
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And you got people like this that will call the astute and insightful brotha in the video a coon -

@Big Tex
@Dr. Truth
@easy_b aka sleazy b
@lightbright aka wightbright
@Watcher / whatever his new screen name is
Also he’s not a coon at all. What he said makes total sense in normal times but Agent Orange ain’t normal. And did you catch what he said about the Republicoons? So let’s try that when Nimrata running against Kamala. The stakes will be lower.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
First I'd like to thank this coon here for nominating me. It's an honor to be mentioned with such an intelligent group of people. Truely BGOL's best. 2nd, keep my screen name out yo MFing mouth.
That’s a confirmed white man you’re responding to


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor


Seeing booty, imagining shit.
BGOL Patreon Investor
George Bush spoke at Hamptons graduation

Commencement Speeches​

Hampton University Commencement Speech​

President George H.W. Bush delivered the commencement address at Hampton University, a small and historically black school in Hampton, Virginia. He spoke on the necessity for free trade legislation with Mexico, public housing programs and the importance of education reforms for the U.S. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the school for his support for “historically black colleges and universities.” President Bush’s remarks were met with silent protest from the 1,023 graduating students in the audience. During the awarding of the degree, many students held clenched fists in the air or moaned when University President Harvey mentioned President Bush’s support for black institutions. Following President Bush’s introduction, most of the graduating students sat down abruptly after the singing of the school song in protest of President Bush’s presence at the school.
The students protested and a boat was blown up.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
And you got people like this that will call the astute and insightful brotha in the video a coon -

@Big Tex
@Dr. Truth
@easy_b aka sleazy b
@lightbright aka wightbright
@Watcher / whatever his new screen name is

I don't see what I can add to this thread that hasn't been said here or that I haven't said elsewhere.

I rarely use the word "coon" and that heathen you quoted is on ignore. When he wasn't on ignore his views on political topics changed with the wind depending upon who he wanted to troll or piss off that day. Any insightful point he may happen to make is usually outweighed by the rivers of BS you have to wade through to get to it and was never worth the trek. If you want me to comment on something he said post it directly and I'll consider it.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
I don't see what I can add to this thread that hasn't been said here or that I haven't said elsewhere.

I rarely use the word "coon" and that heathen you quoted is on ignore. When he wasn't on ignore his views on political topics changed with the wind depending upon who he wanted to troll or piss off that day. Any insightful point he may happen to make is usually outweighed by the rivers of BS you have to wade through to get to it and was never worth the trek. If you want me to comment on something he said post it directly and I'll consider it.
How you going to put Shady on ignore but not XCactor a whiteman who at one time went by BUMBAYDADOGG that used to claim Los Angeles gang sets until 213 called him out . Turns out hes actually some suburban wingding from the valley that was playing thug that got banned for using the N word. Now he’s showing his true colors as a conspiracy loon right wing white man


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see what I can add to this thread that hasn't been said here or that I haven't said elsewhere.

I rarely use the word "coon" and that heathen you quoted is on ignore. When he wasn't on ignore his views on political topics changed with the wind depending upon who he wanted to troll or piss off that day. Any insightful point he may happen to make is usually outweighed by the rivers of BS you have to wade through to get to it and was never worth the trek. If you want me to comment on something he said post it directly and I'll consider it.
I’m not talking about anything that @shaddyvillethug said but the video he posted of what Tony Brown said.

The reality is that Biden is only going to Morehouse because he needs a co-sign or he is done. This moment is the equivalent of what he did with Jim Clyburn but more powerful.

Not only has Biden been worse than most people thought but he is worse than his predecessor and likely the worst ever to hold the office.

The only people debating it are immigrants, LGBT and certain groups of women. Ashkenazi Jewish people don’t because they are above politics here.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
How you going to put Shady on ignore but not XCactor a whiteman who at one time went by BUMBAYDADOGG that used to claim Los Angeles gang sets until 213 called him out . Turns out hes actually some suburban wingding from the valley that was playing thug that got banned for using the N word. Now he’s showing his true colors as a conspiracy loon right wing white man

Are you sure he was Bumbay? Anyway, I don't put people on ignore simply because I disagree with them or they are an ass. As a mod its my job to help and be fair to everyone. The ones I have ignore are to keep my sanity and keep my blood pressure down.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I’m not talking about anything that @shaddyvillethug said but the video he posted of what Tony Brown said.

The reality is that Biden is only going to Morehouse because he needs a co-sign or he is done. This moment is the equivalent of what he did with Jim Clyburn but more powerful.

Not only has Biden been worse than most people thought but he is worse than his predecessor and likely the worst ever to hold the office.

The only people debating it are immigrants, LGBT and certain groups of women. Ashkenazi Jewish people don’t because they are above politics here.

I'm not taking him off ignore to view it.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I’m not talking about anything that @shaddyvillethug said but the video he posted of what Tony Brown said.

The reality is that Biden is only going to Morehouse because he needs a co-sign or he is done. This moment is the equivalent of what he did with Jim Clyburn but more powerful.

Not only has Biden been worse than most people thought but he is worse than his predecessor and likely the worst ever to hold the office.

The only people debating it are immigrants, LGBT and certain groups of women. Ashkenazi Jewish people don’t because they are above politics here.

Yall said he ignores black men, so now he is going to speak but now it's pandering. What would you have said had he turned down the invitation?

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
The homeless and poor under the I-20 overpass by Exxon bout to get cleaned out again like when Obama and Kamala came to speak.

Can't have them seeing the REAL West End.
You already know. :smh:


Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Are you sure he was Bumbay? Anyway, I don't put people on ignore simply because I disagree with them or they are an ass. As a mod its my job to help and be fair to everyone. The ones I have ignore are to keep my sanity and keep my blood pressure down.
100% it was confirmed


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I’m not talking about anything that @shaddyvillethug said but the video he posted of what Tony Brown said.

The reality is that Biden is only going to Morehouse because he needs a co-sign or he is done. This moment is the equivalent of what he did with Jim Clyburn but more powerful.

Not only has Biden been worse than most people thought but he is worse than his predecessor and likely the worst ever to hold the office.

The only people debating it are immigrants, LGBT and certain groups of women. Ashkenazi Jewish people don’t because they are above politics here.

This post is exactly proof of what I said earlier. First you undercover Republicans are saying that more needs to be done to address and connect with the Black community. SO then you have a sitting president go to an HBCU to give the commencement speech and SUDDENLY that's pandering.

Whats sad is that Xfag swears he's deep with these takes and never realizes how easy it is to prove him wrong cause he does it for you every time.

Every. Fucking. Time.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Are you sure he was Bumbay? Anyway, I don't put people on ignore simply because I disagree with them or they are an ass. As a mod its my job to help and be fair to everyone. The ones I have ignore are to keep my sanity and keep my blood pressure down.


Wait that dumb fuck @xfactor is really that asshole Bumbay?!?!?!?!



I always had a feeling it was a fake account but I had assumed it was one of the other dont vote morons on here.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
And you got people like this that will call the astute and insightful brotha in the video a coon -

@Big Tex
@Dr. Truth
@easy_b aka sleazy b
@lightbright aka wightbright
@Watcher / whatever his new screen name is

Thanks for the honorable mention. Although, I would not use that term for Mr. Tony Brown, It's interesting that your MAGA point of view would lump us together as a monolith train of thought.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
100% it was confirmed


Wait that dumb fuck @xfactor is really that asshole Bumbay?!?!?!?!



I always had a feeling it was a fake account but I had assumed it was one of the other dont vote morons on here.


Its true, I recall Bumbayy posting WILD GOP conspiracy theories before he changed the name


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you sure he was Bumbay? Anyway, I don't put people on ignore simply because I disagree with them or they are an ass. As a mod it’s my job to help and be fair to everyone. The ones I have ignore are to keep my sanity and keep my blood pressure down.
I’ve only had one username my entire time as a member here. Only a fool takes that failed troll, Asian tranny loving, crack cocaine addicted, kept male serious.

@Dr. Truth ’s mother was a crack addicted street walker and he grew up without a father but it is obvious his entire paternal line is full of faggots that think so-called black people are still enslaved.

That’s also why, despite calling any man with a backbone and common sense a “cracka” or “republikkkan” he still aspires to be like one everyday of his life. No real black man looks to another man, especially a racist geriatric like Joe Biden for anything.

@Dr. Tranny looks down when a white man is talking and crosses the street when a white woman walks by so he has to talk tough online because he knows he would get bitchslapped in public.

The braindead bastard doesn’t even provide comic relief anymore which is why I blocked him but that is what happens when a person fries their brain after decades of using stepped on cocaine.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall said he ignores black men, so now he is going to speak but now it's pandering. What would you have said had he turned down the invitation?
He is going to pander because nothing of substance will come out of it. His appearance will bomb just like Obama’s did. Pandering only works on people that aren’t about their business and idolaters.

People like @peterlongshort hope Biden will pull a Robert F. Smith but the only thing he did was cause a rift between the administration.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Students, Alum and Faculty want the President to rescind Biden's invite.

I was talking with some Brothers this morning, and this is the buzz right now. Even though I don't want to hear the man, the school should adhere to the invitation. They extended an invitation, don't let peer pressure cause you to back down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall said he ignores black men, so now he is going to speak but now it's pandering. What would you have said had he turned down the invitation?
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:....

You GOTTA be in a JOKey joke MOOD, here let me simplify the situation for the die hard dems

that are sooo indoctrinated with democratic mindfuckery, t
yall really dont get it, if it wasnt for us conspiracy realist..

yall die hard demoncratz would still be

taking yall eighty eighth vax and fifty fifth booster shot.....HA!

here let me break down

why NORMAL thinking people

who can apply..

simple logic and are NOT PSYCHOTIC

because we REFUSE to do the same shit over and over...

sleepy joe at the START Of his presidency-

Hey fags I see ya Im gonna support you with every bone in

my KKK supporting body, in fact you guys will be my NUMBER ONE LEGISLATIVE PRIORITY.....!

Joe biden and his merry band of tranny supporting democrats ..went ALL OUT for them too.....

NOTHING about us TRUE AUTHENTIC AMERICANS.. AKA REAL KNIGGAS for three plus fuckin years...

Sleepy Joe the minute his poll numbers are down in the fucking shit filled stopped up toilet...

NOW ... NOW he can SEE US... fuck sleepy JOE and even tho I love yall. but yall psychotic as fuck,

doing the same shit every voting season with these demoncrats, who only see kniggas come

vote time...and expecting different results..

now watch the played out tactic of attack the messenger when you cant handle the message ensues..

its so played out, its comical watching it unfold...

its the only tactics the die hard democrats KNOW because they looking mighty psychotic right now..

Now here comes the beta male simp tactic of attack the messenger,

LET THE PSYCHOTIC SIMP GAMES BEGIN.. it never fails with the die hard democrats..

so NOW he wants to speak at a black college about some wight supremacy THAT HE IS A WORKING PART OF...

ask joe biden, how come he dont lock his crack head son up, like he wanted to do, when he thought all the crack

heads were the real americans in the HOODs of America and not the wight boys in the burbs?? ask him THAT SHIT.. while you waste another hollow vote!!
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Students, Alum and Faculty want the President to rescind Biden's invite.

I was talking with some Brothers this morning, and this is the buzz right now. Even though I don't want to hear the man, the school should adhere to the invitation. They extended an invitation, don't let peer pressure cause you to back down.

extend invitation..???. HA.. you must mean.. TOOK THE BAG!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Real talk, one of the young Brothers asked the President of the school, did he take money. The president didn't answer.

Some felt that the young Brother was out of line for asking. I said, "No, I felt that it's a legitimate question to ask."

Not answering means he took money!

But...why did President need to offer money if he was invited? you mean....there could be more to it than just the invitation?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Real talk, one of the young Brothers asked the President of the school, did he take money. The president didn't answer.

Some felt that the young Brother was out of line for asking. I said, "No, I felt that it's a legitimate question to ask."

Of course it is.. great minds think alike...!!

simple minds vote democratic over and over again, and expect

different results!

fuckin psychos.. LOL


Rising Star
Platinum Member
He is going to pander because nothing of substance will come out of it. His appearance will bomb just like Obama’s did. Pandering only works on people that aren’t about their business and idolaters.

People like @peterlongshort hope Biden will pull a Robert F. Smith but the only thing he did was cause a rift between the administration.
Look at Hampton. They offered Free Tuition and Room and Board to Ukrainian students. Biden just signed off on billions to aid Ukraine. It could very well be a Robert Smith moment if folks think about it. There is always a rift between the administration, ask Samuel L. Jackson


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at Hampton. They offered Free Tuition and Room and Board to Ukrainian students. Biden just signed off on billions to aid Ukraine. It could very well be a Robert Smith moment if folks think about it. There is always a rift between the administration, ask Samuel L. Jackson
His issues were with the Board of Trustees, which essentially made it in-house incident that was publicized.

Biden is coming with the hope of obtaining the highest stamp of approval he can get from the so-called black community.

If he gets to deliver the speech and nothing of substance happens, David Thomas is gone. Not a loss because he isn’t a Morehouse Man anyway.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
His issues were with the Board of Trustees, which essentially made it in-house incident that was publicized.

Biden is coming with the hope of obtaining the highest stamp of approval he can get from the so-called black community.

If he gets to deliver the speech and nothing of substance happens, David Thomas is gone. Not a loss because he isn’t a Morehouse Man anyway.
Thomas is the best since Massey and it ain’t close.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You MAGATS always use the same line about criticizing Dems doesn’t mean you’re a Trump supporter.

Nobody here 100% blindly supports Dems, however the alternative is a party of Anti Black neo Nazis so. You MAGATS ONLY focus on Biden and Dems while ignoring anything the Republikkklans and Trump do and hide behind psuedo pretenses that you’re just being critical when in reality there is nothing Dems could do that you’d be happy with.
You’re a liar and a Trump supporter.
This shit right here is like 1000 percent true

They be like "I ain't no Trump supporter, but"

Then ramble off at least 5-10 things that Trump supporters say in his defense
