Post pictures and stories of Simps.

Cock Head Jones

Rising Star

This is what happens to guys that be nice. Bitches know they are using you and will expose you!

OMFG i never cried laughing so fucking hard in my life somebody pleeez blow this shit up

the pic where he said look at my girlfriend and it was a empty car seat.......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Look up Moses Garza iii.His life has been ethered.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:lol::lol::lol:its a large pic......hold on....


:smh::smh::smh: dis kid gonna be a serial killer of hookers in da broad should get with dis guy cause he seem like the type to kill her and himself if she broke up with this dude..calling a broad 30 times in an hr span breathing all hard and shit..dis dude could saved up for college, equipment, some other future endevour and instead dis nig giving bread to a bitch that gives two shits about him..she betta stop using ole boy b4 he show up at her house with a dress on and a butcher knife screaming "i juss wanted to hang out with u juss once" ova and ova again while he stabbing her to death...dis nig said he never hugged or kissed a girl and he's 16 wtf i kno kids with handicaps dat get more play than dis guy..i'd say get dis guy a hooker but he'd prob fall in love and than be like why are u cheating on me when she got to do "dates" and kill her
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
white bitches seem pretty mean. Shit is bothering me

Why do you think these white bitches always turn up dead in the woods, in a lake, in a crate...these white boys are crazy as shit. They'll shoot up a school with ease, you think killing a bitch that did you dirty is gonna be hard for them?


Rising Star
Somebody NEED to screen capture BGOL member CT's Finest comments over da years and put his hoe ass in here. Real Talk! :itsawrap:

Buddy been sliding by too long.

Sent Collect from the Fulton County Correctional Facility using pay phone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why do you think these white bitches always turn up dead in the woods, in a lake, in a crate...these white boys are crazy as shit. They'll shoot up a school with ease, you think killing a bitch that did you dirty is gonna be hard for them?

White women are scandalous as hell and that's why white boys lose their mind when shit hits the fan. Society and the media likes to paint them as innocent dames but them bitches are "methodical" when it comes to doing dirt.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
That cat Moses needs a Life coach and personel trainer.
His pops ,males cousins and uncles ain't shit.
yeah dude is on the slow train to axe murdering rapisthood

i fell short like twice in high school, the second time REALLY teaching me a lesson. nowhere near like none of these niggas though.

the funny shit is the majority of us would RATHER be a nice guy. but you just can't. the game won't let you.

ah well *pimphand*


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah dude is on the slow train to axe murdering rapisthood

i fell short like twice in high school, the second time REALLY teaching me a lesson. nowhere near like none of these niggas though.

the funny shit is the majority of us would RATHER be a nice guy. but you just can't. the game won't let you.

ah well *pimphand*
Tha thing is dude is still young so he can make a full recovery his game will have to be super tight to deflect tha clowning hes gonna get for tha simp period of his life.

That nice guy lay your coat down a puddle of water shit is FINSHIED.You don't have to be mean to a girl you just can't be sweating them and doing random shit for them.Cats that are still buying them drinks at tha club are losing.I don't even understand that language. :lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
That cat Moses needs a Life coach and personel trainer.
His pops ,males cousins and uncles ain't shit.

Two books I give to young cats that I work with:

Way of the Superior Man by David Deida.
How to be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne.

Both talk about finding whatever your purpose is in life and chase THAT instead of a woman. Corey's book is more relationship-based.


Rising Star
I really hope these friend men are either gay or married/immediately fucking someone else.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I use 2 b ruthless with bitches. I have 2 much pride 2 ever let I chick feel she got over on me. That's y I don't call hoes I let them call me n if she don't answer my text I don't text her again until she hmu. I'm not into all that taking bitches out shit. I'm into buying drugs. If a bitch not smoke or drink or pop pills then 8 outta 10 I'm not fuckin with her cause I have a girl n not taking bitches on dates.

But we all can b considered simps I tricked off in DR n I use 2 trick off crazy bread in the strip clubs that's being a simp also


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jason was a simp when he use to do that kissing shit before a free throw, how that worked out for him ...


Two books I give to young cats that I work with:

Way of the Superior Man by David Deida.
How to be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne.

Both talk about finding whatever your purpose is in life and chase THAT instead of a woman. Corey's book is more relationship-based.

The Art of Macking by Tariq Nasheed
The Game by Neil strauss

and listen to The Black Phillip Show.

These cats need to find a strength and go with it. Your looks only hold you back if you let them. Hit the gym, and take your so called girl best friend to Macys to pick out good clothes for you. "Since you ain't fucking me, get your ass in the car and we're getting me some bitch magnet clothes." Don't buy that broad shit, she wanna go to the women's section? Do that on your own time...we're here for me. Once she sees chicks trying to give you play, she'll cut that friend shit out.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I use 2 b ruthless with bitches. I have 2 much pride 2 ever let I chick feel she got over on me. That's y I don't call hoes I let them call me n if she don't answer my text I don't text her again until she hmu. I'm not into all that taking bitches out shit. I'm into buying drugs. If a bitch not smoke or drink or pop pills then 8 outta 10 I'm not fuckin with her cause I have a girl n not taking bitches on dates.

But we all can b considered simps I tricked off in DR n I use 2 trick off crazy bread in the strip clubs that's being a simp also

Crazy thing about it is I've never smoked a cigarette or did any type of drugs besides smoked weed n I don't even do that anymore, shit; I don't even drink liquor anymore either I just like chicks drugged up lol


Rising Star

Don't mean to interject but I keep seeing cats in this thread mix up TRICKING with SIMPING. I was under the impression that....

TRICKING: The straight up getting ass on the bases of a monetary or bartered transaction. Everything is above board. 'I pay your light bill or give you cash to pay it if we fuck first. Deal?'

SIMPING: Providing services, favors, moneies to a female with the HOPES of sex in return but with out making one's intentions known. Emphasis on the word 'HOPE'; 'Man I done washed and waxed this girl's car, mowed her lawn, watch her kids when she went to the store with money I gave <insert a typical HOPE based statement here> or I'm cutting her off!'

Just wanted to makesure I'm getting right. Thanks fellas!

*two cents*

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these niggas gettin ZERO pussy. they simpin. period.

dudes handing out engagement rings and being called best friends....
they doing manacures like thats they wife. i aint even giving my wife a clear coat. fuck that.
they on facebook stalkin and lookin ass, while the bitch boyfriend is like 'sup bro?'

simping to the 'umph' degree


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These guys obviously have no positive male influence their lives. I gotta do something...I have to pass on some ebooks or something.


The ball is in her court because he definitely doesn't have any.:lol::lol::lol:

:smh: first reply shouldve just been "im scoopin you at 2. be ready". these dudes giving them options. if you dont have game, call her or something. this thread funny as hell, but the fact that these guys dont see that theyre embarrassing themselves and fucking up how men are looked at by these hoes is terrible. :smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
:smh: first reply shouldve just been "im scoopin you at 2. be ready". these dudes giving them options. if you dont have game, call her or something. this thread funny as hell, but the fact that these guys dont see that theyre embarrassing themselves and fucking up how men are looked at by these hoes is terrible. :smh:

I was taught that women no matter how much power they have at work WANT to be feminine. That means the man has to be in his masculine energy. When a man acts feminine it forces the woman to be masculine (which by nature she doesn't like.) or she'll get a nigga that DOES act masculine. Either way she does not want you. She'll fuck with you and use you but forget about getting any ass.