I can remember relatives and family friends returning from Nam as addicts. My mother blasted this dude named James with a shotgun as he shattered a window and was trying to climb through it. She blinded him.
Many years later, after he was released from prison, we'd run into him living next door to some cousins of ours, and him and my mother discussed what had happened with a lot of sorrow. He didn't hold it against my mom for doing what she had to do to protect her household. He was strung out and was looking for a fix.
This was when I was in the first or second grade but I remember when the fellas in our town were getting drafted, were gone, and how they were when they returned IF they returned.
There is a Veteran's Memorial in Tiptonville, TN with pavers engraved with the names of all who served/KIA from that town. Me, three of my siblings, and an Uncle are all represented there.
Everyone was Air Force but me and they never let me forget it. My family be like, "Tell me you were stupid without telling me you were stupid."