Rapper Hoodfame Lil Ronnie & His Daughter Were Reportedly Shot Killed At A Carwash In hometown, Fortworth, Texas


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man what the fuck!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:



It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I think I've reached my limit..... I can't watch any vids like that......... I can't

I'm not sure if/what homie did, but one thing I know for certain that lil girl didn't deserve that shit!

Fuck those dudes for that...... I hope they pay, for her..... that was a baby.
I put the spoiler on the video for a reason because I know not everyone wants to see it.


Rising Star
We've seen this before,remember young Dolph?right and if you're making legal money why stay and visit places you used to be before you changed things around?Fuck a hood pass,your going to end up doing something or having something done to you playing around.

Pack up and leave the area,the city,fuck it the state if you have to.I would much rather be harrassed by cac than be killed by someone that looks like me over bullshit.

If Will Smith didn't leave them niggas in west philly would of killed him.....leave.

On a much serious note,there's a local rapper in my city,a bunch of em but one that has had death all around him....he got the hint and left and been gone.