R.I.P To The Legend Nelson Mandela July 18, 1918 ~ Dec. 5, 2013!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

Tha faux morning and celebration of his life from cacs is gonna be outrageous. :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

Sorry to say this, real Africans will understand. But I'm glad he's finally gone. Now we can get rid of all the muzungus. Only Africans are allowed to respond to this comment.​

I completely understand what youre saying. I may not be from africa, but I get it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

Sorry to say this, real Africans will understand. But I'm glad he's finally gone. Now we can get rid of all the muzungus. Only Africans are allowed to respond to this comment.​
Can't get rid of them until you get rid of tha gate keepers(Zuma,ANC) and no one wants to hear it but Mandela was very much apart of that crowd once he was released.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

Rest in splendid peace…if there is a man that deserves a good rest for his spirit after a life of sacrifice, punishment, torment, and also triumph and victory it is President Mandela.

i 1 2 4 Q

Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

just heard it on my car radio, A true warrior.

Travel Well .......................


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

Sorry to say this, real Africans will understand. But I'm glad he's finally gone. Now we can get rid of all the muzungus. Only Africans are allowed to respond to this comment.​
fuck outta here, we will respond to any fucking thing we want


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead


How is this not a sticky?

Well we have a mod here under the name of TEN...he will ban you for posting news of a dead white porn actor but yet he's no where to sticky this thread



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

I'm not sad, I'm celebration him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Nelson Mandela is dead


Natural causes I assume? It's all good. RIP, he's had his redemption after wrongfully imprisoned fortunately.

Again, Rest In Power.​