I think some of yall are forgetting its ONLY been 18 episodes. That not even a full season on network TV. I think the writing is dam good, of course it could be better, but you have to fit a lot in a small time frame.
I don't watch TV at all, like 0...I'm the only one that hasn't seen The wire even though I bought the box set years ago, I just can't sit in front of the TV for ages, I knew about Power from last season but never bothered with it, anyway I caught up in 2 or 3 days...first season was ok but Season 2 was REALLY GOOD.
I wish they killed off that Angela bitch, conniving ass whore, she was playing dirty the whole series.
Ghost got some text messages from some girl, like "I miss you baby" who was that? Is that a new chick coming in next season?
I like Tommy, he's more of a stand up guy than Ghost, I was hoping Ghost would get killed, he plays too dirty too.
I don't mind Kanaan surviving, hopefully he kills off Ghost in the future, Ghost has wronged too many people to just be alive and running Truth.