Tariq isn't getting real black parenting
He would've got his ass whooped long ago and twice this last episode if this were real lol
This like a mofucka!
See, I know Ghost wants to keep his street side away from his family and not want to take all his issues out on his dumb assed, smart mouthed, hurt that daddy aint here spoiled ass kid
I really wanted him to EarfSlam that little fuck through the ground from up off of the ceiling for that sly assed look, tone & everything else he's done acting like a bigger lil bitch than in all due respect his daughter.
Then again when he pulled away like that.
Tasha should have also countered with the left then kicked him with them 7 inch heels she b e rocking in his gut.
Asswhippings should have been in the picture even when Ghost was home.
They're gonna end up with another entitled rich kid like RayDonovan's son thinking theyre immune to an asswhipping from whence they came just because they have a few coins through their people foh
Horrible parenting. That shit had me

BillCosby may be a mickey slipping ho fucker but even he aint play that dumb shit with his kids.
He could have been easily hung by his ankles off that roof, daring him to call some protective child services, using the calm James/Jamie voice or the street toned Ghost voice.
A real black mama or dad would have dropped his ass cold in the middle of the room.
& extra asswhippings since Tasha neglected to do her job to make up for it......
Here I thought for a second Tasha was lying about him mouthing off to MamaAngie who also should have let him feel where she was coming from at first sign of any parental disrespect or line testing