You look at this man and his family and you see the entire historical dynamic between Afrikans and the white virus. Unable to duplicate, indeed to even comprehend, the class and dignity inherent to the Afrikan spirit, they chose to mock and degrade it; calling it savage and sub-human. It's all right there if you choose to see it.
Exactly - cacs don't want to see it b/c it would be a reminder of what they can never be (melanin rich) and who they are (they are the true barbarians and savages). Politics aside, Obama is a class act - he carries himself well, is intelligent, and he has the coolness that comes natural to brothers. Racist have done everything they can to discredit and take him out of character and he still doesn't loose his cool. On a show the other day somebody said that it bothers racists that their kids and grand kids will open up a history book and see a black man as president - this is a position that has always been reserved for so called intelligent white men. What are they going to say to their kids when they see that one of these things is different?