Yea I couldn't piece that together either. I thought it was cause he might've been the only one able to let that Tatiana girl into the office to set him, but Dre has access to the room as well so it couldn't be that.
Didn't Kantos and Ghosf have some spats early on? Something involving Stern?
Kantos will probably link up with Knox now to bury Ghost after Kantos kept his mouth shut.
I thought Kantos was Ghost's boss under Stern?
Right but Ghost was his boss first, then Kantos became his boss under the Stern takeover. Retribution perhaps.
Truth was Ghost's club first.
After the shooting and the girl snorting the bad coke, the FBI shut down Truth.
Stern became the landlord of the property or some shit so that Truth could re-open.
Stern offered Ghost a deal where Ghost can get his club back if he made a 20% profit, but Kantos (who was Truth's middle management) was going to run the club.
Stern told Kantos to do whatever it takes to make sure Ghost doesn't reach 20% profit, which included giving him smaller budgets for parties, and cooking the numbers so they look lower than they were. Kantos did it because Stern offered to give him his own club (This is why Ghost said Kantos wasn't loyal and fired him).
Ghost ended up using dirty drug money to pay to throw a big party which got him over the 20% profit but he still couldn't see the books to prove that he did.
So Ghost had goons tear up the office at Truth so he can have access to the books.
Ghost also made a deal with Stern's wife. He provided info to Stern's wife that gave her a shitload of leverage in their divorce settlement in exchange that she would take Stern's clubs in the settlement and give/sell them to Ghost.