POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not a good look for Kanaan meeting Dre in Ghost office. You know Ghost has surveillance on his office, or was that Dre setting Kanaan up?
Dre not setting Kannaan up he too scared n not bright enough that's why he on video talking about shit like Ghost didn't pull him outta the office to speak to him to avoid that shit


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Not a good look for Kanaan meeting Dre in Ghost office. You know Ghost has surveillance on his office, or was that Dre setting Kanaan up?
kanaan ironically happened to be there while Dre was taking out the garbage. They weren't in his office. The writing on this show can be horrible at times. So 50 was just sitting there waiting, because he just knew Dre was gonna throw out that garbage.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
I'm rethinking last nights episode this morning. Did Ghost refer to Milan as "Effe"? If my ears didn't deceive me then damn, you talk about being in a complete bitch position....:smh:.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The camera on the ceiling of Ghost's office.....one can assume he's got mics as well.....Andre fucked up talking to Kanann in there now it'll be interesting to see what happens with that angle.
if Milan had access to Ghost's safe.....im sure he's got access to the video camera footage as well.
that nigga is Ghost's worst nightmare now. i have a feeling Ghost is going to try an use the feds to bring down Milan.
thats his only play......there's no way he can take out Milan and his entire crew.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
if Milan had access to Ghost's safe.....im sure he's got access to the video camera footage as well.
that nigga is Ghost's worst nightmare now. i have a feeling Ghost is going to try an use the feds to bring down Milan.
thats his only play......there's no way he can take out Milan and his entire crew.

Pin the Lobos murder on him maybe.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
if Milan had access to Ghost's safe.....im sure he's got access to the video camera footage as well.
that nigga is Ghost's worst nightmare now. i have a feeling Ghost is going to try an use the feds to bring down Milan.
thats his only play......there's no way he can take out Milan and his entire crew.

Was telling my wife that

TFN Crew

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm rethinking last nights episode this morning. Did Ghost refer to Milan as "Effe"? If my ears didn't deceive me then damn, you talk about being in a complete bitch position....:smh:.

Dats what I didn't like abt the episode - they had ghost bowing down to Milan. What ghost told tommy in the warehouse leads me to believe ghost is gonna play chess with Milan and pay Milan back big time when he least expects it. Tommy is a hothead who plays checkers and wants to go off of emotions.


BGOL Legend
Tired of Kaanan showing up out of nowhere and then going back
Laughed at his attempt to be like Chris helping a lady then doing something fucked up to her.
I can tolerate all that.

Sandoval wears the same suit every episode. I can't tolerate that.
Angie is whatever. She got played. Ghost is not really all that smart nor is he all that brave. It seems like it but he's not.
Tommy.. got heart and dumb as rocks.
Tariq finally met his real dad last night.. say something stupid to your father and you meet him for the first time... in that moment Tariq was like ok..damn... this is the scariest nigga on the planet. Ok alright.

I fucks with Milan. FINALLY a villain worthy of the show. He can be around for a couple of seasons and I wouldn't have a complaint. He was smart enough to do every single thing he did.
He showed up to dinner like what's up bro?!? Oh yea I know you tried to get her brought up but she's alive and well lol
Milan is my new favorite character
His rep..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its crazy how milan was saving ghost ass so many times the previous episodes. Now he owns him. It would be crazy if kaanan gets a hold of tariq and make him hustle like ghost did his son. Of if milan hire kaanan to be ghost boss. Cant wait till tommy or ghost see kaanan is alive.

Anyone try effen liquor ?


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Didnt like how ghost apologized by calling out to his son, stop sending mixed messages, either you demand respect or you don't.

Definitely...i demand respect in my house but he dont wanna hurt him feelings...what the hell is that shit all about!then this sucka walked off like fuck u pops...nah i would have jacked his ass up


Rising Star
Milan wants Ghost to sell his dope right? So isn't the play to get Lobos' remaining forces in DC to wage war on Milan?

Ghost needs to find away to get Angela to feed Mike that Milan's crew was responsible, then Mike feeds this to Lobos' crew and then they take care of Milan.

Also Ghost gets goodwill from Lobos people and they call off his hit and the new jeffe works with Tommy.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
Damn, ep 7 was good...Ghost is in a world of shit right now...damn, he jacked up his son and now his son knows that ghost care about another woman than to his own kids!!.not a good look ghost!!..:smh::smh:...Tommy is losing it..i think hes going to do something crazy or fuck up things for both him and ghost!!..This was a good episode

cant wait for next week!!

actually I'm getting sick of Tariq's character all together..he's acting like a little punk.. i hate little punk ass disrespectful kids..

I'm rethinking last nights episode this morning. Did Ghost refer to Milan as "Effe"? If my ears didn't deceive me then damn, you talk about being in a complete bitch position....:smh:.

i thought he said "jefe" which means boss


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Was there somethin about the smokes Milan had or was ghost just gettin mad cause the nigga lit up in his home?

If it was just over him lightin one up, seems kinda dumb, dude just ran all up in your house and made your fam act right.

Be mad at that lol


BGOL Legend
Its crazy how milan was saving ghost ass so many times the previous episodes. Now he owns him. It would be crazy if kaanan gets a hold of tariq and make him hustle like ghost did his son. Of if milan hire kaanan to be ghost boss. Cant wait till tommy or ghost see kaanan is alive.

Anyone try effen liquor ?

He was saving ghost because he wants Ghost to work for him. He don't own him because of that he owned him because of what Ghost did.
He was just making sure his mule didn't get killed.
And judging by what Milan called the Albanians I doubt Kanaan will even see Milan unless he's about to get killed by Milan


Rising Star

LOL i was like damn they really want him to be evil
:lol: kats wanting to project their own moral beliefs into post burnt&locked up Kanaan after he already killed his own son & threatened to kill Dre's among other things wtf ahahaha.....
Maybe he wasn't feeling all the white jebus pics on the wall


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

:lol: kats wanting to project their own moral beliefs into post burnt&locked up Kanaan after he already killed his own son & threatened to kill Dre's among other things wtf ahahaha.....
Maybe he wasn't feeling all the white jebus pics on the wall

So you think it was a coincidence that he killed her with a "Jesus Saves" pillow?

This Kanan character might be the worst thing about this show. There's really no good reason for him to still be around.


Rising Star

So you think it was a coincidence that he killed her with a "Jesus Saves" pillow?

This Kanan character might be the worst thing about this show. There's really no good reason for him to still be around.
Revenge is a dish served best cold
Honestly, I don't really care....
It was the closest thing in reach to get the job done without bringing too much attn to his scheme.
I'm just trying to loosely figure if her apt# was 5D or 50 just for kicks :lol:
Curtis has Courtney doing her product placement DameDash/Cam'ron style as kats are still steady on Rico's dick yrs later and eve more than they ever were the real Alpo hahahahaha


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So you think it was a coincidence that he killed her with a "Jesus Saves" pillow?

This Kanan character might be the worst thing about this show. There's really no good reason for him to still be around.

they could have kept him in DC
and made a decent side story out of it

i think the reactions to his cousin have been good
why not just build on that