Pussy dripping but all he wants is the bootyhole


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
This shit is out of hand. How is this site turned into a bunch of ass fuckers that would rather fuck an ass than a warm soft pussy.... Shit is suspect. BUT THEN I TURNED ON MY VPN AND WATCHED THE VID.....

Sorry fellas, I talk all that shit I said back..... I have been Zodtised in the waters of Zodatanka........

You have not basked in Zods heavenly light so I do not pass judgement on you

welcome home.my brother, the light is divine, spread the Zospel and be unfruitful.

Zamen !


BGOL Investor
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Transnational Member

I never got this fascination of you Southern niggas about anal sex with a women. No wonder AIDS is prevalent and rampant in the South versus the North. Look at the data you Southern savages, 18 times higher transmission rate being a man with AIDS/bisexual and fucking a women in the ass.


Her rectum which is paper thin, cuts easily, with you shooting a hot load full of AIDS into her. With the prevalence of AIDS in the South, you should be promoting healthy insertive/receptive penile-vaginal sex.


We are going to civilize your savages, we should have done it after you was released from slavery.
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The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
That’s the issue with those who are not ordained and walk in the light of the Holey Trinity of Zod, The Reamdeemer, and the (former) Virgin Mother Jolie.
Zeacons never claimed that “would rather…” perform the ritual of compliance. We prefer to have total access to a woman’s facilities so that she may know true grace.
It’s a misconception that there is a rivalry between Zod and Quaid; they do not require compliance however they accept that the Zible compels us to follow the teachings. We often practice the teachings of the multi-fold lord Quaid and are better for it.
Go with Zod. Go with Quaid. Either way, they will know enlightenment.

The trinity is sanctified. Y’all got me paying more attention to this instead these women naked on this beach….


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I got y'all. Could be 2pi if the bitch zodhole is too big


One observation if I may? Shouldn't the "zero" at the bottom of the integral symbol be an "A"?

I understand why it isn't a negative infinity symbol, and I also understand why there isn't a positive infinity symbol above (pi is obviously the proper annotation here to make the equation true).

And the 2025 Nobel Prize for Mathematics goes to...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thread Title,



Dude just got out the BING, and his girlfriend thinks its gonna be one way,

but its the other..

I cant see passin up a tight wet pussy, over a shit hole, but

thats just me!!!

CARRY ON booty bandidos !!


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
This shit is out of hand. How is this site turned into a bunch of ass fuckers that would rather fuck an ass than a warm soft pussy.... Shit is suspect. BUT THEN I TURNED ON MY VPN AND WATCHED THE VID.....

Sorry fellas, I talk all that shit I said back..... I have been Zodtised in the waters of Zodatanka........
We doing both holes

You in her holy tabernacle of quaid, your thumb in her temple of zod

Now a real clean freak gonna want you to bless both holes

Out one temple then into the the other

We talkin grace on grace


Transnational Member

I never got this fascination of you Southern niggas about anal sex with a women. No wonder AIDS is prevalent and rampant in the South versus the North. Look at the data you Southern savages, 18 times higher transmission rate being a man with AIDS/bisexual and fucking a women in the ass.


Her rectum which is paper thin, cuts easily, with you shooting a hot load full of AIDS into her. With the prevalence of AIDS in the South, you should be promoting healthy insertive/receptive penile-vaginal sex.


We are going to civilize your savages, we should have done it after you was released from slavery.

This is why AIDS, is rampant in Africa, they kill gay fools, so they get in this fake relationship with a women, while butt fucking another man. The women gets AIDS that is high risk from anal sex or low risk vaginal just due to the the length of time they are together. If she leaves the relationship, for another monogamous one, the sheer frequency and length of time will eventually infect her new hetereosexual man.

Being tolerant and open to gays is protecting yourself, you are not promoting their lifestyle. You don't have to use a machete on a fool that is gay. Let them prance around with their gay lover means they are not bothering us.

AIDS is like getting tetanus from a rusty nail, it isn't automatic from sleeping with an infected person. Tear some rectum up with ZOD nonsense and you will definitely pass it on.
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Transnational Member

This is a women vagina and me inspecting the damage afterwards from unloading on her, it is a Cybertruck that is virtually impossible to cut. I am like non of these bullets were able to penetrate at close range.
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