POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
-angela does look old!

-why is dre so scared of 50?

-i thought that was dres gma 50 suffocated,

was it ghosts?

-i just knew tommy was dead, kinda was excited!

then nothing, just let him go.

-every week ghost is in more shit!

-what is ghost gonna do poison milans cigarettes?



Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Anyone understand the Kanan part where he choked out the old lady, found the bullethole behind the Jesus painting and said, "time for a history lesson.."

? Lil confused


Rising Star

-angela does look old!

-why is dre so scared of 50?

-i thought that was dres gma 50 suffocated,

was it ghosts?

-i just knew tommy was dead, kinda was excited!

then nothing, just let him go.

-every week ghost is in more shit!

-what is ghost gonna do poison milans cigarettes?
Nobody has ever threatened Dre's baby & he knows exactly how dangerous Kanaan is and could be.....

Kanaan wants that bullet in the wall from back in the day for his memory lane trip he's. abt to take Ghost & probably Tasha on for lining him up.

Milan realizes Tommy has nothing to lose being betrayed over that crusty hitch which he will use against him with Tommy being as simple as he is or at his weakest, most vulnerable point. Tommy wanted to die, they were ready to kill him slow but Milan wont give it to him but will sink his teeth deeper which is what he does.....
Milan's been on his Kaiser shut for years to survive.

Anyone understand the Kanan part where he choked out the old lady, found the bullethole behind the Jesus painting and said, "time for a history lesson.."

? Lil confused
There's no fast answer nor should it be, y'all, damn.
Just let it unravel
Unless some1 on this board is fucking Courtney and she pillow talks, ain't no simple answer


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Anyone understand the Kanan part where he choked out the old lady, found the bullethole behind the Jesus painting and said, "time for a history lesson.."

? Lil confused

Apparently, something must have happened between Ghost and Kanan in that apartment that old lady was living in before she lived there.

Kanan is probably about to use that apartment to set up Ghost some how, so Kanan tricked the old lady into thinking she had met him before and he killed her so he can have access to the apartment.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When Tommy and Julio are walking through the club and Dre walks up with an Effen Vodka box and says to Tommy, "I was just doing what I have to do". But, Tommy gives him the middle finger.
Oh I finally saw it.
I don't know how I missed that big ass EFFEN VODKA on that box.
They even had him strategically carrying upright so it could be clearly visible. :lol:


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
There's no fast answer nor should it be, y'all, damn.
Just let it unravel
Unless some1 on this board is fucking Courtney and she pillow talks, ain't no simple answer

Apparently, something must have happened between Ghost and Kanan in that apartment that old lady was living in before she lived there.

Kanan is probably about to use that apartment to set up Ghost some how, so Kanan tricked the old lady into thinking she had met him before and he killed her so he can have access to the apartment.
Gotcha. I just thought I might've missed a previous reference in the earlier episodes.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Tasha telling Tommy :smh:

so now he's going to take it out on Ghost that he killed his kid and picked Holly over him.

When Ghost jacked up his son for talking greasy. You knew it was coming.

He needs to do more than that. He needs to stop playing Jamie with that boy.

-why is dre so scared of 50?

The smart thing would have been to tell Ghost immediately, but it's TV

Apparently, something must have happened between Ghost and Kanan in that apartment that old lady was living in before she lived there.

Kanan is probably about to use that apartment to set up Ghost some how, so Kanan tricked the old lady into thinking she had met him before and he killed her so he can have access to the apartment.

50 is a heartless bastard

He told Dre to hold on a minute and then killed her with a Jesus Saves pillow :lol:


Rising Star

Tariq isn't getting real black parenting

He would've got his ass whooped long ago and twice this last episode if this were real lol
This like a mofucka!
See, I know Ghost wants to keep his street side away from his family and not want to take all his issues out on his dumb assed, smart mouthed, hurt that daddy aint here spoiled ass kid
I really wanted him to EarfSlam that little fuck through the ground from up off of the ceiling for that sly assed look, tone & everything else he's done acting like a bigger lil bitch than in all due respect his daughter.

Then again when he pulled away like that.

Tasha should have also countered with the left then kicked him with them 7 inch heels she b e rocking in his gut.
Asswhippings should have been in the picture even when Ghost was home.
They're gonna end up with another entitled rich kid like RayDonovan's son thinking theyre immune to an asswhipping from whence they came just because they have a few coins through their people foh
Horrible parenting. That shit had me :angry:
BillCosby may be a mickey slipping ho fucker but even he aint play that dumb shit with his kids.
He could have been easily hung by his ankles off that roof, daring him to call some protective child services, using the calm James/Jamie voice or the street toned Ghost voice.
A real black mama or dad would have dropped his ass cold in the middle of the room.

& extra asswhippings since Tasha neglected to do her job to make up for it......
Here I thought for a second Tasha was lying about him mouthing off to MamaAngie who also should have let him feel where she was coming from at first sign of any parental disrespect or line testing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep, he's talking to his parents like white kids talk to their parents.
That's how you know this is just TV.
A real black mama or dad would have dropped his ass cold in the middle of the room.

Clearly it's just TV cuz that shit he pulled woulda had him laid out in the living room

He acting like a spoiled white kid

I don't care what's going on with your parents you can get put in a child's place real quick fucking round wit me


Rising Star

Clearly it's just TV cuz that shit he pulled woulda had him laid out in the living room

He acting like a spoiled white kid

I don't care what's going on with your parents you can get put in a child's place real quick fucking round wit me
You seen the pussy in his eyes after it happened to like he was pressing buttons like a cackid.
He would have learned the POWER of Justice for disrespecting your parents.
Nothing on this show has ever had me that fucking tight.
Teeth and blood would have been airborn at minimal.
& since I brought up RayDonovan, Abbey's ass should have punched Bridget in her mouth Southie style instead of threatening to do so when she mouthed off just like her people would have done, fuck outta here


Rising Star
OG Investor
ghost done created a shit storm for himself. tommy is about to get low key recruited by milan. ghost should of gut checked his son talking like that. i almost had a heart attack watching that scene. my grandmother use to fuck me up for less. kannan is a violent sociopath.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Ok I'm deleting my frustrations. I see that the DOJ has a different version of the office of professional responsibility. This is still stupid as shit to have an investigation the next day.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Update... Nope just read what the office of professional responsibly does for the DOJ and its the same thing that they do for regular attorneys.. So I'm going back to calling bullshit on this Office of professional responsibility investigation. All they can do is issue recommendations to the attorney general if they find any attorney misconduct and their is no way in hell that you could link attorney misconduct from a fucking cell phone. This would an issue for internal affairs and not this office. UGHHHH... I don't think I can watch this bullshit. The lawyer in me can't stand fucking made up TV drama law fairy land bullshit.


Rising Star

Update... Nope just read what the office of professional responsibly does for the DOJ and its the same thing that they do for regular attorneys.. So I'm going back to calling bullshit on this Office of professional responsibility investigation. All they can do is issue recommendations to the attorney general if they find any attorney misconduct and their is no way in hell that you could link attorney misconduct from a fucking cell phone. This would an issue for internal affairs and not this office. UGHHHH... I don't think I can watch this bullshit. The lawyer in me can't stand fucking made up TV drama law fairy land bullshit.
sounds good:dunno: from their tower on the roof @ that, nice

She's selling the shit out of the super police work copping and had ole boy shook from whatever sloppy personal things he has going on in his personal file that they all know abt


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
The camera on the ceiling of Ghost's office.....one can assume he's got mics as well.....Andre fucked up talking to Kanann in there now it'll be interesting to see what happens with that angle.


Rising Star
:lol:This shit had me rolling - 50 is hilarious at times. When Tommy called Dre a Tony the Tiger looking motherfucker dat was funny. Good episode overall. I just hate seeing Ghost getting his ass kicked around, but I'm sure he will redeem himself soon.

There's always someone for him to defeat. Which is key to his raise to true "power".


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
ghost done created a shit storm for himself. tommy is about to get low key recruited by milan. ghost should of gut checked his son talking like that. i almost had a heart attack watching that scene. my grandmother use to fuck me up for less. kannan is a violent sociopath.

Didnt like how ghost apologized by calling out to his son, stop sending mixed messages, either you demand respect or you don't.

Milan has been the saving grace of this show as a whole really.

Tommy had an approach early that ghost should have took on, fuck you. If ghost or Tommy dont run the already established network what else is he going to do? Ghost should have said "I killed my supplier, now we need drugs, I dont work for you but we are now in business, shit cant be to personal you would have killed me already"

I love how Milan looks like he is going to help Tommy evolve.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn, ep 7 was good...Ghost is in a world of shit right now...damn, he jacked up his son and now his son knows that ghost care about another woman than to his own kids!!.not a good look ghost!!..:smh::smh:...Tommy is losing it..i think hes going to do something crazy or fuck up things for both him and ghost!!..This was a good episode

cant wait for next week!!


Rising Star
:lol:This shit had me rolling - 50 is hilarious at times. When Tommy called Dre a Tony the Tiger looking motherfucker dat was funny. Good episode overall. I just hate seeing Ghost getting his ass kicked around, but I'm sure he will redeem himself soon.
Yeaht that Tony the Tiger stuff had me in tears! As far as ghost goes, he's just reaping what he sewed. He's been on some sneaky stuff from season one, now all these chickens are coming home to roost.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not a good look for Kanaan meeting Dre in Ghost office. You know Ghost has surveillance on his office, or was that Dre setting Kanaan up?