can guarantee you this, you are going to be blown away that they have a completely new look, yet again, going into season two.


Inspired by TNG’s story of Kahless
Hetrick never directly described what will be new and different about the Klingons for the second season, who have yet to be seen in any released images or videos. However, a hint of what may come could be gleaned from Hetrick’s new backstory behind the biggest controversy around the new Klingon designs in Discovery, which is that they are all hairless. Hetrick spoke at length about what he used as inspiration for their look in season one:

If you really think about season one, and the Klingon story line, we had this incredibly ritualistic season with them. It was really about unification, and igniting the beacon, the Light of Kahless, and bringing him back… so we integrated that very much and thought a lot about that.

Hetrick then pointed to the Star Trek: The Next Generation
sixth season episode “Rightful Heir,” which featured the return of what was later to be revealed as a clone of Kahless. He pointed out that when this clone was being tested, he was asked how he unified the Empire. Here is how Hetrick describes it:

He did it by cutting off his hair, and dipping it into a volcano and forging the first bat’leth and tempering in the ocean of Qo’noS.


To get a little nitpicky, what the clone of Kahless said was that he cut off a “lock” of his hair to make the first bat’leth, but Hetrick was clearly making a connection to Kahless, unifying the empire, and cutting off hair. And of course, Kahless was important in the first season of Discovery, especially in the two-part opener–he’s mentioned in the first minute of the first episode, held up by T’Kuvma as his inspiration to unite the Klingon houses.


Look of Klingon Houses tied to rituals
Hetrick then went on to connect the story of Kahless to how they designed the Klingons for the first season of Discovery with this notion of a hair ritual in mind:

There is this whole thing with hair and ritual and unification that was very much in the forefront of our mind when we designing.

At last year’s STLV, Hetrick was on a panel with creature designer Neville Page and they said that Klingons were bald based on a directive from co-creator and former showrunner Bryan Fuller. During that panel, they also talked about how they developed a logic for it based on sensory organs in their heads, due to them being apex predators. All indications at the time seemed to be that the Klingons were bald by nature. However, Hetrick’s comments indicate that instead, it may have been ritualistic, and limited to just the Klingons we saw during the first season.

Hetrick made a point of saying that we have only seen Klingons from a fraction of the Houses in the Empire so far, and pointed out an example of body modification in season one. During his slideshow he noted that some members of House Mo’Kai undergo ritual scarring.


Another example Hetrick used to show how the different houses show their distinctiveness was House D’Ghor, who adorn their head ridges with jewelry. This was seen on the season one character Dennas.


Different Houses vary by genetics too
To throw another angle on this, Hetrick said that some of the houses actually have genetic differences. He pointed out that a Klingon from the first season from House Antaak had a “cranial ridge extension that goes down on to his chin.” Hetrick added, “Only that house has that genetic signature. Their chins have ridges too.”

And if you want to go further down the rabbit hole, Antaak was the doctor from Star Trek: Enterprise who inadvertently created ridgeless Klingons through genetic engineering, and was last seen as a victim of his own science.


Are Discovery Klingons really all that different?
Hetrick indicated that some of the changes coming are because there are still more Houses to reveal:

In season two, you are going to see much different designs. You are going to see different houses you haven’t seen before. One of the most important things to us was that at this point in canon, as we head towards the current version of unification, the houses really each grow up on different planets. It is an Empire, it is not just Qo’noS… We have seen six of the great houses in close up in season one. As we move forward into the next season, I promise that we will continue exploring and unpacking and unfolding that infinitely interesting story of what the Klingon culture looks like on a wider level.

Hetrick continued to push the point that what we saw in the first season is not the end of the story in terms of the look of the Klingons. During the Q&A a fan began a question by stating, “The Klingons are completely different,” and Hetrick cut her off, with: “But are they? We are not in season two yet.”

Putting it all together, Hetrick seems to be saying that in season two, the Klingons we see may not be as different as the ones we are used to. It’s possible that hair removal was a ritual, practiced by some of the Houses, or possibly a genetic trait that varies by House.

Regardless, Hetrick seems to be asking for patience, promising there is more to come.




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
James McAvoy Offers to Play Young Picard for Patrick Stewart

James McAvoy has offered to once again play a younger version of Patrick Stewart, this time in the form of a young Picard for the character's new Star Trek series. The new Picard-led Star Trek show will air on the CBS All Access streaming service, where CBS hopes to keep Star Trek shows airing all year long.

Star Trek has certainly had a long run in pop culture. The first Star Trek show aired from 1966-1969, and while the original series was rather short-lived, star William Shatner would go on to play lead character Captain Kirk in seven movies, before the franchise began completely focusing on a new set of characters. There have been multiple follow-up series over the years, including The Next Generationstarring Stewart as Picard, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and the latest Discovery. The series has also had its fair share of cinematic adventures sprinkled over the years, including the immensely popular current trilogy produced by J.J. Abrams. Quentin Tarantino is now developing his own Star Trek movie, a fourth film in Abrams' series is still expected to happen, and the new series revolving around Picard is in pre-production. Needless to say, Star Trek is one property thathas shown no signs of slowing down.

Related: William Shatner Congratulates Patrick Stewart on Return to Star Trek

When Stewart posted a photo on Instagram recently of the new Picard series' writers room, McAvoy commented, "Need a flashback guy????” Just saying @sirpatstew I’ve got previous experience and will work for autographs." Stewart's original post can be seen below.

Stewart previously confirmed his return to the franchise when he attended the Star Trek Las Vegas convention. Not a lot is currently known about the upcoming series; however, it will be focusing on the next chapter of Jean-Luc Picard's life. Even after his most recent Star Trek role in 2002, Stewart has stayed busy with acting. Shortly before his time with Star Trek ended, Stewart jumped into another franchise; X-Men. Patrick has appeared in a total of seven X-Men movies as Professor Charles Xavier, a.k.a. Professor X, including X-Men: Days of Future Past, which was McAvoy's second time playing the younger version of Stewart's character.

Much like Stewart, McAvoy has had a successful acting career. Aside from his X-Men role, McAvoy has starred in films like Wanted, Atomic Blonde, and Split. He will also be starring in the upcoming It: Chapter Two, as well as M. Night Shyamalan's third film in the Unbreakable series, titled Glass. Fans were very accepting of him playing a young version of Professor X, so he would likely be a good fit for the new Picard Star Trek series, if they ever do need to cast a young version of Picard.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Discovery is arguably the worst Star Trek series out there.
Feel free to use this …..


If CBS wants you to pay to watch it, you know its bad,
No … it's because they're realizing like everyone else that they're losing their bottom line … advertising $$$$ …… so now to watch something commercial free, their bread and butter, you have to pay for it …. face it tv was never free …. other things paid for it ... that's why even cable is getting hip to the game .... you can't even watch a show that you might've missed ... without being stuck with the commercials ... fast forward is now disabled ..... I used to just let the show go the night it came on ... then watch it on demand ... they even want you to pay like $1.99 a pop to watch shows that came on tv last year or maybe 8 episodes back ... the same ones that you were able to watch for free .... :hmm:
sidebar: TiVo lets me fast forward through commercials in like 99% of programs I record with the touch of just one button … guarantee that won't last for long …. :smh: …. :hmm:


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Rising Star
Platinum Member
STAR TREK is right back where it belongs...

And that's a GOOD Thing!

And for those complaining about CBS Access and shit,
Since when have most of US here on BGOL ever paid for shit anyway???

Can't Wait!


Rising Star
OG Investor
STAR TREK is right back where it belongs...

And that's a GOOD Thing!

And for those complaining about CBS Access and shit,
Since when have most of US here on BGOL ever paid for shit anyway???

Can't Wait!

It's a problem if you want the show to go 7 seasons. If too many people are downloading the bootleg rather than paying for CBS All Access, why would they continue to pump money into the show?

CBS won't give us HD versions of DS9 and Voyager because they know it literally wouldn't be worth it.

The DS9 documentary isn't showing in any theaters near me and I'd gladly pay to see it digitally.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Thanos and Jean Luc had the same retirement planner.

BTW I hope this series isn't about him passing on the torch some asshole. I want him to be the focus.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Star Trek: Picard producer reveals 7 new details about series

By James Hibberd
July 18, 2019 at 09:52 AM EDT

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Star Trek: Picard
  • TV Show
Star Trek: Picard team is pulling back the veil on the upcoming series that returns Patrick Stewart to role he played for seven seasons on the 1990s syndicated hit series Star Trek: The Next Generation and in four feature films.

Executive producer Alex Kurtzman and showrunner Michael Chabon gave EW some new hints about Jean-Luc Picard’s journey in the upcoming CBS All-Access series. Until now, the only teaser has shown Picard in retirement at his family’s vineyard in France and included a cryptic voiceover suggesting the admiral left Starfleet after he led an armada on a rescue mission to the doomed planet Romulus.

Here are seven things we learned:


1. Yes, Picard is going back into space. Strangely enough for a Trek series, nothing space-y has yet been shown regarding the new show, which has entirely terrestrial marketing images so far. Even our basic questions like, “Can you at least say if the show is set on a spaceship?” were dodged when we asked the producers. But Kurtzman confirms the new Star Trek will live up to its name. “Events began to unfold that conspire to take Picard back to the stars,” Kurtzman says.

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From Entertainment Weekly
2. But that doesn’t mean Picard is returning to Starfleet. “He will [go to space],” Kurtzman adds, “but not in a way that anyone expects.” What does that mean? It sounds like Picard won’t simply get drafted back into commanding a starship — especially considering what Kurtzman reveals next.

3. Picard seeks to fight a specific injustice, yet won’t have his usual resources. “Because he’s no longer in Starfleet, he no longer carries the weight of that behind him,” Kurtzman says. “In some ways, it’s easier to be [a great man] when you’re a captain. But it’s an entirely different thing when you don’t have an army behind you. When you want to get something done and fight an injustice, how do you do that when you’re really only one man?”

4. His quest will be a serialized story in the first season, unlike the episodic The Next Generation. “Which isn’t necessarily new for Star Trek,” Chabon said, noting that Discovery is often serialized too, “but that is new for Picard.”

5. Picard is “haunted” and older but fundamentally remains the same character. “There are many things that haunt Picard,” Kurtzman teases, adding the ill-fated Romulus mission is just one of those things. And Chabon notes the series will incorporate that the character is a different age. “He’s a lot older and we’re not shying away from that at all — we’re dealing with a man who’s in a very different place in his life,” Chabon says. Yet at the same time, Picard will still be the man you know and love. “It was terribly important to us that he remains fundamentally Picard,” Kurtzman says. “You will not see a version that betrays the man we loved from Next Generation. We’re not doing that. But we wanted to put a character with that level of morality and leadership and who always does the right thing no matter how hard the circumstances … we wanted to put that to the test.”

6. Other Next Generation actor appearances are not being ruled out. The producers just want to make sure they’re not, you know, cheesy. “What we don’t want to do is just throw in cameos,” Kurtzman says. “There would have to be an incredibly specific story reason [for them to be there].” Former Next Gen star Jonathan Frakes was previously announced as directing two episodes in the first season, but there’s no word if he appears on camera. The show’s new regular cast members (Alison Pill, Michelle Hurd, Evan Evagora, Isa Briones, Santiago Cabrera, and Harry Treadaway) are not playing any familiar Next Gencharacters, Kurtzman confirms.

7. Stewart as Picard is better than you’ve ever seen him. “The quality of Patrick’s acting, if anything, has gotten even better over time and he was already a master,” Chabon says. “He has an ability to hold you riveted even when he’s just sitting and listening.” Naturally. Picard is always at his best when he looks … engaged.

The Star Trek: Picard panel is Saturday at Comic-Con and EW will have full coverage.