The first piece of music I EVER bought in my life was Biz Markie’s “The Biz Never Sleeps.”
It was my introduction to mc’in, production, beet boxin’ and skits on wax.
He was my personal introduction to Hip Hop.
An awkward church kid from the South got to take New York in his Walkman wherever he went.
Man, I really had no idea this was gonna affect me like this, but this sh!t really, really hurts.
It’s Spring Again, Check it Out and A Thing Named Kim were my heavy rotators.
Double K - 43
MF Doom - 49
Ecstasy - 56
Prince Markie Dee - 52
DMX - 50
Black Rob - 52
Shock G - 57
Gift of Gab -50
Biz Markie - 57
almost all in the their 50`s ....

this shit crazy ...
MAN, Listen, can a Black man make it to f*cking retirement age?