Its more like what movies YOU been watchin. This is real street ish. You aint gonna understand by watchin ish like The Wire or Oz. Hahaha. You think these dudes finna let something this slide? Just cause you dont hear bout what happens, dont mean that it isnt happening. Yall just hear/read about the surface shit. Meaning, yeah you gonna see what happened to get them caught up, the trial, maybe a few social media post months after being sentenced but these dudes gets YEARS. Its them months/years down the line when they feel they're safe enough to leave PC.What movie you been watching? No one is doing shit. These young niggas don't give a fuck about no kids dying.
Its a waiting game but most of these dudes too "gangsta" to PC and get dealt. Remember Eric Holder got knotted up while still goin to trial, while he was meeting with lawyers, while media was following the case, etc. and he STILL got touched. and he didnt kill no kids. He went straight PC after that. This aint a game but keep readin ur social media updates and ish. Hahaha
Like I say, the street have no code! but them walls do! Just watch